Emom 9 mins
Work for :45 rest for :15
Min 1: Max run or Jump Rope
Min 2: Max BW lunge (Forward and Back)
Min 3: Max handstand hold or plank
5 minutes total of plank
Every Time you break 5 burpees and :30 rest after your burpees
Partition however you want
100 light BB cleans #45 or med ball cleans #20#14 DB cleans #20
100 light push press #20#10
10 Romainian Deadlifts or straight leg toe touches
Stretch hamstrings 1 minutes
10 squats
Stretch quads 1 minutes
10 push ups
Overhead tricep stretch 1 minute
3 rounds
10 kang squat (20% of your max Clean)
5 box jump or jump for height or 10 Jump Squats
:30 reverse plank
20 min amrap
16 overhead lunges #95#65 BB or Body Weight With Hands overhead
12 sit ups
8 burpees
Run 1 minute
Jump rope 1 minute
Step back burpees 1 minute
4 rounds
Bicep curl and press 12 (plate or DB)
Db row from plank 10 per side
:20 hollow hold
:20 bottom of the squat hold
10 Superman’s
4 rounds
10 burpees
400 m run or 2-3 minutes consistent running
1 min walk
5 walk outs
5 downward dog to push up
5 inchworm
10 bird dogs with :05 hold
Bear plank ( video below) :30
Duck walk for 20 steps
2 minutes amrap
Push ups
Rest :90
2 minute amrap
Thruster (use dB, bb, or med ball)
Rest 3 mins
Runner stride each leg x2
Murph prep
.5 mile run
Rest 1 min
8 rounds
5 pull up
10 push up
15 air squat
Rest 1 minute
1 mile run
See y’all next week for Murph 😤