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Wednesday 9/22

2 Rounds

0:20 Hanging Tuck Hold

10 Leg Raises (On paralletes)

10 Goblet Squats (w/2 sec pause in bottom & Hip circle around shins)

10 KB “Hip Shifts” (Go to YouTube and search “KB Hip Shift Squat university”)

2 Rounds

8 Curtsey Squats

3 x 0:10 Adductor MB Squeeze w/glute bridge


1x4/60,70,75,85% Training max

Emom 10

4 Deadlift @60%

4 Rounds (Every 5 Min)

20 Cal Row

7 Muscle Ups

20 Burpees

BBBW (Bobs Big Back Wednesday)

Monday W1 9/19


1x3/60,70,75,85% Training max (Add 10 lbs from the start of last cycle)

Emom 10

3 cleans @60%

2 Rounds

0:10 Tuck Hold

0:10 L-Sit Hold w/slow leg raises

10 Goblet Squat w/2-3 sec pause in bottom (hip circle band around shins)

3 x 0:10 Adductor Med Ball Squeeze (Lying in bridge position, butt slightly elevated off floor)

5 Rounds (New round every 3:00)

400m Run

10 Thrusters 115/75#

AMRAP 5 minutes

3 Rounds of:

5 Ring Muscle Ups

5 Wall Walks

Then, with any time remaining, Max Calorie Bike Erg

Rest 3 minutes and repeat.

3 Sets

20 Toe touches (Legs straight up in the air, reach and touch toes like a v-up)

12 Weighted Hip Extension (W/empty bar on back)

10 Double DB Bent Over Rows w/pause @ top

10 Plate Raises

Thursday 9/15

15 Min Hip Flow

Use your own or this is a good one

A1) Nordic Curl 4x8

A2) GHD Bent Knee Extensions 4x12

A3) Machine Hamstring Curl 4x24


Every 2:00 x 10 Rounds

5 Strict Deficit HSPU

15 Wall Ball 20/14

10 Toes to Bar

Wed 9/14

4 Sets for quality

10 L-Sit Leg Raises (Support on parallel bars and then raise toes as high as possible)

10 Goblet Squats (w/2-3 sec pause in bottom, holding KB)

0:20 Tuck Hold (Hold on Paralletes hips as high as possible behind hands.)

10 Curtsey Squats (each leg)

6 Rounds for time

400m Run

40 Yard Sled Push

40 Yard Sand Bag Carry (Bear Hug)

BBW =-)

Tuesday 9/13

10 Rounds (New round every 3:00)

15/12 Calorie Row

10 Burpee Over Rower


De-Load Week

4 Rounds for quality

0:10 Tuck Hold

0:30 seconds Hollow Body Hold

10 Goblet Squats w/pause @ bottom for 3 sec each rep

Power Clean

3 EMOM for 10 Min @55%

AMRAP 20 minutes (Or 10 rounds, whichever comes first)

3 Strict Muscle Up

15 Bar Dips

30 Air Squats

Reverse Hyper

4x20 @50% Squat Max

4x15 Round Back GHD Ext

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