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Monday 21323

Back Squats

5 x 4 reps (Working up and back down in weight)

10 Rounds

3 Ring Muscle Up

3 Deficit HSPU

9 Box Jump Overs 24/20” (Step down)

PM Session

7 Rounds (1:1)

8 Burpee Over Rower

24/20 Calorie Row

8 Burpee Over Rower


30 reps for time @ 195/135#

Template Through December

Template Through December

Monday: Submax Method Lower, Repeat Effort Method, Mixed Modal Conditioning

Tuesday: Aerobic Capacity Method, Odd Object

Wednesday: Submax Method Upper, Repeat Effort Method, Mixed Model Conditioning

Thursday: Cardiac Output, High Rep Band work

Friday: Submax Method Lower, Repeat Effort Method

Saturday: Submax Method Upper, Repeat Effort Method, Glycolic Capacity

Sunday: Rest or Long Slow Cyclical work

Restorative Methods:

Epsom salt is also known as magnesium sulphate. Our first restorative technique consists of bathing for 10 to 20 minutes in a warm/hot bath to which 200-400 grams of Epsom salt is added.

1) After a high intensity workout (strength or speed-strength work), alternate between 30 seconds of cool water (but not too cold) and two minutes of hot water.
2) After a high volume workout (hypertrophy or strength-endurance work), alternate between 30 seconds of cold (as cold as you can stand) and two minutes of warm water

An ideal post-workout formula would include fast-absorbing proteins, high glycemic carbs, and some additional BCAAs (which have been shown to drastically increase protein synthesis and decrease protein breakdown on their own).

massages can increase lymph circulation and can reduce inflammation (especially deep tissue massage).

Saunas enhance circulation to the surface of the skin, this encourages the body’s natural detoxification process and oxidative by-products and toxins are released through the sweat. Aiding the body’s natural detoxification process further helps to counteract the oxidant by-products of strenuous exercise, enhancing the benefits and aiding overall recovery.

Thursday 9/29

3 sets:

15 Seated Straight Leg Raises (Straddle)

15 Seated Straight Leg Raises


2 x 20 Hamstring Curls

2 x 20 Reverse Hypers

Snatch 1x2/70,80,85,95% Training max

Emom 12

2 Snatch @70%

4 Rounds

40 Yard Sled Push

25 GHD Extensions

30 Yard Handstand Walk

3 Rounds

15 Delt Lateral raises

15 Delt Front Raises

15 DB Rear Lateral Raises

2 Min Rest

Wednesday 9/28

2 Rounds

0:20 Hanging Tuck Hold

10 Leg Raises (On paralletes)

10 Goblet Squats (w/2 sec pause in bottom & Hip circle around shins)

10 KB “Hip Shifts” (Go to YouTube and search “KB Hip Shift Squat university”)

2 Rounds

8 Curtsey Squats

3 x 0:10 Adductor MB Squeeze w/glute bridge


1x2/70,80,85,95% Training max

Emom 12

3 Deadlift @70%

5 Rounds (Every 3 Min)

10 Thrusters 135/95#

10 Toes to Bar

5 Bar Muscle Ups

Lat Pull Down x 6 (heavy)

Bent Over Row on Belt Squat x 12 (Moderate)

Chest Supported T-Raises x 24 (light)

Rest 3 min

Monday 9/26

2 Rounds for quality

0:20 L-Hang Hold

10 Goblet Squat (hip circle around shins)

0:15 L-Sit Hold

10 KB Hip Shifts (each side)


1x2/70,80,85,95% Training max +5-10

Emom 12

2 cleans @70%

Nordic Curl

Work up to failure 3x8

Round Back GHD Extensions

Work up to failure 3x15

Alternating Minutes x 10 minutes

Odd: 16/14 Calorie Row

Even: 6 Deficit Wall facing HSPU (Use plates like they used the block at the games)

Right into…

Alternating Minutes x 10 minutes

Odd: 12 Overhead Squats 135/95#

Even: 6 Ring Muscle Ups

6 Rounds (New round every 4:00)

400m Run

20yd Sled Push (+135/115#)

Thursday 9/22

2 rounds of:

10 L-Sit Leg Raises (On paralletes)

10 TEMPO Goblet Squats (w/hip circle around shins and pause in bottom)

3 x 0:10second Adductor ball squeeze (in slight bridge position)

10 KB Hip Shifts (each side)


3x 60/70/75/85% (10 lbs above your start weight last cycle)

Emom 10

3 @ 60%

10 Rounds (1:1 Each round)

5 Sandbag Cleans (Or D Ball Cleans) 150/100#

5 Ring Muscle Ups

With a partners for time

800m Run

100 Calorie Echo Bike (Split 10’s)

800m Run

Rest 5 minutes

800m Run

100 Calorie Echo Bike (Split 10’s)

800m Run

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