December 9 Bootcamp and CF

Monday 12/9 Crossfit

Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 10 light kB swings, :30 jacks, 5 inch worms with push up, :30 wrist stretch 


For 14:00: 

Work to find power clean 1RM or work on form 

*15 sit ups between lifts 


12:00 AMRAP: 


Push jerk (no heavier than 135/95) 

Bar facing burpees 


Not for time: 

Accumulate 150 mountain climbers 

Monday 12/9 Bootcamp 

Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 10 light kB swings, :30 jacks, 5 inch worms with push up, :30 wrist stretch 


For 14:00: 

7 dB power clean (start light keep building to a heavy 7 unbroken)

7 box jumps 

14 sit ups 


12:00 AMRAP: 


Push dB push jerk heavy 

Burpees over dB 


Not for time: 

Accumulate 150 mountain climbers 

Tuesday 12/10 Crossfit 

Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 20 m walking lunges, 20 m quad stretch, 12 good mornings, 10 pass throughs


15:00 EMOM: 

1st: 6-8 barbell split stance squats right 

2nd: 6-8 barbell split stance squats right 

3rd: :30 flutter kicks 


4 rounds for time: 

3:00 on / 1:00 off 

20/15 cals 

10 wall balls 

Power snatch in remaining time (95/65) 

*score is total number of snatches


Not for time:

Accumulate 60 banded hamstring curls

Tuesday 12/10 Bootcamp 

Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 20 m walking lunges, 20 m quad stretch, 12 good mornings, 10 pass throughs


15:00 EMOM: 

1st: 20 m lunges 

2nd: 20 m bear crawl 

3rd: :30 flutter kicks 


4 rounds for time: 

3:00 on / 1:00 off 

20/15 cals 

10 wall balls 

Single arm dB snatch (2 reps count as one to make it competitive with CrossFit) 

*score is total number of snatches


Not for time:

Accumulate 60 banded hamstr

Wednesday 12/11 Crossfit 

Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 20 m Spider-Man, 10 m crab walk, 10 pull aparts, 10 forward raises 


12:00 EMOM: 

1st: 5 Power cleans @ 70% 1RM 

2nd: 10 push ups 

3rd: 6-8 ring dips 


For time (20 minute timecap): 

20 DB bench press 

400 meters 

15 DB bench 

400 meters 

10 DB bench 

400 meters 

5 DB bench 

400 meters 


Not for time: 

Accumulate 2:00 side plank for side

Wednesday 12/11 Bootcamp 

Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 20 m Spider-Man, 10 m crab walk, 10 pull aparts, 10 forward raises 


12:00 EMOM: 

1st: 10 heavy dB power clean ( go mid shin not to ground) 

2nd: 10 push ups 

3rd: 6-8 dips (paralets, on bench, or on box )


For time (20 minute timecap): 

20 DB bench press 

400 meters 

15 DB bench 

400 meters 

10 DB bench 

400 meters 

5 DB bench 

400 meters 


Not for time: 

Accumulate 2:00 side plank for side

Thursday 12/11 CrossFit

Warm up :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 6 warrior squats, :30 pigeon stretch, 10 ring rows,

10 plank ups 


For 14:00 minutes

5 front squats

15 hollow rocks 


For time (15:00 timecap): 


Sit ups 

Box jumps 

Ring row 

Jump rope x2 on the amount of reps 


2 rounds not for time: 

:30 weighted glute bridge hold 

15 quadruped hip extensions/side (band above knee) 

Thursday 12/11 Bootcamp 

Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 6 warrior squats, :30 pigeon stretch, 10 ring rows, 10 plank ups 


For 14:00: 

7 dB thrusters. Start light find a heavy one

:15 hollow hold

5 sit ups 


For time (15:00 timecap): 


Sit ups 

Box jumps 

Ring row 

Jump rope x2 on the amount of reps 


2 rounds not for time: 

:30 weighted glute bridge hold 

15 quadruped hip extensions/side (band above knee) 

Friday 12/12 Crossfit 

Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 5 burpees, :30 shoulder taps, :30 chest opener stretch, 20 m Samson 


Every :90 for 5 sets:

1st: 6 Devil press 

2nd: 12 renegade rows 


In teams of 2, 1 partner working at a time: 

20 rounds (95/65): 

5 squat cleans 

5 front squats 

5 shoulder to overhead 


Not for time: 

Accumulate 150 weighted side bends (75/side) 

Friday 12/12 Bootcamp 

Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 5 burpees, :30 shoulder taps, :30 chest opener stretch, 20 m Samson 


