2 Rounds for quality
0:20 L-Hang Hold
10 Goblet Squat (hip circle around shins)
0:15 L-Sit Hold
10 KB Hip Shifts (each side)
1x2/70,80,85,95% Training max +5-10
Emom 12
2 cleans @70%
Nordic Curl
Work up to failure 3x8
Round Back GHD Extensions
Work up to failure 3x15
Alternating Minutes x 10 minutes
Odd: 16/14 Calorie Row
Even: 6 Deficit Wall facing HSPU (Use plates like they used the block at the games)
Right into…
Alternating Minutes x 10 minutes
Odd: 12 Overhead Squats 135/95#
Even: 6 Ring Muscle Ups
6 Rounds (New round every 4:00)
400m Run
20yd Sled Push (+135/115#)