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AM Session 

Warm up - 30 second bike moderate pace, banded couch stretch, 30 second bike moderate pace, straddle hamstring stretch, 30 second bike moderate pace, twisted cross stretch, 30 second bike moderate pace, elevated pigeon stretch, 5-10 burpee over box to practice… then roll into workout…

7 Rounds

20 Calorie cal Bike Hard

15 Burpee Box Jumps

90 Sec Rest

PM Session

Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, banded couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, 2 sets of: 10 calorie hard row + 5 single arm DB press + 5 DB push Press (each arm) + twisted cross stretch + 10 shoulder rolls, then warm up w/barbell until loose.  

4 sets @ 90% of 1RM Push Press

Push Press + 2 Split Jerk 

3 Rounds for time

15 Ring Rows

9 Deadlifts

6 Push Jerk

*All at 185/125#

Rest 3 minutes

3 Rounds for time

15 Ring Rows

9 Deadlifts

6 Push Jerk

*All at 185/125#

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