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Weight Lifting: at 11am

A) 1 RM low box squat (10 or 12") (green bands over barbell)

B) 7x4 deficit muscle clean @80% of muscle clean

C1) 6x6 GHR curls

C2) 3x10 bent reverse hypers:

D) 125-175 green band leg curls

Conditioning: at 4pm

With a Partner for time

150 Wall Ball

100 Toes to Bar

50 Strict HSPU

10 Legless Rope Climbs 15’

*Break up the work as needed

4 Rounds:

400m Run

12 Front Squats 185/125#

8 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20”

*Rest 90 seconds after each round. Stay unbroken on the front squats, and push the runs.

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