Monday 8/24 

Warm up: 2 rounds - 20 m DB death march + 10 med ball clean and press + :30 pigeon stretch + 10 pass throughs 


In 12:00, work to a moderate/heavy complex: 

1 power clean + 1 hang power clean + 1 jerk OR stay light/moderate to work on form (if staying light, complete 1 complex every :60-:90)


50 calorie buy-in, followed by 2:00 rest

Then, 4 rounds for time: 

12 Toes to bar or knees to elbow 

24 Wall balls 

48 double unders or 96 singles 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 2:00 Russian twists 

Accumulate 2:00 plank with forearms on med ball 

Tuesday 8/25 

Warm up: shoulder stretch (coaches choice) +  2 rounds - 8 push ups + 20 m Frankensteins + 20 m penguin walk + :20 kipping or bar hang 


Every :90 for 4 rounds: 

1st: :45 work on tough pull exercise (e.g., butterfly kipping or S kip pull ups, strict pull ups, ring or bar muscle ups, horizontal ring rows or barbell rows)

2nd: 8/10 calorie bike - pay attention to RPM’s and try to exceed each round.  Start moderate, work to sprint.


3 rounds for time: 

15 KB swings (use hips, keep heels down) 

10 hang power cleans (85/125) or DB hang power cleans 

15 box jumps or step ups 

10 push jerks (85/125) or DB push jerks 

15 bar facing burpees or DB facing burpees 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 30 barbell or DB glute bridges

Wednesday 8/26 

Warm up: 2 rounds - 12 good mornings + :30 handstand hold or plank + 20 meter walking lunges + 20 m high knees 


In 15:00, build to a tough Deadlift double - a little heavier than you built to last week, or 75% 1RM


Every 3:00 for 6 rounds: 

3 DB thrusters (35/50) 

6 Handstand push ups, pike push ups off box or bench, or hand release push ups 

9 Deadlifts (125/185) or DB/KB Deadlifts 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 30-40 split stance squats/side (bodyweight only) 

Thursday, 8/27

Warm up: 2 rounds - 20 m Spider-Man stretch + 20 m bear crawl + 12 banded pull aparts + 5 burpees 


Every :60 for 12:00: 

1st: 5 strict press @ 65% 1RM

2nd: :30 v-ups or single leg v-ups 


3 rounds for time: 

400 meter run 

16 alternating 1-arm DB snatch 

400 meter run 

16 alternating 1-arm hang clean and jerk 


Accumulate :60 weighted star plank or side plank/side 

Friday 8/28

Warm up: 2 rounds - 10 Russian baby makers + :30 chest opening stretch + :30 alternating quad stretch + 10 banded forward raises + 10 banded rows 


In 12:00, work to a moderate/heavy back squat or box squat  (a little heavier than what you plan to do for the WOD) OR work on 5 goblet squats with a :05 descent every :90-2:00

WOD (20:00 cap): 

Alternate between the following, for time: 


Pull ups or ring rows 


Front squats (95/135) or goblet squats 

Accessory (optional): 

200 m Farmers carry 

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