Monday November 18-CrossFit
Warm up: ( :20 hollow hold, 5 calories, :30 plank, 20 banded good mornings) x2
14 min amrap (go at own pace, strength based)
3 Deadlifts (start at 7/10 on rpe scale) (keep building as you feel comfortable)
:20 plank
6 push ups
For Time (15 min timecap)
50 push ups
50 air squats
50 ring rows
50 wall balls
(1 min row bike ski, 40 m farmer carry)
Warm up: ( :20 hollow hold, 5 calories, :30 plank, 20 banded good mornings) x2
14 min amrap (go at own pace, strength based)
250m row or 250m ski
6 dual dumbbell deadlifts, moderate/tough
Accumulate :45 plank
For Time (15 min timecap)
50 hand-release push ups
50 air squats
50 ring rows
50 wall balls
:60 row/bike/ski
40m farmers carry
Tuesday November 19-CrossFit
Warm up: (1 min row bike ski, 5 push ups, 10 light 1 arm db press) x3
10 min amrap (work at your own pace strength)
4 strict press at 70% of max or 7/10 on rpe scale
6 calories
4 rounds for time (15 min timecap)
10 burpees
15 box jumps
20 db snatches
:20 hollow hold
20 russian twist
Warm up: (1 min row bike ski, 5 push ups, 10 light 1 arm db press) x3
10 min amrap (work at your own pace strength)
4 dumbbell strict press, tough
:30 flutter kicks
12 calories
4 rounds for time (15 min timecap)
10 burpees
15 box jumps
20 db snatches
:20 hollow hold
20 russian twist
Wednesday November 20-CrossFit
Warm up: (1 min row bike ski, 20 m Frankenstein, 20 m quad stretch, 20 m high knees) x 3
15 min amrap (work at your own pace)
4 back squats (start at 6 or 7/10 rpe) (find heavy set)
4 pull ups
40 jump ropes
13 min amrap
10 thrusters up to 65/95
10 calorie bike
10 pull ups
accumulate 1 min flutter kick
accumulate 1 min plate pinch hold
Warm up: (1 min row bike ski, 20 m Frankenstein, 20 m quad stretch, 20 m high knees) x 3
Every :60 for 15:00
1st: 8 tough goblet squats
2nd: :30 top of ring row hold
3rd: :30 jump rope practice
13 min amrap
10 dumbbell thrusters
10 calorie bike
10 ring rows
accumulate 1 min flutter kick
accumulate 1 min plate pinch hold
Thursday November 21-CrossFit
Warm up: ( :30 air squats, :30 lunges, :30 jumping jacks) x3
15 min emom
1: :40 seconds box step ups
2: :40 jump rope
3: :40 plank
12 min amrap
12 db bench presss
40 m farmer carry
20 band pull aparts
accumulate 1:30 L sit or hanging knee raise
Warm up: ( :30 air squats, :30 lunges, :30 jumping jacks) x3
15 min emom
1: :40 seconds box step ups
2: :40 plate hops
3: :40 plank
12 min amrap
12 db bench press
40 m farmer carry
20 band pull aparts
accumulate 1:30 L sit or hanging knee raise
Friday November 22-CrossFit
Warm up: 10 min row/ bike/ ski at easy pace
Can switch machines
12 min amrap
40 m sled push
5 ring rows
10 air squats
20 single arm alt dB cleans
Row 2,000 meters
Every 2 minutes complete 3 burpees
10 banded bicep curls
10 banded tricep pull downs
10 banded lat pull downs
Warm up: 10 min row/ bike/ ski at easy pace
Can switch machines
Every :60 for 12:00
1st: 10 dumbbell power cleans
2nd: 2-3 wall walks or :30 handstand hold
3rd: 20m/side 1-arm KB overhead carry
For time (15:00 cap)
Row 2,000 meters
Every 2 minutes complete 3 burpees
2-3 rounds NFT:
10 banded bicep curls
10 banded tricep pull downs
10 banded lat pull downs