Monday July 6
Warm up : 2 rounds 15 reverse hyper or ghd, 20 lunges, 20 banded ext rotations per side, 5 push ups
12 min emom
1: 6 pushups without thighs touching ground (use a plate to shorten rep if you can’t go all the way to the ground)
2: :30 double under practice
20 minute time cap
5 rounds
8 calorie bike/ski
8 clean and press/jerk 135/95 or heavy (75-90% of your max is heavy) (not 50%) ☺️ there should be rest between most reps….
8 burpees
Or the lighter way
10 rounds but db or lighter bb clean and press
30 reps of each exercise
Russian twist
Leg lift
Toe touches
Tuesday July 7
Warm up: 200 m then 2 rounds ( 5 box jumps, :30 pigeon stretch, 10 trx row )
Add a mobility/teaching point you want for squatting(breathing is a good one we forget about)
14 min
Starting at 50% of your max or just the bar if you don’t know your max.
Perform 5 back squats. Add weight and then proceed to do 5 more back squats. Continue this process till you find a heavy 5 back squats for the day.
6 rounds for total reps
2 rounds on bike
2 rounds on ski
2 rounds in rower
You have 90 seconds to complete
6 calories and as many burpees as you can.
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Cool down
2 rounds
200 m walk
20 banded tricep pull downs
20 banded bicep curls ( stand on band )
Wednesday July 8
Warm up: 2 rounds 10 pvc pass throughs, 10 pvc snatch, 10 pvc overhead squat, 200 m run
Every :90 for 10 rounds
Starting at 50% of your max or just the bar
2 power snatches
Add weight after every round till we find a heavy 2 power snatches
Or Emom :90 for 5 rounds
1: 16 dB snatches (start light increase weight each round)
2: 12 box jumps or 30 step ups
18 min time cap
200 m run
50 wall balls
400 m run
50 wall balls
600 m run
:20 hollow hold
15 reverse crunches
5 v ups
Thursday July 9
Warm up: 2 rounds 10 Romanian deadlift with barbell or pvc (RDL), 10 jumping squat, 25 dB press (pick a weight you can do 25 of)
14 min amrap steady pace
1 strict press + 2 push press
20 step ups
10 glute bridges
20 minute time cap
3 rounds
20 squat cleans 95/65 or dB thrusters 30/20
10 strict pull ups
20 sit ups
50 double unders
Cool down:
3 strict pull ups without a band or 6 lat pull downs on the machine
20 banded lat pull downs
(Do you feel these in the same area of the lats or are they hitting different muscles)
Friday July 10
Warm up : 10 oh press with barbell, :30 oh lockout with barbell, :30 pigeon stretch, :30 quad stretch
14 minutes at a steady pace
4 Turkish get ups (2 per side) (don’t take too long on this if your struggling)
12 ghd
18 kb swings
15 rounds
1 deadlift
3 hspu or thighless push ups
20 strict knees to elbow (actually touch them if you can)