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Wednesday August 11th

Warm up - Couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, twisted cross stretch, calf/ankle stretch, roll into intervals first one is warm up.

Rowing Intervals

6 x 500m w/1 minute rest

*Get progressively faster each interval, first row is just a warm up/10k pace.

Snatch 10 singles with 78% EMOM

Clean 10 singles with 78% EMOM

jerk from the rack 10 singles with 80% EMOM

front squat 3 sets of 3 (work on position and technique, don’t go over 80%)

EMOM x 10 minutes

15 Ring Dips (Strict if possible)

20 GHD Sit Ups

*Alternating Minutes

Tuesday August 10th

Warm up - 3 x 30 sec HS Hold (lat stretch between each one), 1k easy bike, couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, 2 rounds of: 20 banded pull aparts + 10 shoulder rolls + twisted cross stretch. 

5 Rounds

1 Mile Bike

20 Strict Press 30% Jerk

100 Double Unders

Deadlift 3x5 (work to a heavy 5)

Snatch Grip Push Press 3x5 with 80% of your best SNGPP (pause in the power position for 1-2 seconds)

You can supper set these to make it go faster if you like

8x8 DB Lateral Raises (15 sec rest Per set)

4x12 Chest Supported Pronated Grip Rear Delt Fly (squeeze the reps)

Monday August 8th

Warm up - Couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, twisted cross stretch, squat hold, 2 x 10 jump squats (bottom to bottom) + 10 cossack squats + 10 shoulder rolls, roll into goblet squats…

Goblet squat

3 x 20 reps 

*Focus on sitting back as much as possible engaging hamstrings and glutes.

Back Squat

3 x 5 reps @ 70%

Snatch 10 singles with 78% EMOM

Clean and jerk 10 singles with 78% EMOM


4 x 8 reps

Leg Extensions

4 x 20 reps

*Superset these two movements.

Three Rounds


120’ Farmers Carry


100 Cable Extensions

Wednesday Augustth

Warm up - 10 minutes shoulder mobility/upper back mobility

For time The Games had a 12 Min Cap and The Pig. We will do Deadlifts instead.

To the Light Post and Back Sled Drag (225/180#)

5 Deadlift #315/225

12 Ring Muscle Ups

24 Bar Muscle Ups

12 Ring Muscle Ups

5 Deadlifts #315/225

To the Light Post and Back Sled Drag (225/180#)

Rest as Needed


Wall Walks

Thrusters 185/135#

21 Min Cap

Tuesday August 3rd

Break all this work up over the day. If you do just one session pick two only.


2 x 1 rep @ 60%

2 x 1 rep @ 65%

2 x 1 rep @ 70%

2 x 1 rep @ 75%

2 x 1 rep @ 80%

2 x 1 rep @ 85%

4 Rounds for time

125 Double Unders

25 Toes to Bar

Take 10 Min and build to a Power Clean and Jerk

EMOM x 10 minutes (Same minute!)

3 Hang Power Cleans 185/125#

6 Cal Ski Erg

Rest 5 minutes

EMOM x 10 minutes (Same minute)

3 Shoulder to Overhead 185/125#

9 CTB Pull Ups

Monday August 2nd

Warm up - 2 sets of: 1:00 bike + 5 single arm DB Front squats (each arm) + 10 shoulder rolls + 10 kip swings, then 2 sets of: 1:00 bike + 5 DB Front squats (working up in weight) + 10 push ups + twisted cross stretch, warm up to workout weight…

5 Rounds

300m Run

20 KBS #70#55

6 Muscle Ups

20 GHD Sit Ups

For time:

30 Calorie Echo Bike

20 Burpee Box Jump Overs

10 Front Squats 225/155#

Rest 3 minutes

10 Front Squats 225/155#

20 Burpee Box Jump Overs

30 Calorie Echo Bike

Wednesday July 28th

Warm up - couch stretch, ankle rolls, 90/90 hip opener stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, pigeon stretch, 30 air squats, single leg deadlifts (10 each leg), glute bridge single leg (10 each leg)

4 Rounds

AMRAP 3 minutes 

15 Overhead Press 135/95

25/20 Calorie Echo Bike

Max Calorie Row with time remaining.

Rest 2 minutes after each round!

30 Degree Incline DB Bench Press - 4x8

Seated Incline cable Pec Fly 6x10

Dips 3xMax Reps

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