
Monday, August 3

Warm up: :30 banded front rack stretch/side + 3 rounds - 12 hollow rocks + 12 plate ground to overhead + 5 inch worms with push up 



In 12:00, work to moderate-heavy complex: 

3 power cleans + 3 front squats + 3 push press 



For Time, 20:00 cap: 

800 meter run 

25 hang power cleans (65/95)

12 pull ups or ring rows 

400 meter run 

20 push press 

12 pull ups or ring rows 

200 meter run 

15 front squats 

12 pull ups or ring rows 

*Weight no heavier than 65/95, scale as needed

** Can use barbell or DB’s 


Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate a total of 50 alternating bicep curls 

Tuesday, August 4

Warm up: 200 meters + 2 rounds - 15 banded forward raises + 15 banded pull aparts + :30 HS hold or plank + :30 pec stretch


Superset the following, working at steady pace for 15:00: 

5 Bench press, building to 80% 1RM or DB Bench 

5 bent over rows with DB or KB/side 



For Time, 21-15-9: 

Deadlifts (155/225)

Handstand push ups, pike push ups, or regular push ups for quality (chest to ground or plate/thighs off)

Bike calories 

Accessory (optional): 

200 meter 1-arm Farmer’s carry, switch arms as needed 

Wednesday, August 5

Warm up: 200 meters + 2 rounds - 20 m Spider-Man stretch + 20 m quad stretch + :30 banded side steps + 12 banded good mornings 


In 20:00, complete the following: 

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Back squats, building in weight if form is perfect 

*Work on gymnastics movement of choice between lifts (e.g., handstand walking, wall walks, handstand hold, toes to bar, muscle ups, kipping, etc….) 


AMReps in 8:00:

2, 4, 6, 8, 10…..

Hang squat clean (no heavier than 95/135) or DB hang squat cleans 

Lateral burpees over bar or DB’s 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate a total of 30 banded shoulder internal rotations/side 

Accumulate a total of 30 banded shoulder external rotations/side 

Thursday, August 6

Warm up: 200 meters + 2 rounds - 10 pass throughs, 10 pass throughs from squat, 12 plank to toe touch, 12 plank ups, shoulder mobility stretch (coaches choice) 



For 12:00, superset the following: 

5 SOTS Press (start with empty barbell or pvc, slowly add weight if form is perfect) OR 5 behind the neck jerks (standing from rack) OR 10 Overhead squats (if you have shoulder pain with any of these movements, work on traditional push jerk) 


12 weighted side bends/side 


WOD (16:00 cap) 

For Time: 


Calorie Row 

Snatch (65/95) or DB snatch 

Toes to bar or knees to elbow 


Accessory (optional)

Accumulate 2:00 side plank or star plank or weighted star plank/side 

Friday, August 7 

Warm up: :45 pigeon stretch/side + 2 rounds with light/moderate KB - 10 single leg deadlift (5/side) + 10 around the worlds (5 in each direction) + 8 single arm swings/arm + :30 squat hold



Every :60 for 12:00: 

1st: 10 pistol squats (5/side) 

2nd: 5-7 strict pull ups or ring rows (as horizontal as you can get) 

3rd: 7 ring dips or dips off GHD (banded if needed) or 14 dips off box 



16:00 AMRAP: 

40 double unders or 80 singles 

30 butterfly sit ups or traditional sit ups 

20 alternating front rack lunges (no heavier than 95/135), or DB lunges 

10 burpee box jumps or burpee step ups 


Accessory (optional): 

2-3 rounds: 

15 banded tricep pulls 

30 shoulder taps from plank (plate on back to scale up)


Monday July 27

Warm up ( :20 hang from bar, :20 plank, 20 reverse hyper with or without weight)


Strength: 15 minutes (every deadlift counts even warm up)

Accumulate 6-8000 pounds total deadlifting

( 60 Deadlifts at 100 pounds = 6,000 pounds total )

( 20 deadlifts at 300 pounds = 6,000 pounds total )

Wod: 4 rounds

2 minutes to complete 

8/10 calorie ski or bike 

As many push ups as possible

Rest 1 minute


:30 flutter kick into :30 plank 

Rest 1 minute

2-3 rounds

Tuesday july 28

Warm up ( 15 banded side steps, 10 wall squats with pvc overhead, 10 stotts press with pvc )

Strength: 15 min clean and push jerk 

45/35 15 reps with just the bar

65/95 15 reps at this weight or lower

Then continue to find a heavy set or complete a emom with time remaining at the weight you feel is heavy 

Wod: 2 rounds

200 m run 

50 wall balls (14/10)