Every :90 for 5 sets:

1st: 6 Devil press 

2nd: 12 renegade rows 


In teams of 2, 1 partner working at a time: 

20 rounds 

10 dB hang power cleans

10 dB front squats 

10 dB thrusters 


Not for time: 

Accumulate 150 weighted side bends (75/side) 

December 2 Bootcamp and CF

Monday 12/2 Crossfit 

Warm up: :60 row, bike, ski + 2 rounds - 5 snatch pulls, 5 snatch high pulls, 5 snatch balances, 10 pass throughs 


For 14:00: 

Snatch work 

*work to 1RM or focus on form 


For time: 

30 calorie bike 

15 hang cleans (65/95) 

15 thrusters (65/95) 

30 calorie ski 

15 front squats (65/95) 

15 push press (65/95)

30 calorie row 


Not for time: 

Accumulate 50 barbell glute bridges 

Monday 12/2 bootcamp

Warm up: :60 row, bike, ski + 2 rounds - 5 snatch pulls, 5 snatch high pulls, 5 snatch balances, 10 pass throughs (teaching moment for beginners)


For 14:00: 


db snatch

ring row

air squat


For time: 

30 calorie bike 

15 db hang cleans  (If using 15 pounds or less reps are 30)

15 db thrusters    (If using 15 pounds or less reps are 30)

30 calorie ski 

15 db front squats    (If using 15 pounds or less reps are 30)

15 db push press     (If using 15 pounds or less reps are 30)

30 calorie row 


Not for time: 

Accumulate 50 barbell or weighted glute bridges 

Tuesday 12/3 Crossfit 

Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 5 push ups, 20 m high knees, 20 m butt kicks, :30 plank


10:00 EMOM: 

1st: :40 double unders

2nd: 6-8 HSPU 


For time: 


Toes to bar 

Box jumps 

KB swings 


2-3 rounds not for time: 

12 banded lat pull downs 

15 hollow rocks 

Tuesday 12/3 Bootcamp

Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 5 push ups, 20 m high knees, 20 m butt kicks, :30 plank


10:00 EMOM: 

1st: :40 jump rope

2nd: 8 hand release push ups 


For time: 


Knee raises

Box jumps 

KB swings 


2-3 rounds not for time: 

12 banded lat pull downs 

15 hollow rocks 

Wednesday 12/3 Crossfit 

Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 15 banded forward raises, :30 chest opener stretch, 20 shoulder taps, 20 m walking lunges 


For 15:00, steady pace (add weight to bench): 

5 bench press 

7 ring rows 

9 strict press


21-15-9, for time: 

Wall balls 

Push ups 

*400 m row after each round 


Not for time: 

Accumulate 60 Russian twists 

2:00 plank with elbows on wall ball 

Wednesday 12/3 Bootcamp

Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 15 banded forward raises, :30 chest opener stretch, 20 shoulder taps, 20 m walking lunges 


For 15:00, steady pace (add weight to bench): 

5 bench press or db bench press

7 ring rows 

9 strict press or db strict press


21-15-9, for time: 

Wall balls 

Push ups 

*400 m row after each round 


Not for time: 

Accumulate 60 Russian twists 

2:00 plank with elbows on wall ball 

Thursday 12/4 Crossfit 

Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 2 wall walks, :30 bar hang, 5 Snatch + 5 OHS with empty bar 


Every :90 for 5 rounds: 

1st: 6 chest to bar pull ups or 3 bar muscle ups 

2nd: 10 split stance rows/side 


For time; 

25 snatches @ 75% 1RM 

Cash out: 800m run 


30 barbell bicep curls (35/55) 

30 DB tricep kickbacks/side 

Thursday 12/4 Bootcamp 

Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 2 wall walks or plank walk ins, :30 bar hang, 5 Snatch + 5 OHS with empty bar 


Every :90 for 5 rounds: 

1st: 6 Ring rows (body parallel to floor if possible or as low as possible)

2nd: 10 split stance rows/side 


For time; 

50 DB snatches

Cash out: 800m run


30 barbell or db bicep curls (35/55) 

30 DB tricep kickbacks/side 

Friday 12/5 Crossfit 

Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 5 suitcase deadlifts/side, 5 burpees, 10 air squats, :30 hollow hold


For 14:00, working to heavy set: 

5 back squats 

10 plank ups 


For time, with a partner: 

150 Deadlifts (225/155)

150 burpees over bar 


2-3 rounds not for time: 

