200-400-600-800-1000m Row
50 Double Unders (after each set)
2 SETS (1:1 between sets)
Burpee To Touch
Bar Muscle Ups
*Shooting for the 4-6 min time frame here.
4 Rounds (Start a new round every 5:00)
30/25 Calorie Bike Erg
20 Ring Dips
10 Hang Power Snatch 185/115#
Alternating with Parther
4 x 25 GHD Sit Ups (1:1)
1 RM pause snatch (pause at knee)
1 RM close-grip bench
5x15 DB bench press
5x8 DB rollbacks
10 Rounds
15 yd sled sprint
15 yd sled drag backwards
15 Jump Squats
*Rest 1 minute after every 2 rounds
8 Rounds (1:1)
400m Run
Easy recovery bike while partner runs
Weight Lifting: at 11am
A) 1 RM low box squat (10 or 12") (green bands over barbell)
B) 7x4 deficit muscle clean @80% of muscle clean
C1) 6x6 GHR curls
C2) 3x10 bent reverse hypers:
D) 125-175 green band leg curls
Conditioning: at 4pm
With a Partner for time
150 Wall Ball
100 Toes to Bar
50 Strict HSPU
10 Legless Rope Climbs 15’
*Break up the work as needed
4 Rounds:
400m Run
12 Front Squats 185/125#
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20”
*Rest 90 seconds after each round. Stay unbroken on the front squats, and push the runs.
Warm up - Crossover symmetry activation, 250m Easy row, 2 rounds of: 10 shoulder rolls + 5 push ups + 10 kip swings + dip stretch
Close Grip Bench Press 10x3: 60 Sec Rest - 50% 1 RM Bar Weight 25% 1RM Band Weight
Power Snatch 5x3: 60 Sec Rest - 50% 1 RM Bar Weight 25% 1RM Band Weight
DB Bench Press 5x15: Rest as needed
American Bar tricep roll backs 5x8 : Rest as needed
Iso High Pull (Narrow, Medium, Wide) 3x1 Min each
Cable Tricep Extension 150 Reps (20-30 Rep sets)
3 hour break…
2 Sets
400m Run
15 Shoulder To Overhead #50#35
15 Pull Ups
*Rest 1 minute after each set.
Right into…
2 Sets
400m Run
12 Shoulder to Overhead #50#35
12 CTB Pull Ups
*Rest 1 minute after each set.
Right into…
2 Sets
400m Run
9 Shoulder to Overhead #50#35
*Rest 1 minute after each set.
Warm up - wall squat hold, straddle hamstring stretch, shoulder rolls, lat/pec stretch, hamstring smash, barbell quad smash, 2 rounds of: 15 cal row + 10 jump squats + 10 lunges
Box Squat 12x2 : 60 sec Rest - 50% 1RM Bar Weight 25% 1 RM Band tension
Deadlift 12x1 : 60 Sec Rest - 50% 1RM Bar Weight 25% 1RM Band Tension
Power Clean 5x3 : Full Recovery 75% 1RM
Nordic Curls 6x6 : Partner assisted
Reverse Hyper 4x20 - 50% of 1RM back Squat
Leg Press 200 Reps with 20-30 rep sets
Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, hamstring smash, wall squat stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, lat/pec stretch, 0:30 HS Hold, shoulder rolls, 2 rounds of: 15 Calorie row + 1 rounds “Cindy”, then warm up legless and HSW and roll into workout…
Conditioning 1:
With a Parnter for time
200 Calorie Row
100 GHD Sit Ups (Each, at the same time)
20 Legless Rope Climbs
400’ HSWalk
200 Calorie Bike Erg
Conditioning 2:
10 Rounds (Alternate with a partner on the rower)
300m Row (@ 2k pace or faster)
6 Shoulder to Overhead 195/135#
Big Back Wednesday!
Chest Supported upright rows
9 exercises horizontal plane 80% 9-12 reps
9 exercises vertical plane 80% 9-12 reps