August 24-28

Monday 8/24 

Warm up: 2 rounds - 20 m DB death march + 10 med ball clean and press + :30 pigeon stretch + 10 pass throughs 


In 12:00, work to a moderate/heavy complex: 

1 power clean + 1 hang power clean + 1 jerk OR stay light/moderate to work on form (if staying light, complete 1 complex every :60-:90)


50 calorie buy-in, followed by 2:00 rest

Then, 4 rounds for time: 

12 Toes to bar or knees to elbow 

24 Wall balls 

48 double unders or 96 singles 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 2:00 Russian twists 

Accumulate 2:00 plank with forearms on med ball 

Tuesday 8/25 

Warm up: shoulder stretch (coaches choice) +  2 rounds - 8 push ups + 20 m Frankensteins + 20 m penguin walk + :20 kipping or bar hang 


Every :90 for 4 rounds: 

1st: :45 work on tough pull exercise (e.g., butterfly kipping or S kip pull ups, strict pull ups, ring or bar muscle ups, horizontal ring rows or barbell rows)

2nd: 8/10 calorie bike - pay attention to RPM’s and try to exceed each round.  Start moderate, work to sprint.


3 rounds for time: 

15 KB swings (use hips, keep heels down) 

10 hang power cleans (85/125) or DB hang power cleans 

15 box jumps or step ups 

10 push jerks (85/125) or DB push jerks 

15 bar facing burpees or DB facing burpees 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 30 barbell or DB glute bridges

Wednesday 8/26 

Warm up: 2 rounds - 12 good mornings + :30 handstand hold or plank + 20 meter walking lunges + 20 m high knees 


In 15:00, build to a tough Deadlift double - a little heavier than you built to last week, or 75% 1RM


Every 3:00 for 6 rounds: 

3 DB thrusters (35/50) 

6 Handstand push ups, pike push ups off box or bench, or hand release push ups 

9 Deadlifts (125/185) or DB/KB Deadlifts 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 30-40 split stance squats/side (bodyweight only) 

Thursday, 8/27

Warm up: 2 rounds - 20 m Spider-Man stretch + 20 m bear crawl + 12 banded pull aparts + 5 burpees 


Every :60 for 12:00: 

1st: 5 strict press @ 65% 1RM

2nd: :30 v-ups or single leg v-ups 


3 rounds for time: 

400 meter run 

16 alternating 1-arm DB snatch 

400 meter run 

16 alternating 1-arm hang clean and jerk 


Accumulate :60 weighted star plank or side plank/side 

Friday 8/28

Warm up: 2 rounds - 10 Russian baby makers + :30 chest opening stretch + :30 alternating quad stretch + 10 banded forward raises + 10 banded rows 


In 12:00, work to a moderate/heavy back squat or box squat  (a little heavier than what you plan to do for the WOD) OR work on 5 goblet squats with a :05 descent every :90-2:00

WOD (20:00 cap): 

Alternate between the following, for time: 


Pull ups or ring rows 


Front squats (95/135) or goblet squats 

Accessory (optional): 

200 m Farmers carry 

August 17-21

Monday, August 17

Warm up:  20 pass throughs + 2 rounds: :30 squat hold + 10 reverse Samson’s + :30 hamstring stretch + 10 v-ups


Every 2:30, complete both exercises for 4 rounds: 

5 1 ¼ squats (back rack @ 65% of back squat 1RM, or use DB’s)

6-8 strict toes to bar, hanging leg raises, or hanging knee raises, or slow and controlled reverse crunches on floor 


Every 4:00 for 6 rounds: 

9 Devil press (35/50 Rx, less for health athlete) 

18/24 calories

*The goal here is to maintain similar times in each interval.  

