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Tuesday July 27th


8 x 200 w/2 minutes rest

Start a new workout every 15:00


GHD Sit Ups

10 Alternating Arm DB Hang Clean and Jerk 80/60#


Chest to Bar Pull Ups

70’ Yoke Carry

Toes to Bar

50’ Handstand Walk

Monday July 26th

Warm up - 2 min barbell quad smash (each leg), crossover symmetry activation, banded couch stretch, ankle rolls, straddle hamstring stretch, pigeon stretch, 30 air squats (Varying stance and toe angle), 20 shoulder rolls, 10 OHS, warm up w/barbell until loose…

3 Sets (Around same weight, around 75% of max FS)

3 Front Squat

3 Back Squat


-Build your way up to a heavy double for the day!

Low Hang Snatch High Pulls

3 x 5 reps @ 75% (Use straps)

“The Standard”

For time: This had a 12 min cap at the games so pace accordingly.

30 Clean and Jerk 135/95#

30 Ring Muscle Ups

30 Power Snatch 135/95#

Tricep Ext (whatever exercises you like)

8 x 12-15 reps

Thursday July 15th

Warm up - Hamstring stretches, couch stretch, squat hold, leg swings, calf/ankle stair stretch

3 min on 3 Min Off x 4

200 M Run

2 Rounds

5 Pull Ups

10 TTB

15 Air Squat


Rest as Needed

Every 10 Min x 3 (round one you do burpee, round two pistols, round three burpees)

3 Rounds

15 Cal Bike

10 Burpees/Pistols/Burpees

15 Cal Row

Wednesday July 14th

Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, straddle hamstring stretch, banded couch stretch, twisted cross stretch, 20 shoulder rolls, 2 rounds of: 10 single arm db push press/press + 10 hollow rocks + 20 air squats w/hip circle + 10 glute bridges (5 each leg), then warm up w/barbell until loose…

Speed Clean and Jerk Ladders (4 bars)

4 Sets

*Increasing weight after two sets. Rest as needed between sets. 

1&2 185/205/215/225. 

3&4 245/255/265/275. 

For time

30 Strict Pull Ups

25/20 Calorie Echo Bike

70’ Handstand Walk

Rest until 10:00

70’ Handstand Walk

25/20 Calorie Echo Bike

30 Strict Pull Ups

Tuesday July 13th

Warm up - banded couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, twisted cross stretch, pigeon stretch, 90/90 hip opener, 2 rounds of: 20 air squats w/hip circle + 10 Bulgarian split lunges (5 each leg)

Back Squats

Sets 10/10/5/3/3/3/10

5 rounds 2:30 on 90 sec off

80 Double Under

25 Sit Ups

Sand Bag Carry Max Distance 100lbs

Monday July 12th

Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, banded couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, wall sit OH stretch, 20 shoulder rolls, 20 single arm DB press (10 each arm), 20 Air Squats w/hip circle, 10 OHS pvc, warm up 3 position snatch w/barbell until loose…

10 Rounds Alt with Partner

3 Deadlift #155#115

3 Front Squat

3 Push Press


5 Min Rest

Work to Best Snatch in 7 Rounds

One 155 / 105
Two 185 / 135

Three 205 /145

Four 225 /155

Five 245 /165

Six 265 /185

Seven 285 /195

DB Push Press 

4 x 8 Reps (Heavy)

L-Sit Pull Up (Underhand)

4 x 6 reps 

*Superset these two movements. 

3 Rounds for time


10 Ring Muscle Ups


100’ Double KB Overhead Lunge 53/35#’s

Saturday July 10th

Warm up - Hamstring stretches, couch stretch, squat hold, leg swings, calf/ankle stair stretch

5 Rounds

12 Cal Ski Erg


Clean and Jerk


Rest 3 Min

Every 2 min

3 Squat Clean @85%

4 Rounds


Lat Pull Down

Single Arm Lat Pull

Three Point Row

Chest Supported DB Rear Delt Raises

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