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Wednesday April 28th

AM Session

Warm up - couch stretch, elevated pigeon stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, 90/90 hip drill (5 reps each side), 2 rounds of: 15 air squats w/hip circle + spiderman stretch + 5 muscle cleans w/stretch @ top, 5 Front Squats + 3 squat cleans + tricep/lat stretch (on wall or w/pvc)

Squat Cleans


*Build your way here up to a heavy single for the day


Rope Climbs 15’

Squat Cleans 225/155#

Rest 5 Minutes AND REPEAT.

For time and quality

100 GHD Sit Ups

Cash out:

4 x 0:45 Yoke Walk 2x bodyweight

PM Session

Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, twisted cross stretch, couch stretch, spiderman stretch, 2 rounds of: 250m Ski Erg + 10 shoulder rolls + 10 push press + 5 KBS

5 Rounds

20/16 Calorie Ski Erg

20 Push Press 95/65#

*Rest until 2:30 (OR rest 1 minute)

20 KBS 70/53#

20 Toes to Bar

*Rest until 5:00 (OR rest 1 minute)

Tuesday April 27th

AM Session

Warm up - couch stretch, spiderman stretch, elevated pigeon stretch, twisted cross stretch, calf/ankle stair stretch, 400m Jog, 2 rounds of: 10 jump squats + 10 hand release push ups + 10 shoulder rolls + 25’ Handstand Walk 

8 Rounds 

In 0:00-2:00 complete:

400m Run

In 2:00-4:00 complete:

12 Burpee to Touch 6” above reach

8 Deadlift #225#185

PM Session

Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, couch stretch, 20 air squats (w/hip circle), 2 rounds of: 10 single arm DB strict press + 10 shoulder rolls + 10 barbell power snatch + 25 DU’s, then warm up to workout weight and get a few PHSPU in as well before the workout…

For time:

100 Double Unders


5 Rounds


3 Power Snatch 185/125#


100 Double Unders


5 Rounds


3 Power Snatch 185/125#


100 Double Unders

Monday April 26th

Time to bring it back up. After last weeks down week in intensity we will ramp now for the next two. Lets GOOOOO

AM Session

Warm up - Couch stretch (60 sec each side), elevated pigeon stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, calf/ankle mobility (w/sandbag on knees in squat position), 2 rounds of: 15 air squats (w/hip circle) + 10 walking lunge steps + twisted cross stretch (30 sec each side) + 90/90 hip opener (2-3 reps each side)

Pause Front Squat + Front Squat

1,1,1 (Up to 75%)

Pause Front Squat


Front Squat

1 x 5 reps @ 85%

7 Rounds (new round every 2:00)

7 Clean and Jerk 135/95# (Touch and go)

7 Ring Muscle Ups (sup 2 ttb if you start failing)

PM Session

Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, 2 rounds of: 250m Row + 10 air squats + twisted cross stretch + spiderman stretch

Rowing Intervals

15 x 0:45 seconds at threshold w/0:45 seconds rest (So there’s going to be some blending of the intensity zones here. Its going to take you 15 seconds or so to ramp up to threshold again so don’t start counting you threshold work sets until you reach it.


Dumbell Bench 

*Increase the weight on the dumbbells every 2 sets

Strict Ring Pull Ups

3 x 10 reps

Friday April 23rd

AM Session

Warm up - couch stretch (60 sec each), elevated pigeon (60 sec each), straddle hamstring stretch, twisted cross stretch, ankle/calf stair stretch, 2 rounds of: 15 air squats (w/hip circle) + 90/90 hip opener (2-3 reps each side) + barbell front rack stretch + 10 Romanian deadlifts, then w/barbell 5 muscle cleans + 5 hang cleans + 5 full cleans. Repeat until loose. 

Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean

(1 + 1) x 5 sets 

*Increase weight each set until you reach 75%. These should be your warm up sets leading up to your hang squat clean triple…

Hang Squat Clean

3 x 3 reps @ 80% (of 1RM clean weight)

*All 3 sets at the same weight here!

Squat Clean

1,1,1 @ 80%/87%/92%

*Start at your weight for your 3rm hang clean then make two more jumps up to a moderate clean for the day.

Clean Pulls 

6 x 3 reps 

*increase weight every 2 sets. 95% for 2 sets, 100% for 2 sets, 105% for 2 sets. 

4 Rounds

7 Pull Ups


3 Muscle Ups

Work Rest 1:1

Alternating Minutes x 30 minutes

15/12 Calorie Echo Bike

9 Burpee Pull Ups

7 Double KB Hang Clean and Jerk 53/35#

Thursday April 22nd

Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, couch stretch, twisted cross stretch, spiderman stretch, 2 rounds of: 10 single arm DB press (each arm) + 30 single unders + 10 kip swings + 5 strict HSPU

3 Rounds

30/24 Calorie Ski Erg

30 DU’s

*Rest 1 minute after each round

3 Rounds

30 Toes to Bar

40 DU’s

*Rest 1 minute after each round

3 Rounds

10 Deficit HSPU or regular

50 DU’s

Power Snatch

EMOM x 3 minutes

3 @ 50%

EMOM x 5 minutes

3 @ 65%

Every 0:30 x 10 minutes

1 Power Snatch @ 75% of 1RM Full Snatch

Wednesday April 21st

AM Session

Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, couch stretch, elevated pigeon stretch, twisted cross stretch, 600m Jog, 2 rounds of: 10 leg swings (each way) + spiderman stretch + 10 shoulder rolls + 3 MU (Kip to dip, NO dip) + 1 MU (full) + 15 air squats

5 Rounds for time

75 Lunges

10/7 Muscle Ups

50 Air Squats

*Wear a 20/14# weight vest

PM Session

Warm up - 10 minutes practicing Freestanding HS Holds. After every 2 or 3 attempts, stretch. Spiderman stretch, shoulder rolls, twisted cross, squat hold, single arm DB Press (5 each arm), etc.

For time

50 GHD Sit Ups

10 Hang Power Cleans 205/135#

300’ Handstand Walk

10 Hang Power Cleans 205/135#

50 GHD Sit Ups

Tuesday April 20th

AM Session

Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, couch stretch, spiderman stretch, 90/90 hip opener (2-3 reps each side), twisted cross, 2 rounds of: 250m Row + 10 shoulder rolls + 10 push ups + 5 strict pull ups 

50 TTB


5 Rounds for time

500m Row @2k Pace

500m Ski @2k Pace

10 Bench 205/130#


50 TTB

5 Rounds for quality 

6 Strict Press @65%

6 Strict Weighted Pull Ups (leave 1 or 2 in the bag, so go pretty heavy)

PM Session

Warm up - couch stretch, elevated pigeon stretch, 90/90 hip opener (2-3 reps each side), 2 rounds of: 10 Romanian DB deadlift + 10 shoulder rolls + spiderman stretch (30 sec each side) 


Clean Grip DL with to 5rm reps w/5 second negative (eccentric) phase - Then Drop 10% 1x5

2x15 Reps Unbroken @50% 1 RM Work Rest 1:2

Single Leg RDLs: 4x8 moderately heavy

Reverse Hyper: 3x20@50% 1Rm Back squat or Weighted Back Extension Moderate heavy 3x20

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