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April 28th

Warm up - wall squat hold, straddle hamstring stretch, shoulder rolls, lat/pec stretch, hamstring smash, barbell quad smash, 2 rounds of: 15 cal row + 10 jump squats + 10 lunges


SSB Squat





Sumo Deadlift 12x2 : 60 Sec Rest - 60% 1RM Bar Weight 25% 1RM Band Tension

Banded Plyo Jumps 10x4 : 30 sec rest

Nordic Curls 6x6 : Partner assisted

Dimel Deadlift 4x20 @50% deadlift max

Reverse Hyper 4x20 - 50% of 1RM back Squat

April 27th

Warm up - backwards sled walk 200yds, twisted lizard stretch, squat hold, straddle hamstring stretch, banded bully shoulder stretch, shoulder rolls, 2 rounds of: 10 air squats + 10 lunge steps + 0:20 HS Hold + 0:20 hang on bar stretch + 6 mix grip pull ups (3 each way)

For time:

80’ Sled Push (+135/105)


Legless Rope Climb 15’

*Start and finish with the sled push. So 6 sled pushes total.

Rest 10-15 minutes

45’ Double DB Front Rack Walking Lunge 50/35#’s


25’ Handstand Walk Increments (w/obstacle each time)

*Start and finish with lunges. This is also a total of 6 walking lunge sets.

Echo Bike Intervals

7 x 20/15 Calories (1:1 Work:Rest)

April 26th


1RM Incline bench press

1RM snatch grip high pull off pin 5

5x5 Snatch High Pull at 85% of your max above

6x4 muscle snatch up to @65% of max snatch

For time:

8 Clean and Jerk 185/125#

24 Bar Muscle Ups

8 Clean and Jerk 185/125#


3 Minutes easy


5 Rounds of:

3 Minutes TEMPO (5k-ish pace)

3 Minutes Recovery Jog

April 25th



1x10 @ 60%

1x8 @ 70%

1x6 @ 75%

1x4 @ 80%

6x5 complex (2 clean pull + 1 clean)

5x5 seated box jumps (max height per set)

200 Green band leg curls



8 x 2 reps (Only working between 55 and 75%)

*Stayed lighter today and really worked on technique for these 8 sets, slowly build up to 75% for my final couple sets.


5 Rounds

20 Pull Ups

30 Push Ups

40 Sit Ups

50 Squats

*1 minute rest between each round.

April 22nd


Close Grip Bench Press 10x3: 60 Sec Rest - 55% 1 RM Bar Weight 25% 1RM Band Weight

Power Snatch 5x3: 60 Sec Rest - 55% 1 RM Bar Weight 25% 1RM Band Weight

Jangle Balance Press: 10x3

Incline DB Bench Press 5x15

Face Pulls 5x12 Heavy

Tricep Extension 150 Reps


With a Partner

400 M Run

While the partner bikes for cals

Stop when you hit 150 Cals

5 Min rest

For Time

60 KB STO 24k/16k

60 Cal Row

5 Min rest

For Time

45 - 30 - 15

Wall Ball #20#14

Pull Ups

April 21st

Warm up - wall squat hold, straddle hamstring stretch, shoulder rolls, lat/pec stretch, hamstring smash, barbell quad smash, 2 rounds of: 15 cal row + 10 jump squats + 10 lunges


Safety Bar Squat 12x2 : 60 sec Rest - 55% 1RM Bar Weight 25% 1 RM Band tension

Sumo Deadlift 12x2 : 60 Sec Rest - 55% 1RM Bar Weight 25% 1RM Band Tension

Banded Plyo Jumps 10x4 : 30 sec rest

Nordic Curls 6x6 : Partner assisted

Dimel Deadlift 4x20 @50% deadlift max

Reverse Hyper 4x20 - 50% of 1RM back Squat

April 20th

You Pick Two: Like Panera Except Your Left With Fitness Not Disappointment

5 Rounds (1:1)

12 Bar facing burpees

9 Deadlifts 225/155#

6 Bar Muscle Ups


10 min out from the gym (run to where you ran last week)

rest 2 min

In 9 Min get back to the gym (be back to the gym in 21 min)

Alternating Minutes x 21 minutes (7 rounds)

15 Wall Ball 30/20#

15 Calorie Row (Hard)


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