Monday, September 21- Friday, September 25

Monday, 9/21

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 10 bootstrappers + 20 m alternating quad stretch + 20 m bear crawl + 5 burpees + 5 push ups 


Every 2:30 for 10:00 (4 rounds), build to moderately heavy complex: 

2 clusters (clean into a thruster, twice)

4 push press 

6 front squats 


3 rounds for time: 

21 Thrusters (65/95)

15 Toes to bar or knees to elbow 

400 meter run 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 2:00 Sorensen hold or Superman hold, weighted if possible 

Tuesday, 9/22

Warm up: :45 wrist stretch + :45 reverse Samson + 2 rounds with empty barbell - 4 clean pulls + 4 clean high pulls + 4 muscle cleans + 10 lateral hops over bar 


Every :90 for 4 rounds: 

1st: 4 power cleans with :03 pause at knee (focus on maintaining tension in lats and straight arms until you clear your hips; keep weight light, around 65/95)

2nd: :45 double unders


Every 2:00 until failure: 

10/12 calorie row 


Power cleans 

*Score is total number of cleans; continue counting up by 2’s until you can no longer complete your number of cleans in 2:00 timeframe

**95/135 for competitive athlete, 65/95 for health athlete 

Accessory (optional): 

1-2 rounds:

100 mountain climbers 

:60 plank 

Wednesday, 9/23

Warm up: 2 rounds - 12 banded good mornings + 20 m walking lunges + :30 hollow rocks + 5 inch worms w/push up + 10 kip swings 


In 15:00, build to moderate Deadlift triple 

*Get 5-10 HSPU between sets 


80/100 calorie bike 

*E2MOM complete 4-6 pull-ups or ring rows

** Start with Pull-ups 


Accumulate 60 banded lat pull downs 

Thursday, 9/24

Warm up: 2 rounds - :30 wall sit + :30 straddle stretch + 10 plate ground to overhead + 10 plate overhead alternating lunges + 5 overhead squats with pvc 


12:00 EMOM: 

1st: 8 DB or KB split squats, right (35/50)

2nd: 8 DB or KB split squats, left (35/50) 

3rd: 4 muscle snatches (35/45) 



Power snatch (65/95)

Air squats 

2:00 rest


Power snatch (85/115)

Overhead squats 

*Don’t worry if you cannot hit the above weight. The goal is just to go a little heavier for the second part.  


Accumulate 30 renegade rows (15/side) 

Friday, 9/25

Warm up: 2 rounds - :30 plank + :30 crab stretch + 5 bench press with empty bar + :30 side plank/side + :30 T-spine stretch


In 15:00, complete 4-6 sets of the following: 

6 Bench press @ 70% 1RM 

12 plank ups 

18 KB swings 




Double unders (or 100-80-60-40-20 single unders) 



Accumulate 30 ring dips, dips off GHD, or 60 dips from box or bench or 60 tricep pulls 

Saturday, 9/26

Warm up: 10 pass throughs + 10 around the worlds + 3 rounds - 3 back squats, starting with empty bar and building in weight each round


In 14:00, build to moderate/tough back squat or box squat or goblet squat triple


60 Wall balls 

50 Pull-ups 

40 Push press (65/95)

30 Burpee box jumps or burpee step ups 


Accumulate 3:00 wall sit 

Monday 9/14 - Friday 9/18

Monday, September 14 

Warm up: 2 rounds

10 warrior squats, 10 pvc pass through, :90 bike (focus on nose breathing), 10 kb suitcase deadlifts

Strength: 14 minutes 

starting at 95/65 pounds build to a heavy single deadlift

WOD: Use 80% of Deadlift max from Strength 

5 rounds

8/10 cal bike

5 deadlifts at 80%

7 handstand push ups or hand release push ups


20 barbell glute bridges with 80% 

Tuesday, September 15

Warm up: :30 pigeon stretch, 10 t spine stretch, 200 m run (Nose breathing) then 

2 rounds 20 reverse lunges, 10 trx row, 10 overhead squat with pvc or barbell

Strength: 14 min emom

1: 4 muscle snatches start at 95/65 or lighter, can add weight each round

2: 200 m row/ski or 9 cal/7cal bike


3 rounds

400 m run

20 hang power snatch 65/45 advanced 95/65

50 double unders or 100 jump rope

optional abs : who can get the most unbroken

Must do 10 before 20 and so on. Can rest between sets for however long

10 unbroken toes to bar or knees to elbow

If completed


If completed


Wednesday, 9/16

Warm up: 4 rounds - 100 m row/ski or 10 cal bike - Start at 75% and gradually increase to sprint on last round (Rest 1:00 between rounds); Shoulder and hip mobility (coaches choice)

