Warm up - crossover symmetry, banded couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, banded bully stretch (shoulder), 20 air squats w/hip circle, 15 shoulder rolls, 10 OHS, warm up w/barbell until loose…
Back Squat
4 x 5 reps
*Three sets at 65-70% and then go a bit heavier on the last set.
Snatch + 2 OHS
3 x Heavy complex attempts @ 85-90%
*All sets at the same weight, work up to this weight doing one snatch plus two OHS every set leading up to it!
For time
80 Wall Ball 30/20#
60 Calorie Row
40 Burpees over Erg
20 Shoulder to Overhead #185#135
10 Muscle Ups