Monday, August 10

Warm up: 2 rounds - :30 kipping practice + 5 burpees + :20 handstand hold or plank + :30 frog stretch + :30 hamstring stretch


Every :30 for 8 rounds: 

3-5 Handstand Push ups or HSPU progressions (pike push ups or traditional push ups)

*Drop reps or work every :60 if needed 

2:00 rest

Then, every :30 for 8 rounds: 

3-5 Kipping Pull-ups, ring rows, or supine barbell rows, or 1-3 muscle ups 

*Drop reps or work every :60 if needed 


3 rounds for time: 

400 meter run

30 Kettlebell swings (35/55)

20 wall balls (14/20)

Accessory (optional):

Accumulate 2:00 plank (weighted if possible)

Accumulate 2:00 hollow hold 

Tuesday, August 11

Warm up:  :30 wrist stretch + 2 rounds - 5 inch worms w/push up + :30 T-spine stretch + :30 Spiderman stretch/side + :30 jump jacks 


Every :90 for 4 rounds: 

1st: 2 clean pulls + 3 power cleans (75% 1RM) or 10 DB or KB Deadlifts 

2nd: :45 double under practice or single under form work - focus on slow, steady jump, moving at wrists, not elbows or shoulders


12:00 AMRAP: 

10/12 calorie row 

5 Push press (no heavier than 95/135) or DB press 

10/12 calorie row 

5 Hang power cleans (no heavier than 95/135) or double DB power cleans 

Accessory (optional):

200 meter uneven Farmer’s carry (100 m/side) 

Wednesday, August 12

Warm up: 10 alternating Samson stretch + 2 rounds - 10 plate ground to overhead + 20 Russian twists with plate + squat hold with 5 plate presses from chest + 10 pass throughs 


For 12:00, superset the following, working at a steady pace: 

1 Snatch complex (1 power snatch + 1 squat snatch + 1 overhead squat - work toward moderate weight or stay light and work on form)  OR 10 alternating lunges with plate overhead, working on lock out


:30 plank on barbell or barbell ab roll-outs or traditional plank 


For time, 27-21-15-9: 

Overhead squats (65/95) or 1-arm DB overhead squats 

Toes to bar or knees to elbow 

Box jumps or step ups 

Accessory (optional):

Accumulate 50 banded rows 

Thursday, August 13

Warm up: 2 rounds - 10 banded good mornings + :20 kipping + 10 plank ups + 10 alternating lunges 


Every :90 for 4 rounds 

1st: :45 handstand skill of choice (e.g., HS walking, wall walk, HS hold, plank on med ball, pike to plank with feet on box, etc….) 

2nd: 6 split stance squats/side (back rack barbell, or use DB’s), increase weight each time if possible


5 rounds for time: 

9 Deadlifts (175/255) or KB deadlifts 

12 Pull-ups or ring rows 

15 DB Thrusters (20/35)

Accessory (optional):

Accumulate 50 weighted glute bridges 

Friday, August 14

Warm up: 2 rounds - 5 burpees + 100 m run + 20 alternating step ups + :30 pigeon stretch/side + 6 inch worms- no knee bend!


In 12:00, complete 3-5 rounds of the following: 

6 Bent over rows/side 

8 ring dips, dips off GHD or 16 dips off box 

10 bench press @ 65% 1 RM 

WOD (20:00 cap):


Double unders (80-60-40-20 single unders) 

Alternating DB Snatch (35/50) 

Sit ups 

*10 calorie bike sprint after each round 

Accessory (optional):

Accumulate 50-75 banded tricep pulls 

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