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April 8th


Close Grip Bench Press 10x3: 60 Sec Rest - 50% 1 RM Bar Weight 25% 1RM Band Weight

Power Snatch 5x3: 60 Sec Rest - 45% 1 RM Bar Weight 25% 1RM Band Weight

DB Bench Press 5x15: Rest as needed

Cable Tricep Extension 150 Reps (20-30 Rep sets)


6 Rounds (1:1)

20 Calorie Row

10 Burpee over bar (lateral)

5 Snatch 185/135

April 7th

Warm up - wall squat hold, straddle hamstring stretch, shoulder rolls, lat/pec stretch, hamstring smash, barbell quad smash, 2 rounds of: 15 cal row + 10 jump squats + 10 lunges


Box Squat 12x2 : 60 sec Rest - 50% 1RM Bar Weight 25% 1 RM Band tension

Deficit Deadlift 12x1 : 60 Sec Rest - 50% 1RM Bar Weight 25% 1RM Band Tension

Banded Plyo Jumps 10x4 : 30 sec rest

Nordic Curls 6x6 : Partner assisted

Reverse Hyper 4x20 - 50% of 1RM back Squat

Banded Leg Curls 150 Reps

April 6th


Warm up - couch stretch, squat hold, straddle hamstring stretch, leg swings, banded bully stretch, lat stretch, then… 


5 x 500m w/1 minute rest

*Start at 1:45/500m and try to decrease 1 second each interval.

7 Rounds (1:1)

10 Bar Facing Burpees

3 Power Cleans 255/185#

*Alternate rounds back and forth with a Partner

3 Sets for quality

10 Barbell Roll outs

20 Weighted Hip Extensions


Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, banded bully stretch, banded lat stretch, spiderman stretch, squat hold, leg swings, 2 sets of: 8 deadlifts (light) + 8 box push ups + 8 kip swings + 8 shoulder rolls

Alternating Minutes x 12 minutes

Odd: 10 KBS #70#55 + 15 Push ups

Even: 20 Toes to Bar

April 5th


1 RM split jerk

5x8 snatch-grip strict press

4x5 muscle snatch from bottom squat position @30-40% of max snatch

5x15 Incline DB bench press

5x8 DB rollbacks


Alternating Minutes x 15 minutes (5 rounds)

15/12 Calorie Echo Bike

12 Strict Pull Ups

10 Dumbell Bench 70/50#

*Push the pace on the echo bike to make this EMOM tough. 

EMOM x 10 minutes

5 Muscle Ups

April 4th


1 RM pin 3 rack pull snatch grip

7x4 deficit muscle clean @85%

6x6 GHR +25 lbs

6x60’ sled pull @ 6 plates (belt around the midsection)

3x10 reverse hypers (Heavy)


10 minutes Easy (Mark your distance run here, you will KEEP this distance as the time for each interval decreases)

2 minutes Rest

9 Minutes (Make your same distance you ran for your 10 minutes EASY)

2 minutes Rest

8 Minutes (Make your same distance you ran for your 10 minutes EASY)

2 minutes Rest

7 Minutes (Make your same distance you ran for your 10 minutes EASY, if you did not make the 8 minutes, do NOT run this 7 minute interval.)

2 minutes Rest

5 Minutes Cool Down

*Make the first 10 minutes easy enough that you can push hard to make your final 7 minute interval!

March 26th


Close Grip Bench Press 10x3: 60 Sec Rest - 55% 1 RM Bar Weight 25% 1RM Band Weight

Power Snatch 5x3: 60 Sec Rest - 55% 1 RM Bar Weight 25% 1RM Band Weight

DB Bench Press 5x15: Rest as needed


50 Rounds

1 Muscle up or CTB Pull Up

2 Devil Press

3 DB Muscle Clean


Cable Tricep Extension 150 Reps (20-30 Rep sets)

March 25th

Warm up - wall squat hold, straddle hamstring stretch, shoulder rolls, lat/pec stretch, hamstring smash, barbell quad smash, 2 rounds of: 15 cal row + 10 jump squats + 10 lunges


Box Squat 12x2 : 60 sec Rest - 55% 1RM Bar Weight 25% 1 RM Band tension

Deficit Deadlift 12x1 : 60 Sec Rest - 55% 1RM Bar Weight 25% 1RM Band Tension

Nordic Curls 6x6 : Partner assisted

Reverse Hyper 4x20 - 50% of 1RM back Squat

Banded Leg Curls 150 Reps

Metabolic Conditioning:

For Time

15 Min Cap

50 DB Walking Lunge


40 FR Walking Lunges

20 Deficit HSPU 3.5/2”

30 OH Walking Lunges

10 Strict HSPU

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