2 rounds of:
10 L-Sit Leg Raises (On paralletes)
10 TEMPO Goblet Squats (w/hip circle around shins and pause in bottom)
3 x 0:10second Adductor ball squeeze (in slight bridge position)
10 KB Hip Shifts (each side)
3x 60/70/75/85% (10 lbs above your start weight last cycle)
Emom 10
3 @ 60%
10 Rounds (1:1 Each round)
5 Sandbag Cleans (Or D Ball Cleans) 150/100#
5 Ring Muscle Ups
With a partners for time
800m Run
100 Calorie Echo Bike (Split 10’s)
800m Run
Rest 5 minutes
800m Run
100 Calorie Echo Bike (Split 10’s)
800m Run