AM Session
Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, couch stretch, spiderman stretch, 90/90 hip opener (2-3 reps each side), twisted cross, 2 rounds of: 250m Row + 10 shoulder rolls + 10 push ups + 5 strict pull ups
50 TTB
5 Rounds for time
500m Row @2k Pace
500m Ski @2k Pace
10 Bench 205/130#
50 TTB
5 Rounds for quality
6 Strict Press @65%
6 Strict Weighted Pull Ups (leave 1 or 2 in the bag, so go pretty heavy)
PM Session
Warm up - couch stretch, elevated pigeon stretch, 90/90 hip opener (2-3 reps each side), 2 rounds of: 10 Romanian DB deadlift + 10 shoulder rolls + spiderman stretch (30 sec each side)
Clean Grip DL with to 5rm reps w/5 second negative (eccentric) phase - Then Drop 10% 1x5
2x15 Reps Unbroken @50% 1 RM Work Rest 1:2
Single Leg RDLs: 4x8 moderately heavy
Reverse Hyper: 3x20@50% 1Rm Back squat or Weighted Back Extension Moderate heavy 3x20