Strength: 12:00 EMOM:

1: 3 squat cleans @ 75% 1 RM

2: :20 L-sit, L-hang, or tuck hang


2 rounds, for time:

10 pistol squats

20 pull ups

30 DB cleans (50/35)

40 kb swings 54/35

Accessory (optional):

2 rounds -

30 crush grip kb curls (hold kb by ball not handles)

30 band pull aparts 

Thursday, September 17

Warm up: 2 rounds -: 10 death march steps/leg, 15 banded bent over row, 10 tall box step ups


In 14:00, build to a tough jerk or split jerk, or stay light/moderate and complete 5 jerks per set

*Complete 20 shoulder taps from plank between lifts


4 rounds, for time:

16 calorie row

8 push press @ 70% of weight used for split jerk

200 meter run

10 toes to bar or knees to elbow

Accessory: 30 weighted reverse crunches, 20 v ups, 20 plank ups (10 per side)

Friday, September 18

Warm up : 3 rounds - :30 jacks + 10 push ups + :30 plank + 10 jumping squats


Every :90 for 4 rounds:

1st: 5 wall walks or pike to plank

2nd: 7 bent over rows/side


For time:


Bar facing burpees

Front squats (95/135 or 65/95)

Accessory : 

200 m Farmers carry

Monday September 14 - Friday September 18

Monday September 14 

Warm up: 2 rounds

10 warrior squats, 10 pvc pass through, :90 bike (focus on nose breathing), 10 kb suitcase deadlifts

Strength: 14 minutes 

starting at 95/65 pounds build to a heavy single deadlift

Wod: Use 80% of Deadlift max from Strength 

5 rounds

8/10 cal bike

5 deadlifts at 80%

7 handstand push ups or hand release push ups


20 barbell glute bridges with 80% 

Tuesday september 15

Warm up: :30 pigeon stretch, 10 t spine stretch, 200 m run (Nose breathing) then 

2 rounds 20 reverse lunges, 10 trx row, 10 overhead squat with pvc or barbell

Strength: 14 min emom

1: 4 muscle snatches start at 95/65 or lighter, can add weight each round

2: 200 m row/ski or 9 cal/7cal bike


3 rounds

400 m run

20 hang power snatch 65/45 advanced 95/65

50 double unders or 100 jump rope

optional abs : who can get the most unbroken

Must do 10 before 20 and so on. Can rest between sets for however long

10 unbroken toes to bar or knees to elbow

If completed


If completed


Wednesday september 16 

Warm up: 4 rounds

100 m row/ski or 10 cal bike

Rest 1-2 minutes

Start at 75% and gradually increase to sprint on last round (Nose breathing)

Strength: 12 min emom

1: 10 heavy wall balls 30/20 more advanced 16 wall balls

2: 16 oh plate lunges 45/25 more advanced 16 double kb lunges use appropriate weight

3: :20 L sit or knee tuck hang

Wod: 20 min time cap

2 rounds

20 pull ups

30 db clean and jerk 50/35

40 kb swings 54/35

Accessory: optional 2 rounds

30 crush grip kb curls (hold kb by ball not handles)

30 band pull aparts 

Thursday september 17

Warm up: 2 rounds

20 death march steps (10 per leg), 15 banded bent over row, 10 tall box step ups

Strength: 14 minute emom

1 split jerk or push jerk 

Start at 95/65 or less and add weight each round


500 m row 

Grace (30 clean and jerk) (135/95)

Accessory: 30 weighted reverse crunches, 20 v ups, 20 plank ups (10 per side)

Friday september 18 

Warm up : 3 rounds

5 pull up, 10 push up, 15 air squat

strength : 12 minutes to find 6 rep max db bench press

Wod: 10 rounds

10 single arm db box step overs 50/35 

10 alt single arm db hang clean and jerk

Accessory : 

200 m overhead db carry

200 m farmer carry db or kb 

Tuesday September 8- Friday September 11

Tuesday september 8 

Warm up: 20 m skip for height, 20 m skip for distance, 10 lunges, 10 ring rows x2


Strength: 12 min emom 

1: 4 dB snatches heavy 50/70 

2: 5 burpees 

Wod: 15 min amrap

20 plate to overhead 45/25 

20 oh plate lunges (10 per leg )