40 m overhead KB carry 

:30 weighted Sorensen hold 

Friday 12/5 Crossfit 

Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 5 suitcase deadlifts/side, 5 burpees, 10 air squats, :30 hollow hold


For 14:00, working to heavy set: 

5 goblet squats ( can use dumbells for more weight options)

10 plank ups 


For time, with a partner: 

150 kb Deadlifts 

150 burpees over bar or kb


2-3 rounds not for time: 

40 m overhead KB carry 

:45 reverse plank shoulders on bench

November 25 Bootcamp and CF

Monday November 25-CrossFit 

Warm up ( :30 plank, 20 Russian twist, 10 air squats x3)


15 min time cap 

60 oh press @ 50 % of max or with just the bar

everytime you break you have 5 push ups and 5 calories on your choice of machine 

rest as needed


16 min emom done for max reps

1: :60 jump rope or double unders

2: :60 db power cleans 

3: :60 wall balls

4: rest


2-3 rounds 

:15 L hang or knee tuck hang

:30 rest


Warm up ( :30 plank, 20 Russian twist, 10 air squats x3)


15:00 cap 

60 DB press

everytime you break you have 5 sit ups and 5 calories on your choice of machine 

rest as needed


16 min emom done for max reps

1: :60 jump rope or double unders

2: :60 db power cleans 

3: :60 wall balls

4: rest


2-3 rounds 

:15 L hang or knee tuck hang

:30 rest

Tuesday November 26-CrossFit

Warm Up ( 250 m row as fast as possible, :30 bottom of squat hold, 10 pvc pass overs, 10 pvc overhead squauts x2)


14 min ( start at 50% of front squat and build to find a heavy set for the day )

1 Deadlift

1 hang squat clean (or 1 power clean 3 front squats )

2 front squats 


14 min amrap

500 m row/ski or .8 miles on bike

10 power cleans @60% of max or 6/10


accumulate 2 minutes 

reverse plank


Warm Up ( 250 m row as fast as possible, :30 bottom of squat hold, 10 pvc pass overs, 10 pvc overhead squauts x2)


14:00@steady pace

6 dumbbell deadlifts

6 dumbbell hang power cleans

12 bike calories

Accumulate :45 plank 


14 min amrap

500 m row/ski or .8 miles on bike

15 russian kettlebell swings, moderate/tough

15 sit ups



Accumulate :60 hollow hold

Accumulate 40 russian twists

Wednesday November 27-CrossFit

Warm up ( 1 min row/bike/ski/run, 20 m Frankenstein, 20 m high knees, 10 air squats x3)


14 min amrap ( start at 50% or 5/6 on rpe scale) ( focus on squat form and landing soft on the box)

5 back squats 

5 box jumps

rest as needed 


4 rounds for time (15 minute time cap)

1 mile bike 

30 box step ups

10 pull ups or 20 ring row


accumulate :90 plank with plate on back


Warm up ( 1 min row/bike/ski/run, 20 m Frankenstein, 20 m high knees, 10 air squats x3)


14:00@steady pace

10 goblet squats

20 plate hops

2 wall walks

250m row


4 rounds for time (15 minute time cap)

1 mile bike 

30 box step ups

10 pull ups or 20 ring row



accumulate :90 arrested superman

Thursday November 28

Class at 8:00 AM

Workout TBD

Friday November 29

Class at 10:00 AM only


Exercise 1: Done as a straight set Every 90 Sec for 6 Rounds

8 Barbell RDLs + 6 Barbell Mid Rows - Increase the weight every round to a top set

Exercise Group 2: Done as a straight set Every 90 Sec of 5 Rounds

Ab Roll Out with your barbell: 30 Sec Max Reps

Exercises 3 and 4: Done as a super set

10 Lat Pull Downs or Strict Pull Ups: Transition Rest

12 Split Stance Bent Over Kb/Db Row 90 Sec Rest

x 3 Rounds

Exercise 5 and 6: Done as a super set (you have 5 min to complete it)

100 Trap Shrugs done with KBs/DBs every time you stop 15 band pull aparts

Exercise 7: Done with a partner (work rest 1:1)

150 Barbell Bicep Curls #55#35


3 Partners: 12/9 Cal Bike Sprints - 6 Rounds

November 18 Bootcamp and CF

Monday November 18-CrossFit

Warm up: ( :20 hollow hold, 5 calories, :30 plank, 20 banded good mornings)  x2


14 min amrap (go at own pace, strength based)

3  Deadlifts (start at 7/10 on rpe scale) (keep building as you feel comfortable)

:20 plank

6 push ups


For Time (15 min timecap)