** If you do not get at least :30 of rest, adjust weight or reps to allow rest

***If sharing DB’s, 1 person will row, bike or ski first and complete devil presses second 

Accessory (optional)

2-3 rounds: 

6 single leg kb deadlift/side 

Tuesday, August 18

Warm up: 2 rounds - :30 Spider-Man stretch/side/side + :30 pigeon stretch/side + :30 banded side steps + 10 kb suitcase deadlifts/side 


In 15:00, build to a tough set of 3 Deadlifts (around 70% 1RM, or a little heavier than what you plan to do in the EMOM) 

*10 v-ups between lifts 


For time: 

15:00 EMOM: 

1st: 5-7 Deadlifts (155/225 Rx, 185/275 Rx plus, or lower for health athlete)

2nd: Max wall balls 

3rd: Rest 

*Score is total number of wall balls 

**Can use barbell, DB’s or KB’s for Deadlifts

Accessory (optional):

Accumulate 2:00 alternating reverse lunges (deficit from plate if possible) 

Wednesday, August 19

Warm up: 200 meters + 2 rounds - :30 crab bridge + 12 banded pull aparts + 12 banded rows + :30 side plank/side 


In 15:00, work on the following jerk sequence: 


Push press, push jerk, or split jerk 

*Build in weight for each set if possible. Can use barbell, DB’s or KB’s

**Start with push press, switch to jerks as weight gets heavier and reps get lower


For time: 

500 meter row, ski, run, or 30 cal bike 

25 pull ups or ring rows 

400 meter row, ski, run, or 25 cal bike 

20 pull ups or ring rows 

300 m row, ski, run, or 20 cal bike 

15 pull ups or ring rows 

200 meter row, ski, run, or 15 cal bike 

10 pull ups or ring rows 

100 meter row, ski, run, or 10 cal bike 

5 pull ups or ring rows 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 30-50 banded lat pull downs 

Thursday, August 20

Warm up: With an empty bar or pvc, complete 3 rounds of the following: 

5 clean pulls + 3 clean high pulls + 3 muscle cleans + 3 front squats 

Mobility: Hips (coaches choice) 


In 12:00: 

Build to a heavy power clean single (PR anyone?) or stay light/moderate and work on form (if staying light/moderate or using DBs, complete 5-7 power cleans every :60) 



Hang power cleans (95/135 Rx, 65/95 Health) or DB power cleans 

Front squats 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate a total of 2:00 double DB or KB overhead hold, or plate overhead hold - tight glutes and core, lock out elbows and shoulders 

Friday, August 21

Warm up: 2 rounds - :30 pec stretch/side + 10 downward dog push ups + 16 shoulder taps + :30 Superman hold 


In 15:00, complete 5-7 rounds of the following: 

5 Bench Press @70% 1RM (or a little heavier than last week) or 10 DB bench 

10 single arm DB or KB overhead lunges (5/side) 


5 rounds: 

In 2:00, complete: 

10 hang power snatch (65/95)

30 double unders or 60 singles 

Max burpees 

*:60 rest between rounds 

**Score is total number of burpees 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 30-50 banded tricep pulls 

August 10-14

Monday, August 10

Warm up: 2 rounds - :30 kipping practice + 5 burpees + :20 handstand hold or plank + :30 frog stretch + :30 hamstring stretch


Every :30 for 8 rounds: 

3-5 Handstand Push ups or HSPU progressions (pike push ups or traditional push ups)

*Drop reps or work every :60 if needed 

2:00 rest

Then, every :30 for 8 rounds: 

3-5 Kipping Pull-ups, ring rows, or supine barbell rows, or 1-3 muscle ups 

*Drop reps or work every :60 if needed 


3 rounds for time: 

400 meter run

30 Kettlebell swings (35/55)

20 wall balls (14/20)

Accessory (optional):

Accumulate 2:00 plank (weighted if possible)

Accumulate 2:00 hollow hold 

Tuesday, August 11

Warm up:  :30 wrist stretch + 2 rounds - 5 inch worms w/push up + :30 T-spine stretch + :30 Spiderman stretch/side + :30 jump jacks 


Every :90 for 4 rounds: 

1st: 2 clean pulls + 3 power cleans (75% 1RM) or 10 DB or KB Deadlifts 

2nd: :45 double under practice or single under form work - focus on slow, steady jump, moving at wrists, not elbows or shoulders


12:00 AMRAP: 

