Monday 12/2 Crossfit
Warm up: :60 row, bike, ski + 2 rounds - 5 snatch pulls, 5 snatch high pulls, 5 snatch balances, 10 pass throughs
For 14:00:
Snatch work
*work to 1RM or focus on form
For time:
30 calorie bike
15 hang cleans (65/95)
15 thrusters (65/95)
30 calorie ski
15 front squats (65/95)
15 push press (65/95)
30 calorie row
Not for time:
Accumulate 50 barbell glute bridges
Monday 12/2 bootcamp
Warm up: :60 row, bike, ski + 2 rounds - 5 snatch pulls, 5 snatch high pulls, 5 snatch balances, 10 pass throughs (teaching moment for beginners)
For 14:00:
db snatch
ring row
air squat
For time:
30 calorie bike
15 db hang cleans (If using 15 pounds or less reps are 30)
15 db thrusters (If using 15 pounds or less reps are 30)
30 calorie ski
15 db front squats (If using 15 pounds or less reps are 30)
15 db push press (If using 15 pounds or less reps are 30)
30 calorie row
Not for time:
Accumulate 50 barbell or weighted glute bridges
Tuesday 12/3 Crossfit
Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 5 push ups, 20 m high knees, 20 m butt kicks, :30 plank
10:00 EMOM:
1st: :40 double unders
2nd: 6-8 HSPU
For time:
Toes to bar
Box jumps
KB swings
2-3 rounds not for time:
12 banded lat pull downs
15 hollow rocks
Tuesday 12/3 Bootcamp
Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 5 push ups, 20 m high knees, 20 m butt kicks, :30 plank
10:00 EMOM:
1st: :40 jump rope
2nd: 8 hand release push ups
For time:
Knee raises
Box jumps
KB swings
2-3 rounds not for time:
12 banded lat pull downs
15 hollow rocks
Wednesday 12/3 Crossfit
Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 15 banded forward raises, :30 chest opener stretch, 20 shoulder taps, 20 m walking lunges
For 15:00, steady pace (add weight to bench):
5 bench press
7 ring rows
9 strict press
21-15-9, for time:
Wall balls
Push ups
*400 m row after each round
Not for time:
Accumulate 60 Russian twists
2:00 plank with elbows on wall ball
Wednesday 12/3 Bootcamp
Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 15 banded forward raises, :30 chest opener stretch, 20 shoulder taps, 20 m walking lunges
For 15:00, steady pace (add weight to bench):
5 bench press or db bench press
7 ring rows
9 strict press or db strict press
21-15-9, for time:
Wall balls
Push ups
*400 m row after each round
Not for time:
Accumulate 60 Russian twists
2:00 plank with elbows on wall ball
Thursday 12/4 Crossfit
Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 2 wall walks, :30 bar hang, 5 Snatch + 5 OHS with empty bar
Every :90 for 5 rounds:
1st: 6 chest to bar pull ups or 3 bar muscle ups
2nd: 10 split stance rows/side
For time;
25 snatches @ 75% 1RM
Cash out: 800m run
30 barbell bicep curls (35/55)
30 DB tricep kickbacks/side
Thursday 12/4 Bootcamp
Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 2 wall walks or plank walk ins, :30 bar hang, 5 Snatch + 5 OHS with empty bar
Every :90 for 5 rounds:
1st: 6 Ring rows (body parallel to floor if possible or as low as possible)
2nd: 10 split stance rows/side
For time;
50 DB snatches
Cash out: 800m run
30 barbell or db bicep curls (35/55)
30 DB tricep kickbacks/side
Friday 12/5 Crossfit
Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 5 suitcase deadlifts/side, 5 burpees, 10 air squats, :30 hollow hold
For 14:00, working to heavy set:
5 back squats
10 plank ups
For time, with a partner:
150 Deadlifts (225/155)
150 burpees over bar
2-3 rounds not for time:
40 m overhead KB carry
:30 weighted Sorensen hold
Friday 12/5 Crossfit
Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 5 suitcase deadlifts/side, 5 burpees, 10 air squats, :30 hollow hold
For 14:00, working to heavy set:
5 goblet squats ( can use dumbells for more weight options)
10 plank ups
For time, with a partner:
150 kb Deadlifts
150 burpees over bar or kb
2-3 rounds not for time:
40 m overhead KB carry
:45 reverse plank shoulders on bench