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April 19th


5RM push press

6x6 muscle snatch @40% of max snatch

4x15 Pec Fly

4x8 JM Press


800 M

3 x 200 M - Rest 30 Sec per set

6 x 100 M - Rest 30 Sec per set

800 M


AMRAP 90 seconds x 5 rounds

6 Bench 185/125#

6 Clean and Jerk 185/125#

Max rep rope climb w/time remaining

April 18th


1RM clean + pause jerk

1RM sumo deadlift off 2” elevation

200 Green band leg curls

6x60m sled pull

3x10 reverse hypers (Overload)


Alternating Minutes x 16 minutes

12/10 Strict HSPU

15 CTB Pull Ups

12/10 Strict HSPU

15 Toes to Bar

*Last set go all the way through for time.

AMRAP 15 minutes


Calorie Echo Bike

GHD Sit Ups

April 4/15


Close Grip Bench Press 10x3: 60 Sec Rest - 60% 1 RM Bar Weight 25% 1RM Band Weight

Power Snatch 5x3: 60 Sec Rest - 60% 1 RM Bar Weight 25% 1RM Band Weight

Pin Split Jerks: 8x3

DB Bench Press 5x5

Face Pulls 5x12 Heavy

Tricep Extension 5x20


In a team of 3 for time

2k Row

While other partner begins work on:

100 Wall Ball 20/14#

50 Strict HSPU

100 Toes to Bar

10 Muscle Ups

Go Sledding for a while

April 14th

Warm up - wall squat hold, straddle hamstring stretch, shoulder rolls, lat/pec stretch, hamstring smash, barbell quad smash, 2 rounds of: 15 cal row + 10 jump squats + 10 lunges


Box Squat 12x2 : 60 sec Rest - 55% 1RM Bar Weight 25% 1 RM Band tension

Deficit Deadlift 12x1 : 60 Sec Rest - 50% 1RM Bar Weight 25% 1RM Band Tension

Banded Plyo Jumps 10x4 : 30 sec rest

Nordic Curls 6x6 : Partner assisted

Dimel Deadlift 4x20 @50% deadlift max

Reverse Hyper 4x20 - 50% of 1RM back Squat

April 13th

Warm up - Banded bully stretch, banded lat stretch, Couch stretch, squat hold, spiderman stretch, 2 rounds of: 1:00 Echo Bike + 15 air squats + 10 Strict Press (barbell or dumbbells) + 5 strict Pull Ups

3 Rounds

10 D-Ball Cleans 150/100#

30 Strict Press 95/65#

Rest until 15:00 (Or minimum of 5 minutes rest)

2 Rounds 

40 Calorie Echo Bike

40 Wall Ball 20/14#

Rest until 30:00 (Or minimum of 5 minutes rest)

For time

80 GHD Sit Ups

40 Steps Double DB Walking Lunges 50/35#’s

80 Push Ups

40 Steps Double DB Overhead Walking Lunges 50/35#’s

April 12th


1RM complex (2 snatch high-pulls + high-hang snatch)

3 RM snatch-grip strict press

6x6 muscle snatch @ 50-60% of max snatch

8x5 chest support row (max weight for all sets)

4x5 Band Resisted Sit up


1000 M Row

3x400 Ski with 1 min rest

3x250 Ski with 1 min rest

1000 M Row



12 DL 50%

25’ HSW

April 11th


1RM front squat + 2 split jerks

5x5 Hoffman method rack pulls (top pin stops bar @ mid-thigh level) @70% of max deadlift from the beginning pin position or floor (each isometric hold will be 3-5 seconds in length)

6x6 GHRs +25 lbs

6x60"‘ sled pull

3x10 reverse hypers


10 min Distance Easy Pace

2 Min rest

9 Min Match the distance of your 10 min run

2 Min Rest

6 x 50yd Strides w/20 seconds rest between ramp to 95% effort on each run


7 Rounds (New round every 3:00)

300m Row

600m Bike Erg

*If any round takes you longer than 2:30, rest 1 minute after each round instead! Take the first two at an easier pace and build up as you go…Right into….


7 Strict HSPU

3 Squat Cleans 60% (Touch and go)

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