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AM Session

Warm up - couch stretch (60 sec each), elevated pigeon (60 sec each), straddle hamstring stretch, twisted cross stretch, ankle/calf stair stretch, 2 rounds of: 15 air squats (w/hip circle) + 90/90 hip opener (2-3 reps each side) + barbell front rack stretch + 10 Romanian deadlifts, then w/barbell 5 muscle cleans + 5 hang cleans + 5 full cleans. Repeat until loose. 

Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean

(1 + 1) x 5 sets 

*Increase weight each set until you reach 75%. These should be your warm up sets leading up to your hang squat clean triple…

Hang Squat Clean

3 x 3 reps @ 80% (of 1RM clean weight)

*All 3 sets at the same weight here!

Squat Clean

1,1,1 @ 80%/87%/92%

*Start at your weight for your 3rm hang clean then make two more jumps up to a moderate clean for the day.

Clean Pulls 

6 x 3 reps 

*increase weight every 2 sets. 95% for 2 sets, 100% for 2 sets, 105% for 2 sets. 

4 Rounds

7 Pull Ups


3 Muscle Ups

Work Rest 1:1

Alternating Minutes x 30 minutes

15/12 Calorie Echo Bike

9 Burpee Pull Ups

7 Double KB Hang Clean and Jerk 53/35#

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