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Warm up - backwards sled walk 200yds, twisted lizard stretch, squat hold, straddle hamstring stretch, banded bully shoulder stretch, shoulder rolls, 2 rounds of: 10 air squats + 10 lunge steps + 0:20 HS Hold + 0:20 hang on bar stretch + 6 mix grip pull ups (3 each way)

For time:

80’ Sled Push (+135/105)


Legless Rope Climb 15’

*Start and finish with the sled push. So 6 sled pushes total.

Rest 10-15 minutes

45’ Double DB Front Rack Walking Lunge 50/35#’s


25’ Handstand Walk Increments (w/obstacle each time)

*Start and finish with lunges. This is also a total of 6 walking lunge sets.

Echo Bike Intervals

7 x 20/15 Calories (1:1 Work:Rest)

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