Monday July 13
Warm up: 10 wall squats (squat facing the wall forcing them to keep knees back), 5 box jump, 15 kb swings x2
Strength: 15 minutes
hang power clean
First 5 minutes focus on hang power high pull then go to full hang power clean
Wod: 15 minute time cap
4 rounds
8 front squat 135/95
400 m run or 500 m row (no switching on this one)
Core: plank off ( who can plank the longest )
(Winner gets a hoist or o2 on me)
Tuesday July 14
Warm up : 20 m frankensteins, 20 step ups, 10 ring rows, 15 banded ext rotation X3
Strength : 15 minutes time cap
5 rounds
8 dB bench press (start light get heavy)
:20 plank
:30 wall sit
5 rounds
100 m sprint/jog
14 kb swings
7 push ups (use plate to shorten push up if needed)
Core : banded lat pull down from hollow hold
Wednesday July 15
Warm up: 10 rdl with barbell or dB, 10 kang squats with barbell, :20 sorenson X3
Strength : deadlift 12 minutes
Starting at 50% of 1rm
3 quiet touch and go deadlift (no smashing off the floor… control)
Build to a heavy one
Wod : 20 minute time cap
25 calories
50 dB snatches 50/35
25 calories
25 box jumps
Core : 30 strict knees to elbow (actually touch them together if you can)
Thursday July 16
Warm up : 10 ghd, 5 1 leg squats to bench or box per side, 7 wall balls x3
Strength : snatch
15 minutes
Min 1-3 snatch high pull
Min 3-5 hang power snatch
5-15 1 power snatch 1 overhead squat
Wod: 20 minute time cap
5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 15 - 10 - 5
Thrusters 45/35
Core: 10 straight leg sit ups, :30 flutter kick
Friday July 17
Warm up : 10 pvc pass through , 10 m Spider-Man, 10 m lunges, 5 pull ups or lat pull downs
Strength : 3 rounds (can choose own weights for bigger jump if they please)
20 back squats
45/65/85 men
35/55/65 ladies
More advanced option
Wod : 2 options
Partner workout
Only one person working at a time
15 minute time cap
2000 m row
100 wall balls
50 burpees
15 minute time cap 5 rounds
200 m row
20 wall balls
10 burpees
Core : accumulate 2 minutes reverse plank shoulders on bench ( make tabletop )