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Friday July 9th

Warm up - crossover symmetry, banded couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, banded bully stretch (shoulder), 20 air squats w/hip circle, 15 shoulder rolls, 10 OHS, warm up w/barbell until loose…

Back Squat

4 x 5 reps

*Three sets at 65-70% and then go a bit heavier on the last set.

Snatch + 2 OHS

3 x Heavy complex attempts @ 85-90%

*All sets at the same weight, work up to this weight doing one snatch plus two OHS every set leading up to it!

For time

80 Wall Ball 30/20#

60 Calorie Row

40 Burpees over Erg

20 Shoulder to Overhead #185#135

10 Muscle Ups

Thursday July 8th

Warm up - twisted cross stretch, 20 shoulder rolls, 2 sets of 15 band pull aparts + 10 push ups

Incline DB Chest Press 4x8

DB Laterals 4x12

DB Chest Supported Rear Laterals 4x12

Finger Tip Cable Upright Row 3x20

For time

100 Toes to Bar


Strict Deficit HSPU 5/3”


GHD Sit Ups

Wednesday June 7th

AM Session

Warm up - banded couch stretch, pigeon stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, leg swings, calf/ankle stair stretch, twisted cross stretch, 4 x 50yd strides, 200m ski, 10yd sled push, roll into workout…

5 Rounds (New round every 6:00)

500m Ski Erg

10 DB Lunges 50s/35s

400m Run

30 Strict Ring Muscle Ups or 50 Dead Stop Chest To Bar Pull Ups

*Accumulate in sets of 1-5 reps. Stick with your same sets throughout the 30 reps. 

PM Session

Warm up - banded couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, twisted cross stretch, pec/lat stretch, 20 band pull aparts, 20 hollow rocks, 20 air squats w/hip circle, 4 x 5-7 reps deadlifts (warm up reps, increasing weight), 10 calorie hard echo bike, 1 legless rope climb, roll into workout…

AMRAP 2 min w/1 min rest Then on the Fourth Round AMRAP 3 Min

1 Legless Rope Climbs 15’

15/12 Calorie Bike

Max rep Deadlift with time remaining 275/185#

Once you complete 75 reps you are done! This took me 10:48 to finish. 

5 Sets of

20 Leg Curls

20 Hollow Rocks 

Tuesday July 6th

Tempo Bike/Row

3 Min Warm up 

5 Rounds of:

2 Minutes TEMPO Bike (threshold watts)

2 Minutes Easy Row


3 Min Cool Down

5 Rounds

100 Double Unders

10 Bar Muscle Ups

100’ Handstand Walk


Ring Push Ups

Inverted Ring Rows

PM Session

Warm up - banded couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, 10 Bulgarian split lunges (5 each leg), 30 air squats (w/hip circle), 20 shoulder rolls, 10 single arm DB press (each arm), warm up w/barbell until loose… work up in weight.

10 Rounds (WR 1:1)

100m Run

3 Squat Cleans 225/155#

Wednesday June 29th

AM Session 

Warm up - 30 second bike moderate pace, banded couch stretch, 30 second bike moderate pace, straddle hamstring stretch, 30 second bike moderate pace, twisted cross stretch, 30 second bike moderate pace, elevated pigeon stretch, 5-10 burpee over box to practice… then roll into workout…

7 Rounds

20 Calorie cal Bike Hard

15 Burpee Box Jumps

90 Sec Rest

PM Session

Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, banded couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, 2 sets of: 10 calorie hard row + 5 single arm DB press + 5 DB push Press (each arm) + twisted cross stretch + 10 shoulder rolls, then warm up w/barbell until loose.  

4 sets @ 90% of 1RM Push Press

Push Press + 2 Split Jerk 

3 Rounds for time

15 Ring Rows

9 Deadlifts

6 Push Jerk

*All at 185/125#

Rest 3 minutes

3 Rounds for time

15 Ring Rows

9 Deadlifts

6 Push Jerk

*All at 185/125#

Tuesday June 29

Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, twisted cross stretch, 15 shoulder rolls, banded couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, 20 air squats w/hip circle, barbell front rack stretch, 10 single arm DB front squats (each arm), 10 barbell power cleans + 5 barbell front squats, work up in weight on clean complex… stick with lighter weights until loose. 

5 Sets (New set every 1:30)

1 Squat Clean + 2 Front Squats @ 80% of 1RM Clean.

For time:

100 DUs

10 Bench Press @65%

20 Power Cleans 135/95#

*Rest 2 minutes

100 DUs

15 Bench Press @70%

15 Power Cleans 185/125#

*Rest 2 minutes

100 DUs

20 Bench Press @75%

10 Power Cleans 225/175#

Monday June 28th

Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, banded couch stretch, twisted cross stretch, 20 shoulder rolls, 20 air squats w/hip circle, ankle/calf squat stretch (weight on knees), 10 Bulgarian split lunges (5 each leg, deep as you can go), barbell warm up - 5 muscle snatch + 5 OHS + 3 snatch (until loose…)

Snatch Doubles

-Sets of 2 all the way up to 75%, then increase by 5-10# each set until you reach a top set for the day. The goal should be to get to or slightly above your triple from last week. 

Snatch Deadlifts

5 x 2 reps 

*Start at 100% and work up in weight each set to a heavy 2 for the day. Re-set at the bottom between reps.


Strict Deficit HSPU 6”/4”


Toes to Bar


KBS #70#53

PM Session

Warm up - banded couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, twisted cross stretch, 15 shoulder rolls, 10 Bulgarian split lunges (5 each leg as low as you can), 10 seated barbell good mornings, 2 x 20 air squats w/hip circle + calf/ankle stair stretch + upper back foam roll/stretch

Back Squats


1 x Max reps @ 70%

For time:

20 Muscle Ups

80 GHD Sit Ups

60 Weighted box step ups

40 Calorie Row

20 Shoulder to Overhead (Single DB) 100/70# (5 each arm x 2)

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