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1 RM pin 3 rack pull snatch grip

7x4 deficit muscle clean @85%

6x6 GHR +25 lbs

6x60’ sled pull @ 6 plates (belt around the midsection)

3x10 reverse hypers (Heavy)


10 minutes Easy (Mark your distance run here, you will KEEP this distance as the time for each interval decreases)

2 minutes Rest

9 Minutes (Make your same distance you ran for your 10 minutes EASY)

2 minutes Rest

8 Minutes (Make your same distance you ran for your 10 minutes EASY)

2 minutes Rest

7 Minutes (Make your same distance you ran for your 10 minutes EASY, if you did not make the 8 minutes, do NOT run this 7 minute interval.)

2 minutes Rest

5 Minutes Cool Down

*Make the first 10 minutes easy enough that you can push hard to make your final 7 minute interval!

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