10 pull ups or 20 ring rows

200 m run 

Rest 2 minutes between sets 

core : 

 30 russian twists, 30 leg lifts, :30 pigeon stretch, 10 t spine stretches on wall 

Wednesday july 29 

Warm up ( :30 hang for toes, 10 10 second squats (5 down 5 up), 5 10 second push ups

Strength: Front squat 15 minutes

Accumulate 4,000 pounds total 

( 40 squats at 100 pounds) 

( 20 squats at 200 pounds) 

Wod: 5 rounds

10 thrusters 65/45

5 burpees

30 double unders 60 singles

Core: 20 banded lat pull downs, 20 tricep pull downs, 1 min seated reach for toes

Thursday july 30 

Warm up ( 50 air squats, 20 ring rows, 20 m frankenstein, :30 quad stretch per side)

Strength 15 minutes overhead press

30 strict presses with just the bar

Then find heavy set of 

2 strict press +1 push press


100 weighted step ups holding db 

men 24” box ladies 20”

Core : 20 strict knees to elbow, :30 hanging knee tuck hold, 20 pvc pass throughs

Friday july 31

Warm up ( 10 rdl with bb, 1 min reverse plank with shoulders on bench, 10 oh press with bb )

Strength 12 minutes

6 turkish get ups with no weight 

20 reverse lunges

500 m row or ski

Wod: run 1 mile for time

Core : use foam roller to roll out


Monday July 20

Warm up : 10 plank to downward dog, 10 wall squats, :10 chin over bar hold x2

Strength: 6 rounds at a steady pace

8 single arm overhead lunges (per leg) (change arms after every round)

40 m bear hug carry (sandbag or wall ball works)

Wod: 20 minute time cap

5 rounds

40 double unders

10 deadlift (115/85)

5 clean and jerk (115/85)

Core: 2 rounds

5 dragon flags

:30 flutter kick 

Tuesday July 21

Warm up: 15 reverse hyper or GHD, 20 m frankenstein, 5 10 second push ups


Strength: deadlift 14 minutes

Find a 2 rep max (quite touch and go rep)

Wod: 14 minute amrap

250 m row or ski

10 push up

20 air squats 

40 kb swings

Core: accumulate 90 seconds

L hang or hanging knee tuck 

Wednesday July 22

Warm up: 10 snatch grip deadlifts with bb or pvc, 10 pvc pass throughs, 10 overhead squats with barbell or pvc x3

Strength: Hang Snatch high pull minute 1-5 (add weight)

Hang snatch minute 5-15 

Find a heavy hang snatch

Wod: 12 minute time cap

7 wall balls

7 calories 

14 wall balls 

14 calories

21 wall balls

21 calories 






Core: accumulate a minute of each

plank with feet on swiss ball 

Plank with hands on swiss ball 

Thursday july 23

Warm up: 10 rdl with barbell or db, 10 kang squats, :20 sorenson


Strength: back squat 15 minutes ( don't eliminate yourself too quick)

Build to a 10 rep max back squat

Wod: 20 minute time cap

5 rounds 

20 hang snatch (45/35)

10 pull up or 20 ring row

5 box jumps

Core: 30 strict knees to elbow 

Friday July 24

Warm up: 200 m run, :30 pigeon stretch, :30 plank, x2 

Strength:12 minutes 


build to a heavy power clean + thruster

Wod: 4 rounds for total reps

Choose any machine

10 calories

10 burpees 

200 m run

Rest 2 minutes between sets

Core: :20 hollow hold

:20 plank 

:20 flutter kick 



Monday July 13 

Warm up: 10 wall squats (squat facing the wall forcing them to keep knees back), 5 box jump, 15 kb swings x2 

Strength: 15 minutes

hang power clean

First 5 minutes focus on hang power high pull then go to full hang power clean 

Wod: 15 minute time cap 

4 rounds 

8 front squat 135/95 

400 m run or 500 m row (no switching on this one) 

Core: plank off ( who can plank the longest ) 

(Winner gets a hoist or o2 on me) 

Tuesday July 14 

Warm up : 20 m frankensteins, 20 step ups, 10 ring rows, 15 banded ext rotation X3 

Strength :  15 minutes time cap 

5 rounds 

8 dB bench press (start light get heavy) 

:20 plank 

:30 wall sit 


5 rounds 

100 m sprint/jog 

14 kb swings

7 push ups (use plate to shorten push up if needed) 

