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Tuesday October 9th

AM Session

Warm up - couch stretch, pigeon stretch, 2 rounds of: 10 cal ski erg + 10 light DB Snatch + 5 GHD Sit Ups + 5 Chin Ups, then banded bully shoulder stretch, shoulder rolls, spiderman stretch, then warm up peg board climb…

With a partner…

AMRAP 20 minutes

100 Calorie Ski Erg

80 Dumbell Snatch 50/35#

60 GHD Sit Ups (Together, same time)

20 BW Ring Row

Cash out

3-4 Sets for quality

4-6 Weighted Strict Pull Ups

8-12 DB Bench

PM Session

Warm up - spiderman stretch, squat hold, ankle/calf stair stretch, quad smash (barbell), twisted cross stretch, pigeon stretch, 2 rounds of: 15 air squats + 15 band pull aparts + 10 shoulder rolls + 10 Romanian deadlifts

EMOM x 5 minutes

1 Deadlift to Knee

1 Power Clean

1 Hang Power Clean

*Build up in weight each set!

EMOM x 5 minutes

1 Pause Power Clean (Pause @ knee)

*Build up in weight each set!

5 Rounds for time

400m Run

30 Wall Ball 20/14#

20 Leg Curls or KBs 70/53

Monday November 8th

Build the sesh you want. Don’t skip the squats. Work your weaknesses. If you plan to do it all break it up so intensity reigns supreme. INTENSITY>EVERYTHING

Warm up - couch stretch, pigeon stretch, squat hold, voodoo floss knees/quads + 15 air squats (each leg), 90/90 hip opener stretch, spiderman stretch, 2 rounds of: 0:30 HS Hold + 20 band pull aparts + 10 push press + 2 skin the cat. Then 2 x 10 reps jump squats, then work up to squat weight.

Back Squat

1x8@65%, 1x8@70%, 1x6@75%, 1x6@80%

5 rounds

1/2 Mile Bike

12 Push Press 135/95#

9 Bar Muscle Ups

*Rest 60 seconds after each round.

Cash out

3 Sets for quality

15 Ring Dips

10 Strict TTB

Squat Snatch

3 reps @ 75% EMOM x 4 minutes 

2 reps @ 80% EMOM x 4 minutes

1 reps @ 85% EMOM x 4 minutes

For time

2000m Row 

Right into…

3 Rounds

100 Weighted Double Unders

100’ Handstand walk

Monday October 25th

Squat: 1x8@65. 1x8@70, 1x6@80, 1x6@85

3 Sets for warm up w/barbell:

3 Overhead squats 

3 Sotts Press

3 Rounds (Every 3:00 start new round)

300m Row

9 Squat Snatch 62.5%

*Rest 2 minutes after all 3 rounds.

3 Rounds (Every 3:00 start new round)

300m Row

6 Squat Snatch 67.5%

*Rest 2 minutes after all 3 rounds.

3 Rounds (Every 3:00 start new round)

300m Row

3 Squat Snatch 72.5%

*Pick weights where you can get some rest after each round!

PM Session

Warm up - 3-5 min foam roll hips/quads/back, couch stretch, pigeon stretch, squat hold, ankle/calf stretch, 20 shoulder rolls, 30 band pull aparts, voodoo floss quads/knees + 15 air squats (each side), 2 sets of: 8 DB Press (double dumbell) + 10 Romanian deadlifts + 10 v-ups, then warm up weight…

Power Clean and Jerk

7 x 1 reps 

*Building up in weight each set! Start your sets around 60%.

4 Rounds (1:1)

30/24 Calorie Echo Bike

20 Toes to Bar

10 Parallete HSPU

Wednesday October 20th

Warm up - couch stretch, pigeon stretch, quad smash w/barbell, 0:30 HS Hold, banded tricep stretch, banded bully stretch, twisted cross stretch, 2 x 20 air squats (vary stance width) w/20 shoulder rolls between each, ankle/stair calf stretch, 2 sets of: 10 barbell thrusters + 50’ light sled push, then work up in workout weight.

For time

12 Front Squats 135/95#

100’ Sled Push (+135/95#)

9 Front Squats 135/95#

100’ Sled Push (+135/95#)

6 Front Squats 135/95#

Rest until 15:00 and REPEAT a second time through!

Bike Cal Repeats

15 Cal Super Threshold

2 Min rest

5 Rounds for time

10 Deadlifts 315/225#

20 GHD Sit Ups

30 Push Ups

Tuesday October 19th

10 Rounds with 30 Sec Rest Per Round

3 Hang Squat Cleans 205/145#

6 Bar Muscle Ups

6 Rounds (New round every 3:00)

10 Alternating Dumbell Snatch #70#50

14 Toes to Bar

18/14 Calorie Ski Erg

Strict Press

10@60% 8@65% 6@70% 6@75% 6@80%

Monday October 18th

Warm up - couch stretch, pigeon stretch, squat hold, shoulder rolls, twisted cross stretch, 

Squat: 1x10,8,6,6,6 (60,65,70,75,80%)

3 rounds of: 0:45 HS Hold + 7 Strict L-Pull Ups + 10 Single Arm DB OHS (5 each arm), then work up to workout weight…

For time:

500m Row 

21 Overhead Squats 155/105#

500m Row 

15 Overhead Squats 155/105#

500m Row 

9 Overhead Squats 155/105#

Rest until the 15:00 mark

For time:

500m Row 

21 Parallete Handstand Push Ups

500m Row 

15 Parallete Handstand Push Ups

500m Row 

9 Parallete Handstand Push Ups

Cash out

3 Sets for quality

2 Seated Legless Rope Climb 15’

20 Strict Ring Dips


For Quality 18 min

40/32 Cal Bike (threshold Pace NOT SUPER THRESHOLD)

30 TTB

120 Speed Step


Friday October 15th

Warm up - couch stretch, pigeon stretch, twisted cross stretch, leg swings, calf/ankle stair stretch, 4 x 50yd strides w/5 air squats before each stride

Squat: 10@60% 8@65% 8@70% 8@75%

4 Rounds for time

800m Run

3 Rope Climbs 15’

12 Sand bag over shoulder

Rest as Needed

8 Rounds (1:1)

9 Deadlifts #275/195

12 Burpee to Touch

15/12 Calorie Echo Bike

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