Treat today as you would a competition. Work hard then rest recover. Then work hard again.
Warm up - banded couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, banded bully stretch (shoulder), 20 shoulder rolls, calf/ankle stair stretch, 2 x 5 Muscle snatch + 5 power snatch + 5 OHS
3 Min AMRAP with 90 sec Rest
10 Snatch 135/85#
Max Bar Facing Burpee
3 Min AMRAP with 90 sec Rest
10 Snatch 185/125#
Max Bar Facing Burpee
3 Min AMRAP with 90 sec Rest
10 Snatch 225/145#
Max Bar Facing Burpee
Max Rep Snatches 245/165#
Rest as needed
Deadlift Ladder with a partner
10 @ 135/95
10 @ 225/155
10 @ 315/205
10 @ 365/235
10 @ 405/265
10 @ 365/235
10 @ 315/205
10 @ 225/155
10 @ 135/95