50 push ups

50 air squats

50 ring rows

50 wall balls


(1 min row bike ski, 40 m farmer carry)


Warm up: ( :20 hollow hold, 5 calories, :30 plank, 20 banded good mornings)  x2


14 min amrap (go at own pace, strength based)

250m row or 250m ski

6 dual dumbbell deadlifts, moderate/tough

Accumulate :45 plank


For Time (15 min timecap)

50 hand-release push ups

50 air squats

50 ring rows

50 wall balls



:60 row/bike/ski

40m farmers carry

Tuesday November 19-CrossFit

Warm up: (1 min row bike ski, 5 push ups, 10 light 1 arm db press) x3


10 min amrap (work at your own pace strength)

4 strict press at 70% of max or 7/10 on rpe scale

6 calories


4 rounds for time (15 min timecap)

10 burpees 

15 box jumps

20 db snatches 



:20 hollow hold

20 russian twist 


Warm up: (1 min row bike ski, 5 push ups, 10 light 1 arm db press) x3


10 min amrap (work at your own pace strength)

4 dumbbell strict press, tough

:30 flutter kicks

12 calories


4 rounds for time (15 min timecap)

10 burpees 

15 box jumps

20 db snatches 



:20 hollow hold

20 russian twist 

Wednesday November 20-CrossFit

Warm up: (1 min row bike ski, 20 m Frankenstein, 20 m quad stretch, 20 m high knees) x 3


15 min amrap (work at your own pace)

4 back squats (start at 6 or 7/10 rpe) (find heavy set)

4 pull ups 

40 jump ropes


13 min amrap

10 thrusters up to 65/95

10 calorie bike

10 pull ups


accumulate 1 min flutter kick

accumulate 1 min plate pinch hold 


Warm up: (1 min row bike ski, 20 m Frankenstein, 20 m quad stretch, 20 m high knees) x 3


Every :60 for 15:00

1st: 8 tough goblet squats 

2nd: :30 top of ring row hold 

3rd: :30 jump rope practice


13 min amrap

10 dumbbell thrusters

10 calorie bike

10 ring rows



accumulate 1 min flutter kick

accumulate 1 min plate pinch hold 

Thursday November 21-CrossFit

Warm up: ( :30 air squats, :30 lunges, :30 jumping jacks) x3


15 min emom

1: :40 seconds box step ups

2: :40 jump rope 

3: :40 plank


12 min amrap

12 db bench presss

40 m farmer carry 

20 band pull aparts 


accumulate 1:30 L sit or hanging knee raise 


Warm up: ( :30 air squats, :30 lunges, :30 jumping jacks) x3


15 min emom

1: :40 seconds box step ups

2: :40 plate hops

3: :40 plank


12 min amrap

12 db bench press

40 m farmer carry 

20 band pull aparts 



accumulate 1:30 L sit or hanging knee raise 

Friday November 22-CrossFit

Warm up: 10 min row/ bike/ ski at easy pace

Can switch machines


12 min amrap

40 m sled push

5 ring rows

10 air squats

20 single arm alt dB cleans


Row 2,000 meters

Every 2 minutes complete 3 burpees


10 banded bicep curls

10 banded tricep pull downs

10 banded lat pull downs



Warm up: 10 min row/ bike/ ski at easy pace

Can switch machines


Every :60 for 12:00

1st: 10 dumbbell power cleans

2nd: 2-3 wall walks or :30 handstand hold

3rd: 20m/side 1-arm KB overhead carry


For time (15:00 cap)

Row 2,000 meters

Every 2 minutes complete 3 burpees


2-3 rounds NFT:

10 banded bicep curls

10 banded tricep pull downs

10 banded lat pull downs

November 11 Bootcamp and CF

Monday November 11-CrossFit

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 hang from the bar + 5/side 1-arm DB thrusters + 20m quad stretch + 10m duck walk + 10m crab walk]


5:00-10:00 movement prep



For time (20:00 cap)

40 ring muscle ups or pull ups

80 row calories

120 wall balls

Partitioned any way (ex: 10 rounds of 4 MUs + 8 wall balls + 12 calories, or 4 rounds of 10 MUs, 20 calories, 30 wall balls)


For 9:00

1st: :30 easy bike/ski/jog on treadmill 

2nd: :30 plank

3rd: 12-15 light band pull aparts 


10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 hang from the bar + 5/side 1-arm DB thrusters + 20m quad stretch + 10m duck walk + 10m crab walk]


5:00-10:00 movement prep



For time (20:00 cap)

