Monday, August 17

Warm up:  20 pass throughs + 2 rounds: :30 squat hold + 10 reverse Samson’s + :30 hamstring stretch + 10 v-ups


Every 2:30, complete both exercises for 4 rounds: 

5 1 ¼ squats (back rack @ 65% of back squat 1RM, or use DB’s)

6-8 strict toes to bar, hanging leg raises, or hanging knee raises, or slow and controlled reverse crunches on floor 


Every 4:00 for 6 rounds: 

9 Devil press (35/50 Rx, less for health athlete) 

18/24 calories

*The goal here is to maintain similar times in each interval.  

** If you do not get at least :30 of rest, adjust weight or reps to allow rest

***If sharing DB’s, 1 person will row, bike or ski first and complete devil presses second 

Accessory (optional)

2-3 rounds: 

6 single leg kb deadlift/side 

Tuesday, August 18

Warm up: 2 rounds - :30 Spider-Man stretch/side/side + :30 pigeon stretch/side + :30 banded side steps + 10 kb suitcase deadlifts/side 


In 15:00, build to a tough set of 3 Deadlifts (around 70% 1RM, or a little heavier than what you plan to do in the EMOM) 

*10 v-ups between lifts 


For time: 

15:00 EMOM: 

1st: 5-7 Deadlifts (155/225 Rx, 185/275 Rx plus, or lower for health athlete)

2nd: Max wall balls 

3rd: Rest 

*Score is total number of wall balls 

**Can use barbell, DB’s or KB’s for Deadlifts

Accessory (optional):

Accumulate 2:00 alternating reverse lunges (deficit from plate if possible) 

Wednesday, August 19

Warm up: 200 meters + 2 rounds - :30 crab bridge + 12 banded pull aparts + 12 banded rows + :30 side plank/side 


In 15:00, work on the following jerk sequence: 


Push press, push jerk, or split jerk 

*Build in weight for each set if possible. Can use barbell, DB’s or KB’s

**Start with push press, switch to jerks as weight gets heavier and reps get lower


For time: 

500 meter row, ski, run, or 30 cal bike 

25 pull ups or ring rows 

400 meter row, ski, run, or 25 cal bike 

20 pull ups or ring rows 

300 m row, ski, run, or 20 cal bike 

15 pull ups or ring rows 

200 meter row, ski, run, or 15 cal bike 

10 pull ups or ring rows 

100 meter row, ski, run, or 10 cal bike 

5 pull ups or ring rows 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 30-50 banded lat pull downs 

Thursday, August 20

Warm up: With an empty bar or pvc, complete 3 rounds of the following: 

5 clean pulls + 3 clean high pulls + 3 muscle cleans + 3 front squats 

Mobility: Hips (coaches choice) 


In 12:00: 

Build to a heavy power clean single (PR anyone?) or stay light/moderate and work on form (if staying light/moderate or using DBs, complete 5-7 power cleans every :60) 



Hang power cleans (95/135 Rx, 65/95 Health) or DB power cleans 

Front squats 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate a total of 2:00 double DB or KB overhead hold, or plate overhead hold - tight glutes and core, lock out elbows and shoulders 

Friday, August 21

Warm up: 2 rounds - :30 pec stretch/side + 10 downward dog push ups + 16 shoulder taps + :30 Superman hold 


In 15:00, complete 5-7 rounds of the following: 

5 Bench Press @70% 1RM (or a little heavier than last week) or 10 DB bench 

10 single arm DB or KB overhead lunges (5/side) 


5 rounds: 

In 2:00, complete: 

10 hang power snatch (65/95)

30 double unders or 60 singles 

Max burpees 

*:60 rest between rounds 

**Score is total number of burpees 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 30-50 banded tricep pulls 

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