Tuesday september 8 

Warm up: 20 m skip for height, 20 m skip for distance, 10 lunges, 10 ring rows x2


Strength: 12 min emom 

1: 4 dB snatches heavy 50/70 

2: 5 burpees 

Wod: 15 min amrap

20 plate to overhead 45/25 

20 oh plate lunges (10 per leg )

10 burpees with jump on the plate 

Accessory: 30 banded internal rotations, 30 banded external rotations, 30 underhand band pull aparts

Wednesday september 9

Warm up: :20 bottom of squat with barbell (back squat position), 20 tall box step ups, 10 scap pull ups x2

Strength: 10 min to build to heavy back squat ( when you finish keep weight on bar)

Wod: (Use same weight that you just finished finding your max back squat at) 

2 back squat

10 calorie row bike ski or 100 m run

12 rounds 

Accessory: 30 windshield wipers with barbell, 30 russian twist

Thursday september 10 

Warm up: 10 warrior squats, :30 pec stretch, :30 handstand or plank hold

Strength: 14 minutes 

Build to a heavy 6 push press unbroken 

Wod: use same from strength part for push press for wod as for deadlift 

15 rounds

1 push press (use 6rep max from above) 

7 sumo deadlift high pull

10 air squats 

Accessory: optional 3 rounds 

:20 second hollow hold

15 reverse crunch 

10 toe touches

5 v ups

Friday september 11

Warm up: 10 good mornings with barbell, 10 box jumps, 10 chest pass with med ball at wall  x3

Strength: 12 min Emom

1: 10 heavy kb swings #72 #54

2: :30 plank 

Wod: 27-21-15-9

Bench Press 

Calorie row or ski

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