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Friday June 11th

Warm up - couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, pigeon stretch, twisted cross stretch, 10 single arm DB hang clean and jerk, 2 rounds of: 10 shoulder rolls + 10 barbell power clean and 10 barbell jerks + 25 Du’s

5 Rounds (1:1 each round)

100 Du’s

25/20 Calorie Ski Erg

15/12/9/6/3 Power Clean and Jerk (Start at 135/95 and increase weight each round! (135/185/225/255/275))

Strict Pull Ups

3 x 8 @same weight

Trap Bar RDL

1x8,1x9,1x10,1xMax reps @same weight

Iliac Row (whatever method you want)

1x8,1x9,1x10,1xMax reps @same weight

Dante Row

1x8,1x9,1x10,1xMax reps @same weight

Chest Support Rear Lateral

8x8 with 15 sec rest between sets

Wednesday June 9th

Warm up - couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, pigeon stretch, twisted cross stretch,  2 rounds of: 15 air squats w/hip circle + 10 single arm DB press (5 each arm) + 10 shoulder rolls + 5-10 barbell front squats

Work up to a Deadlift single at 85%

2 Waves of Deadlifts (70-75-80%)

5,3,1 reps (Increasing weight from 5 to 3 to 1)


Strict HSPU

Front Squats 195#/135#

Burpee Over Bar

5 Rounds


3 Rope Climbs

Tuesday June 8th


5 min easy

then 3 rounds:

3 min tempo at 2k pace

Recovery Row 2 min

4 x 30 secs 500 pace w/ 1 min recovery between each

EMOM x 10 minutes

Min 1: 6 Power Clean and Jerk @ 205/145#

Min 2: 6 Ring Muscle ups

Rest 7 minutes…

5 Rounds for time

6 Bar Muscle Ups

6 Power Clean and Jerk 165/115#

60’ Unbroken Handstand Walk

Monday June 7th

AM Session

Warm up - couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, twisted cross stretch, 10 single arm DB press (each arm), 2 rounds of: 200m Jog + 500m Bike, then 2 rounds of: 20 air squats (w/hip circle) + 10 shoulder rolls + 10 barbell thrusters + 10 kip swings.  

4 Rounds for time

20/15 Calorie Bike

20 Toes to Bar

10 Thrusters 135/95#

40’ Barbell OH Walking Lunge (135/95#) Roughly 10 Steps

PM Session

Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, 90/90 hip opener, twisted cross stretch, lat/pec stretch, 20 air squats (w/hip circle), 10 Bulgarian split lunge (deep lunge, back knee off ground, 5 each leg), 10 barbell seated good mornings, 20 shoulder rolls, warm up with barbell until loose…


-Build up to 1 rep @ 85%, then complete the following. 

3 Waves of:

3 reps @ 75%

2 reps @ 80%

1 rep @ 85%

*Rest 3-5 minutes between waves. Complete the 3,2,1 reps straight through then rest after the 6 total reps have been completed. 

AMRAP 7 minutes

15 Calorie Row

5 Bench Press (70%)

Rest 3-5 min

AMRAP 7 minutes

50 Double Unders

5 Strict DHSPU

Friday June 4th

Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, 90/90 hip opener, twisted cross stretch, lat/pec stretch, 20 air squats (w/hip circle), 10 Bulgarian split lunge (deep lunge, back knee off ground, 5 each leg), 10 barbell seated good mornings, 20 shoulder rolls, warm up with barbell until loose…

5 Rounds 

30/25 Calorie Bike Erg

20 GHD Sit Ups

10 Hang Power Snatch 115/80#


-Doubles up to 75%

-Build to 3 singles @ 85-90%

Snatch Deadlifts (Off Deficit)

5 x 2 reps @ Heavy

Thursday June 3rd

Active rest = Sauna time + Biking, Yoga, hiking, swimming, flying…man I really want to be able to fly.

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