Warm Up:

2 rounds 

4 Turkish get up (2 per arm) 

8 kang squats with barbell or pvc 

4 push ups 

8 good mornings with barbell or pvc 


15 minutes

  1. Back squat 

Use this to re find your back squat max or what feels heavy again. Most of us haven’t been under the bar like we used to so use this time to get comfortable again. Once you find your max or what feels heavy drop weight to 70% and do 3x4 

  1. Emom 3 heavy goblet squats

  2. Air squats to parallel or bench 


4 rounds 

200 m run or only if it’s raining (250 m row/ski) 

4 power cleans (135/95) or 8 dB power cleans 

8 deadlifts or kb deadlift 

12 burpees 

Accumulate 60 knee to elbow (both knees at the same time unless needed to modify to one at a time) 

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