10/12 calorie row 

5 Push press (no heavier than 95/135) or DB press 

10/12 calorie row 

5 Hang power cleans (no heavier than 95/135) or double DB power cleans 

Accessory (optional):

200 meter uneven Farmer’s carry (100 m/side) 

Wednesday, August 12

Warm up: 10 alternating Samson stretch + 2 rounds - 10 plate ground to overhead + 20 Russian twists with plate + squat hold with 5 plate presses from chest + 10 pass throughs 


For 12:00, superset the following, working at a steady pace: 

1 Snatch complex (1 power snatch + 1 squat snatch + 1 overhead squat - work toward moderate weight or stay light and work on form)  OR 10 alternating lunges with plate overhead, working on lock out


:30 plank on barbell or barbell ab roll-outs or traditional plank 


For time, 27-21-15-9: 

Overhead squats (65/95) or 1-arm DB overhead squats 

Toes to bar or knees to elbow 

Box jumps or step ups 

Accessory (optional):

Accumulate 50 banded rows 

Thursday, August 13

Warm up: 2 rounds - 10 banded good mornings + :20 kipping + 10 plank ups + 10 alternating lunges 


Every :90 for 4 rounds 

1st: :45 handstand skill of choice (e.g., HS walking, wall walk, HS hold, plank on med ball, pike to plank with feet on box, etc….) 

2nd: 6 split stance squats/side (back rack barbell, or use DB’s), increase weight each time if possible


5 rounds for time: 

9 Deadlifts (175/255) or KB deadlifts 

12 Pull-ups or ring rows 

15 DB Thrusters (20/35)

Accessory (optional):

Accumulate 50 weighted glute bridges 

Friday, August 14

Warm up: 2 rounds - 5 burpees + 100 m run + 20 alternating step ups + :30 pigeon stretch/side + 6 inch worms- no knee bend!


In 12:00, complete 3-5 rounds of the following: 

6 Bent over rows/side 

8 ring dips, dips off GHD or 16 dips off box 

10 bench press @ 65% 1 RM 

WOD (20:00 cap):


Double unders (80-60-40-20 single unders) 

Alternating DB Snatch (35/50) 

Sit ups 

*10 calorie bike sprint after each round 

Accessory (optional):

Accumulate 50-75 banded tricep pulls 


Monday, August 3

Warm up: :30 banded front rack stretch/side + 3 rounds - 12 hollow rocks + 12 plate ground to overhead + 5 inch worms with push up 



In 12:00, work to moderate-heavy complex: 

3 power cleans + 3 front squats + 3 push press 



For Time, 20:00 cap: 

800 meter run 

25 hang power cleans (65/95)

12 pull ups or ring rows 

400 meter run 

20 push press 

12 pull ups or ring rows 

200 meter run 

15 front squats 

12 pull ups or ring rows 

*Weight no heavier than 65/95, scale as needed

** Can use barbell or DB’s 


Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate a total of 50 alternating bicep curls 

Tuesday, August 4

Warm up: 200 meters + 2 rounds - 15 banded forward raises + 15 banded pull aparts + :30 HS hold or plank + :30 pec stretch


Superset the following, working at steady pace for 15:00: 

5 Bench press, building to 80% 1RM or DB Bench 

5 bent over rows with DB or KB/side 



For Time, 21-15-9: 

Deadlifts (155/225)

Handstand push ups, pike push ups, or regular push ups for quality (chest to ground or plate/thighs off)

Bike calories 

Accessory (optional): 

200 meter 1-arm Farmer’s carry, switch arms as needed 

Wednesday, August 5

Warm up: 200 meters + 2 rounds - 20 m Spider-Man stretch + 20 m quad stretch + :30 banded side steps + 12 banded good mornings 


In 20:00, complete the following: 

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Back squats, building in weight if form is perfect 

*Work on gymnastics movement of choice between lifts (e.g., handstand walking, wall walks, handstand hold, toes to bar, muscle ups, kipping, etc….) 


AMReps in 8:00:

2, 4, 6, 8, 10…..