10 burpees with jump on the plate 

Accessory: 30 banded internal rotations, 30 banded external rotations, 30 underhand band pull aparts

Wednesday september 9

Warm up: :20 bottom of squat with barbell (back squat position), 20 tall box step ups, 10 scap pull ups x2

Strength: 10 min to build to heavy back squat ( when you finish keep weight on bar)

Wod: (Use same weight that you just finished finding your max back squat at) 

2 back squat

10 calorie row bike ski or 100 m run

12 rounds 

Accessory: 30 windshield wipers with barbell, 30 russian twist

Thursday september 10 

Warm up: 10 warrior squats, :30 pec stretch, :30 handstand or plank hold

Strength: 14 minutes 

Build to a heavy 6 push press unbroken 

Wod: use same from strength part for push press for wod as for deadlift 

15 rounds

1 push press (use 6rep max from above) 

7 sumo deadlift high pull

10 air squats 

Accessory: optional 3 rounds 

:20 second hollow hold

15 reverse crunch 

10 toe touches

5 v ups

Friday september 11

Warm up: 10 good mornings with barbell, 10 box jumps, 10 chest pass with med ball at wall  x3

Strength: 12 min Emom

1: 10 heavy kb swings #72 #54

2: :30 plank 

Wod: 27-21-15-9

Bench Press 

Calorie row or ski

August 31-September 4

Monday, 8/31

Warm up: 2 rounds - 8 inch worms + :30 pigeon stretch/side + :30 frog stretch + 20 jumping jacks + 10 jumping squats 


In 15:00, build to a heavy front squat single (85-90%) or stay light/moderate and complete sets of 5-10

*:30-:45 double under or jump rope practice between lifts 


For Time: 

100 Hang clean and press (65/95) 

*Every time you break, complete 12 1-arm DB overhead lunges (35/50)

**Scale up if you desire - 75/105

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 3:00 KB front rack hold 

Tuesday, 9/1

Warm up: 2 rounds - :30 HS hold or plank + 20 m Spider-Man stretch + 20 m broad jumps + :30 crab stretch + 15 sit ups 


Every :90 for 4 rounds: 

1st: 10-12 touch and go Deadlifts (60-65% 1RM) 

2nd: :45 Handstand practice (e.g., HSPU, wall walks, HS walks, plank with feet elevated, etc)


For time: 

500 meter row or ski, or 25 calorie bike 

15 front squats (95/135)

500 meter row or ski, or 25 calorie bike 

12 front squats 

500 meter row or ski, or 25 calorie bike 

9 front squats 

Accessory (optional): 

50 quadruped hip extensions/side 

Wednesday, 9/2

Warm up: 2 rounds - 20 m skip for height + 50 mountain climbers + 10 v-ups + :30 downward dog calf marches


Every :90 for 4 rounds: 

1st: :45 plank, weighted if possible

2nd: 5-7 Strict pull ups or 8-10 ring rows 



Power snatch (weight listed below) or DB snatch (42-30-18)

Toes to bar 

*50 Double unders after each rounds, or 100 singles 

*Increase snatch weight for each round if possible.  Round of 21: 65/95; Round of 15: 75/105; Round of 9: 85/115

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate a 2:00 wall sit (weighted if possible) 

Thursday, 9/3

Warm up:  :30 wrist stretch + 2 rounds - 12 banded bent over rows + 5 push ups + :45 plank + 10 Russian baby makers 


In 15:00: 

Build to a tough set of 8 alternating back rack lunges 

*Complete 10 renegade rows between sets 


3:00 AMRAP for 3 rounds (1:00 rest between rounds)

10 Thrusters (55/75)

10 Bar-facing burpees 

*Score is total number of reps 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 200 flutter kicks (weighted if possible) 

Friday, 9/4

Warm up: 3 rounds with pvc - 10 pass throughs + 10 around the worlds + :30 T-spine stretch + 10 reverse Samsons 


In 15:00: 

Build to 75% 1RM bench press, then alternate between the following movements for 4-5 rounds: 

5 Bench press @75%

6-8 chest to bar pull ups or traditional pull ups or ring rows (focus on kipping rhythm), or 1-3 muscle ups 


For time: 

1,000 m row or ski, or 50 calorie bike 

Then, 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

Deadlifts (155/225)

Single DB step overs (35/50)

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 30 push ups or deficit push ups 

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