1x3/60,70,75,85% Training max (Add 10 lbs from the start of last cycle)
Emom 10
3 cleans @60%
2 Rounds
0:10 Tuck Hold
0:10 L-Sit Hold w/slow leg raises
10 Goblet Squat w/2-3 sec pause in bottom (hip circle band around shins)
3 x 0:10 Adductor Med Ball Squeeze (Lying in bridge position, butt slightly elevated off floor)
5 Rounds (New round every 3:00)
400m Run
10 Thrusters 115/75#
AMRAP 5 minutes
3 Rounds of:
5 Ring Muscle Ups
5 Wall Walks
Then, with any time remaining, Max Calorie Bike Erg
Rest 3 minutes and repeat.
3 Sets
20 Toe touches (Legs straight up in the air, reach and touch toes like a v-up)
12 Weighted Hip Extension (W/empty bar on back)
10 Double DB Bent Over Rows w/pause @ top
10 Plate Raises