Core : banded lat pull down from hollow hold 


Wednesday July 15 

Warm up: 10 rdl with barbell or dB, 10 kang squats with barbell, :20 sorenson X3 

Strength : deadlift 12 minutes

Starting at 50% of 1rm 

3 quiet touch and go deadlift (no smashing off the floor… control) 

Build to a heavy one 

Wod : 20 minute time cap 

25 calories

50 dB snatches 50/35

25 calories 

25 box jumps 

Core : 30 strict knees to elbow (actually touch them together if you can) 

Thursday July 16 

Warm up : 10 ghd, 5 1 leg squats to bench or box per side, 7 wall balls x3

Strength : snatch 

15 minutes 

Min 1-3 snatch high pull 

Min 3-5 hang power snatch 

5-15 1 power snatch 1 overhead squat 

Wod: 20 minute time cap 

5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 15 - 10 - 5 

Thrusters 45/35



Core: 10 straight leg sit ups, :30 flutter kick 


Friday July 17 

Warm up : 10 pvc pass through , 10 m Spider-Man, 10 m lunges, 5 pull ups or lat pull downs 

Strength : 3 rounds (can choose own weights for bigger jump if they please) 

20 back squats 

45/65/85 men

35/55/65 ladies 

More advanced option 



Wod : 2 options 

Partner workout 

Only one person working at a time

  1. 15 minute time cap 

2000 m row 

100 wall balls 

50 burpees 

  1. 15 minute time cap 5 rounds 

200 m row 

20 wall balls

10 burpees 

Core : accumulate 2 minutes reverse plank shoulders on bench ( make tabletop )


Monday July 6

Warm up : 2 rounds 15 reverse hyper or ghd, 20 lunges, 20 banded ext rotations per side, 5 push ups

12 min emom 

1: 6 pushups without thighs touching ground (use a plate to shorten rep if you can’t go all the way to the ground)

2: :30 double under practice 

20 minute time cap

5 rounds 

8 calorie bike/ski

8 clean and press/jerk 135/95 or heavy (75-90% of your max is heavy) (not 50%) ☺️ there should be rest between most reps…. 

8 burpees 

Or the lighter way 

10 rounds but db or lighter bb clean and press 


30 reps of each exercise

Russian twist

Leg lift

Toe touches 

Tuesday July 7

Warm up: 200 m then 2 rounds ( 5 box jumps, :30 pigeon stretch, 10 trx row ) 

Add a mobility/teaching point you want for squatting(breathing is a good one we forget about) 

14 min 

Starting at 50% of your max or just the bar if you don’t know your max.

Perform 5 back squats. Add weight and then proceed to do 5 more back squats. Continue this process till you find a heavy 5 back squats for the day. 

6 rounds for total reps 

2 rounds on bike

2 rounds on ski 

2 rounds in rower

You have 90 seconds to complete 

6 calories and as many burpees as you can. 

Rest 2 minutes between sets 

Cool down 

2 rounds 

200 m walk 

20 banded tricep pull downs 

20 banded bicep curls ( stand on band ) 

Wednesday July 8

Warm up: 2 rounds 10 pvc pass throughs, 10 pvc snatch, 10 pvc overhead squat, 200 m run 

Every :90 for 10 rounds 

Starting at 50% of your max or just the bar

2 power snatches 

Add weight after every round till we find a heavy 2 power snatches 

Or Emom :90 for 5 rounds

1: 16 dB snatches (start light increase weight each round)

2: 12 box jumps or 30 step ups 

18 min time cap 

200 m run

50 wall balls

400 m run

50 wall balls 

600 m run 


:20 hollow hold

15 reverse crunches

5 v ups 

Thursday July 9 

Warm up: 2 rounds 10 Romanian deadlift with barbell or pvc (RDL), 10 jumping squat, 25 dB press (pick a weight you can do 25 of) 

14 min amrap steady pace

1 strict press + 2 push press 

20 step ups 

10 glute bridges 

20 minute time cap 

3 rounds 

20 squat cleans 95/65 or dB thrusters 30/20

10 strict pull ups 

20 sit ups 

50 double unders 

Cool down:

3 strict pull ups without a band or 6 lat pull downs on the machine 

20 banded lat pull downs

(Do you feel these in the same area of the lats or are they hitting different muscles) 

Friday July 10

Warm up : 10 oh press with barbell, :30 oh lockout with barbell, :30 pigeon stretch, :30 quad stretch 

14 minutes at a steady pace 

4 Turkish get ups (2 per side) (don’t take too long on this if your struggling) 

12 ghd 

18 kb swings 

15 rounds 

1 deadlift

3 hspu or thighless push ups 


20 strict knees to elbow (actually touch them if you can)

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