Thursday May 28th

Warm Up

4 rounds

5 inchworm

5 downward dog to plank 

20 kb swings light 

15 min emom 

Start light can add weight 

Focus on form and getting familiar with a barbell again 

1 power clean + 1 hang squat clean 

B. 3 cleans with wall ball + 3 wall balls

5 min amrap 

15 kb swings

10 squats

5 push ups

Rest 2 mins

5 min amrap 

15 kb swings 

10 squats

5push ups 


600 m run or 1000 m row 

Wednesday May 27th

Warm Up:

2 rounds 

4 Turkish get up (2 per arm) 

8 kang squats with barbell or pvc 

4 push ups 

8 good mornings with barbell or pvc 


15 minutes

  1. Back squat 

Use this to re find your back squat max or what feels heavy again. Most of us haven’t been under the bar like we used to so use this time to get comfortable again. Once you find your max or what feels heavy drop weight to 70% and do 3x4 

  1. Emom 3 heavy goblet squats

  2. Air squats to parallel or bench 


4 rounds 

200 m run or only if it’s raining (250 m row/ski) 

4 power cleans (135/95) or 8 dB power cleans 

8 deadlifts or kb deadlift 

12 burpees 

Accumulate 60 knee to elbow (both knees at the same time unless needed to modify to one at a time) 

Tuesday May 26

Warm Up:

3 rounds warm up pace 

1 min row/bike/ski 

:15 bottom of the squat hold

7 ring rows

:15 hang from bar or ring dip press hold 

16 minute emom 

1: 3 strict oh press (start light and build to heavy set) 

2: 5 box jump or 16 step ups 

25 minute time cap 

300 reps and out

Once you have collected 300 reps that is your time

Emom style

1: bike calories (cals = reps)

2: double unders (regular jump rope 2 reps=1)

3: lunges 

4:  rest (you can’t collect reps during rest) haha 

3 rounds 

:15 hollow hold

:15 rest

:15 knee to elbow from plank 

:15 rest 

Memorial Day 2020



4 rounds 

1 min run/bike

2 pull ups 

3 push ups

4 box jumps 

Rest 5 mins then Murph 

1 Mile Run

100 Pull Ups

200 Push Ups

300 Air Squats

1 mile run

May 18th - 23rd


Emom 9 mins

Work for :45 rest for :15 

Min 1: Max run or Jump Rope

Min 2: Max BW lunge (Forward and Back)

Min 3: Max handstand hold or plank 

5 minutes total of plank 

Every Time you break 5 burpees and :30 rest after your burpees 

Partition however you want 

100 light BB cleans #45 or med ball cleans #20#14 DB cleans #20

100 light push press #20#10


10 Romainian Deadlifts or straight leg toe touches

Stretch hamstrings 1 minutes

10 squats

Stretch quads 1 minutes 

10 push ups

Overhead tricep stretch 1 minute 

3 rounds 

10 kang squat (20% of your max Clean)

5 box jump or jump for height or 10 Jump Squats

:30 reverse plank 

20 min amrap 

16 overhead lunges #95#65 BB or Body Weight With Hands overhead

12 sit ups 

8 burpees 


Run 1 minute

Jump rope 1 minute

Step back burpees 1 minute


4 rounds 

Bicep curl and press 12 (plate or DB)

Db row from plank 10 per side

:20 hollow hold 

:20 bottom of the squat hold 

10 Superman’s 

4 rounds 

10 burpees

400 m run or 2-3 minutes consistent running

1 min walk 


5 walk outs

5 downward dog to push up

5 inchworm 


10 bird dogs with :05 hold 

Bear plank ( video below) :30 

Duck walk for 20 steps 


2 minutes amrap 

Push ups

Rest :90 

2 minute amrap 

Thruster (use dB, bb, or med ball) 

Rest 3 mins 



Runner stride each leg x2

Murph prep 

.5 mile run 

Rest 1 min

8 rounds 

5 pull up 

10 push up

15 air squat 

Rest 1 minute

1 mile run

See y’all next week for Murph 😤

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