Warm up - wall squat, straddle hamstring stretch, lat/pec stretch, front rack tricep stretch, hamstring smash, barbell quad smash, 2 rounds of: 500m Bike erg + 12 jump squats + 10 shoulder rolls + 10 good mornings, then warm up w/barbell until loose…
1 Rm behind the neck snatch-grip push press
5x5 snatch high pulls @ 50% (w/ red mini bands)
4x12 bent over rows @80-90% of clean max
5x15 DB bench press
5x8 DB rollbacks
For time:
75 Wall Ball 20/14#
50 Toes to Bar
25 Burpee to Touch
-Rest 3 minutes-
25 Burpee to Touch
50 Toes to Bar
75 Wall Ball 20/14#