February 17 Bootcamp and CF

Monday February 17-CrossFit

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 air squats + :30 plank + 20m quad stretch + 20m frankenstein stretch]


Every :90 for 5 sets:

1st: 3-4 front squats, 30x1 tempo

2nd: 2-3 wall walks w/:03 pause at top 


AMRAP in 10:00

16 calories

8 dumbbell front squats, tough

16 sit ups w/feet anchored in dumbbells

8 alternating dumbbell reverse lunges w/DBs at shoulders 


2-3 rounds NFT:

12-15 light banded front raises

16 russian twists 


10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 air squats + :30 plank + 20m quad stretch + 20m frankenstein stretch]


Every :90 for 5 sets:

1st: 3-4 goblet squats @30x1 tempo + 

2nd: 2-3 wall walks w/:03 pause at top 


AMRAP in 10:00

16 calories

8 dumbbell front squats, tough

16 sit ups w/feet anchored in dumbbells

8 alternating dumbbell reverse lunges w/DBs at shoulders 


2-3 rounds NFT:

12-15 light banded front raises

16 russian twists 

Tuesday February 18-CrossFit

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 jumping jacks + 12 light banded pass throughs + 20m penguin walk + 20m jog]


Every :60 for 12:00

1 power snatch, start light and build so final rep is moderate


4 sets for total burpee reps:

2:00 to complete

250m row for ladies/300m row for men

Max burpees in the remaining time

2:00 rest


3-4 rounds:

:30 flutter kick

:30 rest

:30 windshield wipers

:30 rest


10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 jumping jacks + 12 light banded pass throughs + 20m penguin walk + 20m jog]


Every :60 for 12:00

1st: 10 alternating DB snatches

2nd: :30 plate hops

3rd: :15/side plank


4 sets for total burpee reps:

2:00 to complete

250m row for ladies/300m row for men

Max burpees in the remaining time

2:00 rest


3-4 rounds:

:30 flutter kick

:30 rest

:30 windshield wipers

:30 rest

Wednesday February 19-CrossFit

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [5 air squats w/alternating reach overhead + :30 hollow hold + 12 light banded pull aparts]


Every 3:00 for 5 sets:

3 back squats, 20x1 tempo

20m/side 1-arm farmers carry, heavy


For time (15:00 cap)75 double unders or 150 singles



Hang squat cleans, 65/95

Row calories


75 double unders or 150 singles



Accumulate 10-15 hollow to superman


10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [5 air squats w/alternating reach overhead + :30 hollow hold + 12 light banded pull aparts]


Every 3:00 for 5 sets:

12 wall ball bear hug squats or sandbag squats, focus on depth

20m/side 1-arm farmers carry, heavy


For time (15:00 cap)75 double unders or 150 singles



DB hang squat cleans, 65/95

Row calories


75 double unders or 150 singles



Accumulate 10-15 hollow to superman

Thursday February 20-CrossFit

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [10 alternating toe touches from plank + :30 hand-release push ups + 20m bear crawl]


Every :90 for 15:00

1st: 3 halting snatch-grip deadlifts w/:01 pause just below knees on the way up and on the way down

2nd: 8-10 alternating DB Z-press


5 rounds for time (15:00 cap)

10 pull ups

10 ground to overhead, 65/95, this should be light

10 box jumps


2-3 rounds NFT:

10 DB bird dogs

:45 lemon squeezers


10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [10 alternating toe touches from plank + :30 hand-release push ups + 20m bear crawl]


Every :90 for 15:00

1st: 6-8 dumbbell romanian deadlifts, 30x1 tempo

2nd: 8-10 alternating DB Z-press


5 rounds for time (15:00 cap)

10 ring rows

5/side 1-arm DB hang clean and jerk

10 box jumps


2-3 rounds NFT:

10 DB bird dogs

:45 lemon squeezers

Friday February 21-CrossFit

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds [10 light goblet squats + 10 PVC pass throughs + 10m crab walk + 10m duck walk]


Every :60 for 15:00

1st: 1 squat clean, moderate

2nd: :30 kipping practice

3rd: :30 handstand hold


For time, can partition reps any way (16:00 cap)

60 wall balls

60 calories

60 alternating DB snatches


2-3 rounds NFT:

8/side banded internal rotations

:30 knee tuck hang


10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds [10 light goblet squats + 10 PVC pass throughs + 10m crab walk + 10m duck walk]


Every :60 for 15:00

1st: 5 DB squat cleans

2nd: :30 top of ring row hold or chin over bar hold

3rd: :30 handstand hold


For time, can partition reps any way (16:00 cap)

60 wall balls

60 calories

60 alternating DB snatches


2-3 rounds NFT:

8/side banded internal rotations

:30 knee tuck hang

February 10 Bootcamp and CF

Monday February 10 CrossFit 

Warm up ( :30 ski, 5 inchworm, 10 air squats, 10 scap retractions hanging from bar x2)


14 minute emom 

1: 4 push press start 45 women and 65 men add each round 

2: 8 ring rows 


12 minute amrap

3 deadlifts 225/185

6 pull ups

9 box jumps 


2-3 rounds NFT:

10 plate raises (hold plate in arms straight in front raise above head and back down to in front)

10 dB lateral raises

40m plate pinch carry 


Warm up ( :30 ski, 5 inchworm, 10 air squats, 10 scap retractions hanging from bar x2)


