Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, hamstring smash, wall squat stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, lat/pec stretch, 0:30 HS Hold, shoulder rolls, 2 rounds of: 15 Calorie row + 1 rounds “Cindy”, then warm up legless and HSW and roll into workout…
Conditioning 1:
With a Parnter for time
200 Calorie Row
100 GHD Sit Ups (Each, at the same time)
20 Legless Rope Climbs
400’ HSWalk
200 Calorie Bike Erg
Conditioning 2:
10 Rounds (Alternate with a partner on the rower)
300m Row (@ 2k pace or faster)
6 Shoulder to Overhead 195/135#
Big Back Wednesday!
Chest Supported upright rows
9 exercises horizontal plane 80% 9-12 reps
9 exercises vertical plane 80% 9-12 reps