Monday, 9/21

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 10 bootstrappers + 20 m alternating quad stretch + 20 m bear crawl + 5 burpees + 5 push ups 


Every 2:30 for 10:00 (4 rounds), build to moderately heavy complex: 

2 clusters (clean into a thruster, twice)

4 push press 

6 front squats 


3 rounds for time: 

21 Thrusters (65/95)

15 Toes to bar or knees to elbow 

400 meter run 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 2:00 Sorensen hold or Superman hold, weighted if possible 

Tuesday, 9/22

Warm up: :45 wrist stretch + :45 reverse Samson + 2 rounds with empty barbell - 4 clean pulls + 4 clean high pulls + 4 muscle cleans + 10 lateral hops over bar 


Every :90 for 4 rounds: 

1st: 4 power cleans with :03 pause at knee (focus on maintaining tension in lats and straight arms until you clear your hips; keep weight light, around 65/95)

2nd: :45 double unders


Every 2:00 until failure: 

10/12 calorie row 


Power cleans 

*Score is total number of cleans; continue counting up by 2’s until you can no longer complete your number of cleans in 2:00 timeframe

**95/135 for competitive athlete, 65/95 for health athlete 

Accessory (optional): 

1-2 rounds:

100 mountain climbers 

:60 plank 

Wednesday, 9/23

Warm up: 2 rounds - 12 banded good mornings + 20 m walking lunges + :30 hollow rocks + 5 inch worms w/push up + 10 kip swings 


In 15:00, build to moderate Deadlift triple 

*Get 5-10 HSPU between sets 


80/100 calorie bike 

*E2MOM complete 4-6 pull-ups or ring rows

** Start with Pull-ups 


Accumulate 60 banded lat pull downs 

Thursday, 9/24

Warm up: 2 rounds - :30 wall sit + :30 straddle stretch + 10 plate ground to overhead + 10 plate overhead alternating lunges + 5 overhead squats with pvc 


12:00 EMOM: 

1st: 8 DB or KB split squats, right (35/50)

2nd: 8 DB or KB split squats, left (35/50) 

3rd: 4 muscle snatches (35/45) 



Power snatch (65/95)

Air squats 

2:00 rest


Power snatch (85/115)

Overhead squats 

*Don’t worry if you cannot hit the above weight. The goal is just to go a little heavier for the second part.  


Accumulate 30 renegade rows (15/side) 

Friday, 9/25

Warm up: 2 rounds - :30 plank + :30 crab stretch + 5 bench press with empty bar + :30 side plank/side + :30 T-spine stretch


In 15:00, complete 4-6 sets of the following: 

6 Bench press @ 70% 1RM 

12 plank ups 

18 KB swings 




Double unders (or 100-80-60-40-20 single unders) 



Accumulate 30 ring dips, dips off GHD, or 60 dips from box or bench or 60 tricep pulls 

Saturday, 9/26

Warm up: 10 pass throughs + 10 around the worlds + 3 rounds - 3 back squats, starting with empty bar and building in weight each round


In 14:00, build to moderate/tough back squat or box squat or goblet squat triple


60 Wall balls 

50 Pull-ups 

40 Push press (65/95)

30 Burpee box jumps or burpee step ups 


Accumulate 3:00 wall sit 

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