Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, banded couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, wall sit OH stretch, 20 shoulder rolls, 20 single arm DB press (10 each arm), 20 Air Squats w/hip circle, 10 OHS pvc, warm up 3 position snatch w/barbell until loose…
10 Rounds Alt with Partner
3 Deadlift #155#115
3 Front Squat
3 Push Press
5 Min Rest
Work to Best Snatch in 7 Rounds
One 155 / 105
Two 185 / 135
Three 205 /145
Four 225 /155
Five 245 /165
Six 265 /185
Seven 285 /195
DB Push Press
4 x 8 Reps (Heavy)
L-Sit Pull Up (Underhand)
4 x 6 reps
*Superset these two movements.
3 Rounds for time
10 Ring Muscle Ups
100’ Double KB Overhead Lunge 53/35#’s