Hang squat clean (no heavier than 95/135) or DB hang squat cleans 

Lateral burpees over bar or DB’s 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate a total of 30 banded shoulder internal rotations/side 

Accumulate a total of 30 banded shoulder external rotations/side 

Thursday, August 6

Warm up: 200 meters + 2 rounds - 10 pass throughs, 10 pass throughs from squat, 12 plank to toe touch, 12 plank ups, shoulder mobility stretch (coaches choice) 



For 12:00, superset the following: 

5 SOTS Press (start with empty barbell or pvc, slowly add weight if form is perfect) OR 5 behind the neck jerks (standing from rack) OR 10 Overhead squats (if you have shoulder pain with any of these movements, work on traditional push jerk) 


12 weighted side bends/side 


WOD (16:00 cap) 

For Time: 


Calorie Row 

Snatch (65/95) or DB snatch 

Toes to bar or knees to elbow 


Accessory (optional)

Accumulate 2:00 side plank or star plank or weighted star plank/side 

Friday, August 7 

Warm up: :45 pigeon stretch/side + 2 rounds with light/moderate KB - 10 single leg deadlift (5/side) + 10 around the worlds (5 in each direction) + 8 single arm swings/arm + :30 squat hold



Every :60 for 12:00: 

1st: 10 pistol squats (5/side) 

2nd: 5-7 strict pull ups or ring rows (as horizontal as you can get) 

3rd: 7 ring dips or dips off GHD (banded if needed) or 14 dips off box 



16:00 AMRAP: 

40 double unders or 80 singles 

30 butterfly sit ups or traditional sit ups 

20 alternating front rack lunges (no heavier than 95/135), or DB lunges 

10 burpee box jumps or burpee step ups 


Accessory (optional): 

2-3 rounds: 

15 banded tricep pulls 

30 shoulder taps from plank (plate on back to scale up)


Monday July 27

Warm up ( :20 hang from bar, :20 plank, 20 reverse hyper with or without weight)


Strength: 15 minutes (every deadlift counts even warm up)

Accumulate 6-8000 pounds total deadlifting

( 60 Deadlifts at 100 pounds = 6,000 pounds total )

( 20 deadlifts at 300 pounds = 6,000 pounds total )

Wod: 4 rounds

2 minutes to complete 

8/10 calorie ski or bike 

As many push ups as possible

Rest 1 minute


:30 flutter kick into :30 plank 

Rest 1 minute

2-3 rounds

Tuesday july 28

Warm up ( 15 banded side steps, 10 wall squats with pvc overhead, 10 stotts press with pvc )

Strength: 15 min clean and push jerk 

45/35 15 reps with just the bar

65/95 15 reps at this weight or lower

Then continue to find a heavy set or complete a emom with time remaining at the weight you feel is heavy 

Wod: 2 rounds

200 m run 

50 wall balls (14/10)

10 pull ups or 20 ring rows

200 m run 

Rest 2 minutes between sets 

core : 

 30 russian twists, 30 leg lifts, :30 pigeon stretch, 10 t spine stretches on wall 

Wednesday july 29 

Warm up ( :30 hang for toes, 10 10 second squats (5 down 5 up), 5 10 second push ups

Strength: Front squat 15 minutes

Accumulate 4,000 pounds total 

( 40 squats at 100 pounds) 

( 20 squats at 200 pounds) 

Wod: 5 rounds

10 thrusters 65/45

5 burpees

30 double unders 60 singles

Core: 20 banded lat pull downs, 20 tricep pull downs, 1 min seated reach for toes

Thursday july 30 

Warm up ( 50 air squats, 20 ring rows, 20 m frankenstein, :30 quad stretch per side)

Strength 15 minutes overhead press

30 strict presses with just the bar

Then find heavy set of 

2 strict press +1 push press


100 weighted step ups holding db 

men 24” box ladies 20”

Core : 20 strict knees to elbow, :30 hanging knee tuck hold, 20 pvc pass throughs

Friday july 31

Warm up ( 10 rdl with bb, 1 min reverse plank with shoulders on bench, 10 oh press with bb )

Strength 12 minutes

6 turkish get ups with no weight 

20 reverse lunges

500 m row or ski

Wod: run 1 mile for time

Core : use foam roller to roll out

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