Monday July 20

Warm up : 10 plank to downward dog, 10 wall squats, :10 chin over bar hold x2

Strength: 6 rounds at a steady pace

8 single arm overhead lunges (per leg) (change arms after every round)

40 m bear hug carry (sandbag or wall ball works)

Wod: 20 minute time cap

5 rounds

40 double unders

10 deadlift (115/85)

5 clean and jerk (115/85)

Core: 2 rounds

5 dragon flags

:30 flutter kick 

Tuesday July 21

Warm up: 15 reverse hyper or GHD, 20 m frankenstein, 5 10 second push ups


Strength: deadlift 14 minutes

Find a 2 rep max (quite touch and go rep)

Wod: 14 minute amrap

250 m row or ski

10 push up

20 air squats 

40 kb swings

Core: accumulate 90 seconds

L hang or hanging knee tuck 

Wednesday July 22

Warm up: 10 snatch grip deadlifts with bb or pvc, 10 pvc pass throughs, 10 overhead squats with barbell or pvc x3

Strength: Hang Snatch high pull minute 1-5 (add weight)

Hang snatch minute 5-15 

Find a heavy hang snatch

Wod: 12 minute time cap

7 wall balls

7 calories 

14 wall balls 

14 calories

21 wall balls

21 calories 






Core: accumulate a minute of each

plank with feet on swiss ball 

Plank with hands on swiss ball 

Thursday july 23

Warm up: 10 rdl with barbell or db, 10 kang squats, :20 sorenson


Strength: back squat 15 minutes ( don't eliminate yourself too quick)

Build to a 10 rep max back squat

Wod: 20 minute time cap

5 rounds 

20 hang snatch (45/35)

10 pull up or 20 ring row

5 box jumps

Core: 30 strict knees to elbow 

Friday July 24

Warm up: 200 m run, :30 pigeon stretch, :30 plank, x2 

Strength:12 minutes 


build to a heavy power clean + thruster

Wod: 4 rounds for total reps

Choose any machine

10 calories

10 burpees 

200 m run

Rest 2 minutes between sets

Core: :20 hollow hold

:20 plank 

:20 flutter kick 


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