40 pull ups/barbell pull ups/ring rows

80 row calories

120 wall balls

Partitioned any way (ex: 10 rounds of 4 PUs + 8 wall balls + 12 calories, or 4 rounds of 10 PUs, 20 calories, 30 wall balls)


For 9:00

1st: :30 easy bike/ski/jog on treadmill 

2nd: :30 plank

3rd: 12-15 light band pull aparts 

Tuesday November 12-CrossFit

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [10 alternating toe touches from plank position + :30/side front rack stretch + 10 light banded pass throughs + :30 jumping jacks]


Every :90 for 5 sets:

1st: 3 clean-grip deadlifts + 3 hang power cleans, build so last set is moderate/tough

2nd: :30 plank + 10 light banded forward raises


AMRAP in 10:00

12 bar-facing burpees

6 power cleans, up to 95/135

12 bar-facing burpees

24 sit ups


2-3 rounds NFT:

10 alternating light DB frontal raise

:30 flutter kicks 


10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [10 alternating toe touches from plank position + :30/side front rack stretch + 10 light banded pass throughs + :30 jumping jacks]


Every :90 for 5 sets:

1st: 3 dumbbell deadlifts + 3 dumbbell hang power cleans, tough

2nd: :30 plank + 10 light banded forward raises


AMRAP in 10:00

12 bar-facing burpees

6 DB power cleans, moderate

12 bar-facing burpees

24 sit ups


2-3 rounds NFT:

10 alternating light DB frontal raise

:30 flutter kicks 

Wednesday November 13-CrossFit

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 bottom of a squat hold + :30 hang from bar or rings + 12 alternating 1-arm KB swings + :30 handstand hold]


Every 3:00 for 5 sets:

4 back squats, 22x1 tempo

6-8 strict toes to bar


Every :60 for 16:00

1st: 8/10 row calories

2nd: 40 double unders 

3rd: 6 front squats from the floor, as heavy as 95/135

4th: 2-3 wall walks 


Not for time:

Accumulate 2:00 superman hold 


10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 bottom of a squat hold + :30 hang from bar or rings + 12 alternating 1-arm KB swings + :30 handstand hold]


Every 3:00 for 5 sets:

6 goblet squats, 22x1 tempo

6-8 strict hanging knee raises or leg raises from floor


Every :60 for 16:00

1st: 8/10 row calories

2nd: 40 single unders

3rd: 6 DB front squats, tough!

4th: 2-3 wall walks 


Not for time:

Accumulate 2:00 superman hold 

Thursday November 14-CrossFit

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 hand-release push ups + 10 light banded pass throughs + 10 light alternating DB snatches + :15/side plank]


Every :90 for 5 sets:

1st: 4 bench press, 30x1 tempo

2nd: 10-12 Zottman curls, slow and controlled


3 rounds for time (15:00 cap)

20 kettlebell swings

20 box jumps

20 hand-release push ups

40m heavy farmers carry (this should not be the same weight as your kettlebell swings)


2-3 rounds NFT:

6-8/side 1-arm DB external rotation

15 unweighted hip extensions 


10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 hand-release push ups + 10 light banded pass throughs + 10 light alternating DB snatches + :15/side plank]


Every :90 for 5 sets:

1st: 4 DB bench press, 30x1 tempo

2nd: 10-12 Zottman curls, slow and controlled


3 rounds for time (15:00 cap)

20 kettlebell swings

20 box jumps or step ups

20 hand-release push ups

40m heavy farmers carry (this should not be the same weight as your kettlebell swings)


2-3 rounds NFT:

6-8/side 1-arm DB external rotation

15 unweighted hip extensions 

Friday November 15-CrossFit

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ 10 light banded overhead squats + 20m alternating lunges + 20m jog + :30 sit ups]


For 10:00

Overhead squat technique practice, stay VERY light unless you have a solid position


AMRAP in 15:00

500m row/ski or .7 miles on the bike

12 toes to bar

12 alternating pistol squats

12 alternating dumbbell snatches


2-3 rounds NFT:

10/side banded internal rotations 

15 hollow rocks


10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ 10 light banded overhead squats + 20m alternating lunges + 20m jog + :30 sit ups]


For 10:00

Easy bike, off every 2:00 for 10 light banded overhead squats and 3 burpees


AMRAP in 15:00

500m row/ski or .7 miles on the bike

12 hanging knee raises or weighted sit ups

12 alternating reverse goblet lunges w/DB

12 alternating dumbbell snatches


2-3 rounds NFT:

10/side banded internal rotations 

15 hollow rocks

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