Monday November 25-CrossFit
Warm up ( :30 plank, 20 Russian twist, 10 air squats x3)
15 min time cap
60 oh press @ 50 % of max or with just the bar
everytime you break you have 5 push ups and 5 calories on your choice of machine
rest as needed
16 min emom done for max reps
1: :60 jump rope or double unders
2: :60 db power cleans
3: :60 wall balls
4: rest
2-3 rounds
:15 L hang or knee tuck hang
:30 rest
Warm up ( :30 plank, 20 Russian twist, 10 air squats x3)
15:00 cap
60 DB press
everytime you break you have 5 sit ups and 5 calories on your choice of machine
rest as needed
16 min emom done for max reps
1: :60 jump rope or double unders
2: :60 db power cleans
3: :60 wall balls
4: rest
2-3 rounds
:15 L hang or knee tuck hang
:30 rest
Tuesday November 26-CrossFit
Warm Up ( 250 m row as fast as possible, :30 bottom of squat hold, 10 pvc pass overs, 10 pvc overhead squauts x2)
14 min ( start at 50% of front squat and build to find a heavy set for the day )
1 Deadlift
1 hang squat clean (or 1 power clean 3 front squats )
2 front squats
14 min amrap
500 m row/ski or .8 miles on bike
10 power cleans @60% of max or 6/10
accumulate 2 minutes
reverse plank
Warm Up ( 250 m row as fast as possible, :30 bottom of squat hold, 10 pvc pass overs, 10 pvc overhead squauts x2)
14:00@steady pace
6 dumbbell deadlifts
6 dumbbell hang power cleans
12 bike calories
Accumulate :45 plank
14 min amrap
500 m row/ski or .8 miles on bike
15 russian kettlebell swings, moderate/tough
15 sit ups
Accumulate :60 hollow hold
Accumulate 40 russian twists
Wednesday November 27-CrossFit
Warm up ( 1 min row/bike/ski/run, 20 m Frankenstein, 20 m high knees, 10 air squats x3)
14 min amrap ( start at 50% or 5/6 on rpe scale) ( focus on squat form and landing soft on the box)
5 back squats
5 box jumps
rest as needed
4 rounds for time (15 minute time cap)
1 mile bike
30 box step ups
10 pull ups or 20 ring row
accumulate :90 plank with plate on back
Warm up ( 1 min row/bike/ski/run, 20 m Frankenstein, 20 m high knees, 10 air squats x3)
14:00@steady pace
10 goblet squats
20 plate hops
2 wall walks
250m row
4 rounds for time (15 minute time cap)
1 mile bike
30 box step ups
10 pull ups or 20 ring row
accumulate :90 arrested superman
Thursday November 28
Class at 8:00 AM
Workout TBD
Friday November 29
Class at 10:00 AM only
Exercise 1: Done as a straight set Every 90 Sec for 6 Rounds
8 Barbell RDLs + 6 Barbell Mid Rows - Increase the weight every round to a top set
Exercise Group 2: Done as a straight set Every 90 Sec of 5 Rounds
Ab Roll Out with your barbell: 30 Sec Max Reps
Exercises 3 and 4: Done as a super set
10 Lat Pull Downs or Strict Pull Ups: Transition Rest
12 Split Stance Bent Over Kb/Db Row 90 Sec Rest
x 3 Rounds
Exercise 5 and 6: Done as a super set (you have 5 min to complete it)
100 Trap Shrugs done with KBs/DBs every time you stop 15 band pull aparts
Exercise 7: Done with a partner (work rest 1:1)
150 Barbell Bicep Curls #55#35
3 Partners: 12/9 Cal Bike Sprints - 6 Rounds