Monday, September 14
Warm up: 2 rounds
10 warrior squats, 10 pvc pass through, :90 bike (focus on nose breathing), 10 kb suitcase deadlifts
Strength: 14 minutes
starting at 95/65 pounds build to a heavy single deadlift
WOD: Use 80% of Deadlift max from Strength
5 rounds
8/10 cal bike
5 deadlifts at 80%
7 handstand push ups or hand release push ups
20 barbell glute bridges with 80%
Tuesday, September 15
Warm up: :30 pigeon stretch, 10 t spine stretch, 200 m run (Nose breathing) then
2 rounds 20 reverse lunges, 10 trx row, 10 overhead squat with pvc or barbell
Strength: 14 min emom
1: 4 muscle snatches start at 95/65 or lighter, can add weight each round
2: 200 m row/ski or 9 cal/7cal bike
3 rounds
400 m run
20 hang power snatch 65/45 advanced 95/65
50 double unders or 100 jump rope
optional abs : who can get the most unbroken
Must do 10 before 20 and so on. Can rest between sets for however long
10 unbroken toes to bar or knees to elbow
If completed
If completed
Wednesday, 9/16
Warm up: 4 rounds - 100 m row/ski or 10 cal bike - Start at 75% and gradually increase to sprint on last round (Rest 1:00 between rounds); Shoulder and hip mobility (coaches choice)
Strength: 12:00 EMOM:
1: 3 squat cleans @ 75% 1 RM
2: :20 L-sit, L-hang, or tuck hang
2 rounds, for time:
10 pistol squats
20 pull ups
30 DB cleans (50/35)
40 kb swings 54/35
Accessory (optional):
2 rounds -
30 crush grip kb curls (hold kb by ball not handles)
30 band pull aparts
Thursday, September 17
Warm up: 2 rounds -: 10 death march steps/leg, 15 banded bent over row, 10 tall box step ups
In 14:00, build to a tough jerk or split jerk, or stay light/moderate and complete 5 jerks per set
*Complete 20 shoulder taps from plank between lifts
4 rounds, for time:
16 calorie row
8 push press @ 70% of weight used for split jerk
200 meter run
10 toes to bar or knees to elbow
Accessory: 30 weighted reverse crunches, 20 v ups, 20 plank ups (10 per side)
Friday, September 18
Warm up : 3 rounds - :30 jacks + 10 push ups + :30 plank + 10 jumping squats
Every :90 for 4 rounds:
1st: 5 wall walks or pike to plank
2nd: 7 bent over rows/side
For time:
Bar facing burpees
Front squats (95/135 or 65/95)
Accessory :
200 m Farmers carry