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Friday June 25th

Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, banded couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, 30 Air squats w/hip circle, 20 shoulder rolls, 10 OHS

Snatch Grip Push Press + 3 Overhead Squats 

-Build up to a heavy set for the day.

High Hang Snatch + Snatch

5 x 1 rep @ 75%

“Killer Cage”

3 Rounds for time

1000m Bike Erg

7 Back Squat Squats 275/185#

35 Pull Ups

Wednesday June 23

Warm up - banded couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, twisted cross stretch, lat/pec stretch, 10 Bulgarian split lunges (5 each leg), 2 rounds of: 7 toes to bar + 10 deadlifts + 25 Du’s

For time:

2000m Ski Erg

3 Rounds

15 Deadlifts 315/225#

30 Toes to Bar

150 Double Unders

PM Session

Warm up - 2 rounds of: 10 strict press/push press + 20 air squats + 10 shoulder rolls, start working up in weight…

EMOM x 10 minutes

Keep it lighter 50-60%

3 Front Squats

3 Push Jerk

For time:

500m Row

21 Strict HSPU

500m Row

15 Strict HSPU

500m Row

9 Strict HSPU

*Rest until 10:00 (Or rest at least 3 minutes rest)

500m Row

9 Strict HSPU 

500m Row

15 Strict HSPU 

500m Row

21 Strict HSPU

Tuesday June 22nd

Warm up - banded couch stretch, twisted cross stretch, banded bully shoulder stretch, shoulder rolls, 2 rounds of 10 banded pull aparts + 10 push ups + 10 hang power cleans 

Bench Press

2 WAVES of:

5 Reps @ 73%

3 Reps @ 80%

1 Rep @ 87%

*Rest as needed between sets. Increase weight on the second wave through from the first wave.


Bench Press 205/135#

Hang Power Clean 205/135#

3 Rounds for time

30 Wall Ball 30/20#

20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

`100 Yard Sandbag Carry

Monday June 21st

Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, banded couch stretch, twisted cross stretch, 20 shoulder rolls, 20 air squats w/hip circle, ankle/calf squat stretch (weight on knees), 10 Bulgarian split lunges (5 each leg, deep as you can go), barbell warm up - 5 muscle snatch + 5 OHS + 3 snatch (until loose…)

Back Squats

10/8/6/4/2 reps 

Snatch Doubles

-Sets of 2 singles all the way up to 75%, then increase by 5-10# each set until you reach a top set for the day. 

Deficit Snatch Deadlifts

5 x 2 reps 

*Start at 100% and work up in weight each set to a heavy 2 for the day. Re-set at the bottom between reps.

For time:

1000m Row

Then right into…

5 Rounds

9 Bar Muscle Ups

7 Parallette HSPU

Wednesday June 16th

Treat today as you would a competition. Work hard then rest recover. Then work hard again.

Warm up - banded couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, banded bully stretch (shoulder), 20 shoulder rolls, calf/ankle stair stretch, 2 x 5 Muscle snatch + 5 power snatch + 5 OHS

3 Min AMRAP with 90 sec Rest

10 Snatch 135/85#

Max Bar Facing Burpee

3 Min AMRAP with 90 sec Rest

10 Snatch 185/125#

Max Bar Facing Burpee

3 Min AMRAP with 90 sec Rest

10 Snatch 225/145#

Max Bar Facing Burpee


Max Rep Snatches 245/165#

Rest as needed

Deadlift Ladder with a partner

10 @ 135/95

10 @ 225/155

10 @ 315/205

10 @ 365/235

10 @ 405/265

10 @ 365/235

10 @ 315/205

10 @ 225/155

10 @ 135/95

Tuesday June 15th

Warm up - banded couch stretch, frog stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, twisted cross stretch, banded lat/pec stretch, 10 shoulder rolls, then warm up movements: complete 10 of each barbell movements and in between get 5 pull ups. Then work up in weight and complete 5 of each movement, then work up to working weight and get 3 of each movement. Make sure to get a few BMU in before you start as well. 

For time

30 Calorie Bike

30 Pull Ups

30 Deadlifts 205/135#

20 Calorie Bike

20 CTB Pull Ups

20 Power Cleans 205/125#

10 Calorie Bike

10 Bar Muscle Ups

10 Shoulder to Overhead 205/125#

For Time

6 Rounds

30 KBS #70#53

15 Bench Press #185#115

Monday June 14th

Warm up - 500m Easy row, banded couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, twisted cross stretch, banded bully stretch (shoulder), banded lat/pec stretch, 2 rounds of: 10 shoulder rolls + 25’ HSW + 5 strict pull ups

Back Squats

3 x 10 reps @ 135/95

3 x 10 reps @ 225/155



2000m Row

120’ HSW (in 10’ increments)

30 TTB

1000m Row

90’ HSW (in 10’ increments)

30 TTB

2000m Row

70’ HSW (in 10’ increments)

30 TTB

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