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March 15th

Warm up - wall squat, straddle hamstring stretch, lat/pec stretch, front rack tricep stretch, hamstring smash, barbell quad smash, 2 rounds of: 500m Bike erg + 12 jump squats + 10 shoulder rolls + 10 good mornings, then warm up w/barbell until loose…


1 Rm behind the neck snatch-grip push press

5x5 snatch high pulls @ 50% (w/ red mini bands)

4x12 bent over rows @80-90% of clean max

5x15 DB bench press

5x8 DB rollbacks


For time:

75 Wall Ball 20/14#

50 Toes to Bar

25 Burpee to Touch

-Rest 3 minutes-

25 Burpee to Touch

50 Toes to Bar

75 Wall Ball 20/14#

March 14th

Warm Up: Warm up - wall squat hold, straddle hamstring stretch, shoulder rolls, lat/pec stretch, hamstring smash, barbell quad smash, 2 rounds of: 15 cal row + 10 jump squats + 10 lunges + puppy dog stretch


1 RM reverse band clean

1 RM reverse band deficit (4") deadlift

6x6 GHRs

100-150 green band leg curls

3x10 bent pendulum reverse hypers

Conditioning 1:

AMRAP 20 minutes

200m Run

10 Strict Deficit HSPU 6/4”

200m Run

10 Muscle Ups

Conditioning 2:

10 Rounds

10 Cal Bike

25 Double Unders

Friday 2/4

AM Session

Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, lat/pec stretch, 2 rounds of: 200m Row + 10 leg swings + 10 air squats + spiderman stretch + shoulder rolls, then 3 rounds of: 5 barbell squat cleans (build up in weight each set) + 10 kip swings + 5 push ups + 3 strict pull ups

5 Rounds

5 Squat Cleans 55%

5 Ring Muscle Ups

Rest until 15:00

5 Rounds 

5 Squat Cleans @65%

5 Ring Muscle Ups

Front Squats

2 Waves of:
3,2,1 reps 56%/78%/91%.

PM Session

Warm up - 3 x 100m row w/movements after each row, 10 air squats + 10 shoulder rolls + spiderman stretch

6 Rounds (1:1)

15 Calorie Row

15 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20”

Thursday 2/3


5 x 200 M w/1 minute rest between

10 x 50 M w/20 seconds between


3-5 Minute Warm up


3 Rounds of:

1:00 Hard

1:00 Easy


5 Rounds of:

30 seconds Hard 

30 seconds Easy


6 Rounds of:

20 seconds Hard

20 seconds Easy


2 Minutes Easy Cool Down

Friday October 12th

Warm up - couch stretch, pigeon stretch, 90/90 hip opener stretch, voodoo floss knees + quads + 20 air squats (each leg), spiderman stretch, 10 good mornings, then warm up in workout weight…

Front Squat

9 x 2 reps @ (60% with 25% or the 60% being band tension)

Clean + 2 Jerks

EMOM for 10 Min


20/16 Calorie Bike Erg

1 Round of:

3 Pull Ups and 1 Muscle Up


12 Pistol Squats

Thursday October 11th

Warm up - Foam roll 5 min quads, hips, back, couch stretch, spiderman stretch, 2 rounds of: 10 shoulder rolls + 10 OHS + 5 single arm DB thrusters (each arm) + 25 single unders

Alternating Minutes x 32 minutes (8 rounds)

Min 1: 15-20 Calorie Row

Min 2: 10 Dumbell Thrusters 50/35#

Min 3: 12-15 Calorie Echo Bike

Min 4: 50 Double Unders

Wednesday October 10th

Warm up - foam roll 5 minutes hips, glutes, back, couch stretch, pigeon stretch, shoulder rolls, 90/90 hip opener stretch (3-5 reps on each side), 2 rounds of: 15 air squats + 10 v-ups + 10 single leg deadlifts + 0:30 HS Hold

AMRAP 8 minutes

3 Rounds

9 Toes to bar

3 Deadlift 315/225

3 Rounds

9 Toes to bar

6 Deadlift 275/185

3 Rounds

9 Toes to bar

9 Deadlift 225/155

3 Rounds

9 Toes to bar

12 Deadlift 185/125

3 Rounds

9 Toes to bar

15 Deadlift 135/95

3 Sets for quality

20 Hip Extensions

100’ Lunge Walk

Or Tower Run Summit Park 11am

If you don’t do the tower run

do a 30 min zone two/jog

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