Monday July 27

Warm up ( :20 hang from bar, :20 plank, 20 reverse hyper with or without weight)


Strength: 15 minutes (every deadlift counts even warm up)

Accumulate 6-8000 pounds total deadlifting

( 60 Deadlifts at 100 pounds = 6,000 pounds total )

( 20 deadlifts at 300 pounds = 6,000 pounds total )

Wod: 4 rounds

2 minutes to complete 

8/10 calorie ski or bike 

As many push ups as possible

Rest 1 minute


:30 flutter kick into :30 plank 

Rest 1 minute

2-3 rounds

Tuesday july 28

Warm up ( 15 banded side steps, 10 wall squats with pvc overhead, 10 stotts press with pvc )

Strength: 15 min clean and push jerk 

45/35 15 reps with just the bar

65/95 15 reps at this weight or lower

Then continue to find a heavy set or complete a emom with time remaining at the weight you feel is heavy 

Wod: 2 rounds

200 m run 

50 wall balls (14/10)

10 pull ups or 20 ring rows

200 m run 

Rest 2 minutes between sets 

core : 

 30 russian twists, 30 leg lifts, :30 pigeon stretch, 10 t spine stretches on wall 

Wednesday july 29 

Warm up ( :30 hang for toes, 10 10 second squats (5 down 5 up), 5 10 second push ups

Strength: Front squat 15 minutes

Accumulate 4,000 pounds total 

( 40 squats at 100 pounds) 

( 20 squats at 200 pounds) 

Wod: 5 rounds

10 thrusters 65/45

5 burpees

30 double unders 60 singles

Core: 20 banded lat pull downs, 20 tricep pull downs, 1 min seated reach for toes

Thursday july 30 

Warm up ( 50 air squats, 20 ring rows, 20 m frankenstein, :30 quad stretch per side)

Strength 15 minutes overhead press

30 strict presses with just the bar

Then find heavy set of 

2 strict press +1 push press


100 weighted step ups holding db 

men 24” box ladies 20”

Core : 20 strict knees to elbow, :30 hanging knee tuck hold, 20 pvc pass throughs

Friday july 31

Warm up ( 10 rdl with bb, 1 min reverse plank with shoulders on bench, 10 oh press with bb )

Strength 12 minutes

6 turkish get ups with no weight 

20 reverse lunges

500 m row or ski

Wod: run 1 mile for time

Core : use foam roller to roll out

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