Warm up - couch stretch, squat hold, straddle hamstring stretch, leg swings, banded bully stretch, lat stretch, then…
5 x 500m w/1 minute rest
*Start at 1:45/500m and try to decrease 1 second each interval.
7 Rounds (1:1)
10 Bar Facing Burpees
3 Power Cleans 255/185#
*Alternate rounds back and forth with a Partner
3 Sets for quality
10 Barbell Roll outs
20 Weighted Hip Extensions
Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, banded bully stretch, banded lat stretch, spiderman stretch, squat hold, leg swings, 2 sets of: 8 deadlifts (light) + 8 box push ups + 8 kip swings + 8 shoulder rolls
Alternating Minutes x 12 minutes
Odd: 10 KBS #70#55 + 15 Push ups
Even: 20 Toes to Bar