14 minute emom 

1: 4-6 moderate DB push press 

2: 4/side 1-arm DB rows, 20x1 tempo


12 minute amrap

6 dual DB deadlifts

12 ring rows

65 single unders


2-3 rounds NFT:

10 plate raises (hold plate in arms straight in front raise above head and back down to in front)

10 dB lateral raises

40m plate pinch carry 

Tuesday February 11 CrossFit 

Warm up ( 5 kang squats, 10 lunges, :30 Superman x3) 


Every :60 for 14:00

1 back squat

Guys start at 95 ladies 65. Can add a max of 20 pounds after each squat until you find a tough single, then stick with that weight for the rest of the EMOM


16 minute emom for total reps, can grip/hold dB any way for step ups and lunges 

1: alt dB snatch 50/35

2: single dB step ups 50/35

3: single dB lunges 50/35 

4: rest


Not for time 

60 trx knee to elbow 


Warm up ( 5 kang squats, 10 lunges, :30 Superman x3) 


Every :60 for 14:00

1st: 5-7 moderate dumbbell front squats 

2nd: :30 plank with feet elevated


16 minute emom for total reps, can grip/hold dB any way for step ups and lunges 

1: alt dB snatch 

2: single dB step ups 

3: single dB lunges 

4: rest


Not for time 

60 trx knee to elbow 

Wednesday February 12 CrossFit 

Warm up ( 15 banded good mornings, :30 jump rope practice, 5 box jumps) 


14 minutes work at your own pace

3 squats cleans or 3 power cleans and 3 front squats guys can start 95 ladies 65

Can add 10 pounds after each set of cleans


For time (15:00 cap)



Double unders

Sit ups


2 rounds NFT:

1 minute row bike or ski

10 strict toes to bar 


Warm up ( 15 banded good mornings, :30 jump rope practice, 5 box jumps) 


14:00@steady pace

20 row/bike/ski cals

20m/side 1-arm farmers carry, tough

2 wall walks


For time (15:00 cap)



Double unders*

Sit ups

If unable to do double unders, perform 100-80-60-40-20 single unders


2 rounds NFT:

1 minute row bike or ski

10 strict toes to bar or hanging knee raises

Thursday February 13 CrossFit 

Warm up (3 rounds: 100 m row as fast as possible + 5 inchworms + 20 m Frankenstein)


14 minute working at own pace

5 hang power snatch 

5 box jumps 

5 toes to bar 


For time (16:00 cap) 

1000 m row

50 thrusters 95/65

50 kb swings 54/36 


Not for time:

:30 flutter kick

:30 leg circles 

:30 scissor 

:30 leg lifts 


Warm up (3 rounds: 100 m row as fast as possible + 5 inchworms + 20 m Frankenstein)


14:00@steady pace

1 mile bike

10 plank ups

40m bear hug carry or dual KB front rack carry


For time (15:00 cap)

1000 m row

50 DB thrusters

50 kettlebell swings


Not for time:

:30 flutter kick

:30 leg circles 

:30 scissor 

:30 leg lifts 

Friday February 14 CrossFit 

Warm up ( :30 sitting in bottom of squat, 10 pvc pass through, 10 snatch balance with pvc or barbell )


For 15:00

Build to a heavy front squat, power clean or power snatch, or use time for light technique work.

Get in some skill work during rest (double unders, pull ups, handstand push ups, etc)


For 10:00

2-4-6-8-10-12-14, etc

Wall balls 



Not for time

Accumulate :60 L hang 


Warm up ( :30 sitting in bottom of squat, 10 pvc pass through, 10 snatch balance with pvc or barbell )


Every :60 for 15:00

1st: 10-15 banded pull aparts 

2nd: :15-:30 top of ring row hold

3rd: 5 wall ball squat cleans


For 10:00

2-4-6-8-10-12-14, etc

Wall balls 



Not for time

Accumulate :60 L hang or knee tuck hang

February 3 Bootcamp and CF

Monday February 3 CrossFit 

Warm up( :30 air squat for max depth, :30 side lunges, 20 m high knees, 250 m row ) x2


Every :60 for 10 mins

2 back squats as heavy as possible 


4 rounds for time 18 min cap 

24 dB snatch

20 walking lunges 

16 calories 


Try to do set unbroken 

L sit :15 

Leg raises 5 



Warm up( :30 air squat for max depth, :30 side lunges, 20 m high knees, 250 m row ) x2


Every :60 for 10 mins

1st: 3 tough goblet squats, 5050 tempo (5 seconds on the way down, 5 seconds on the way up, watch the clock when you do these so you don’t rush)

2nd: :30 handstand hold or :30 pike hold w/feet on box


4 rounds for time 18 min cap 

24 dB snatch

20 walking lunges 

16 calories 


3 rounds NFT:

:15 knee tuck

5 knee raises

Tuesday February 4 CrossFit 

Warm up ( :30 wrist stretch, 10 t spine stretch on wall, hang from the bar :30, 10 warrior squat ) 


Every :90 for 4 sets 

1: 3 power cleans + 2 front squat + 1 jerk

2: :45 double unders 


12 minute amrap 

1 bear complex 

3 pull ups 

5 box jumps or 10 step ups to taller box 


20 windshield wipers 

:20 hollow hold



Warm up ( :30 wrist stretch, 10 t spine stretch on wall, hang from the bar :30, 10 warrior squat ) 


Every :90 for 4 sets 

1: 6-8 dumbbell romanian deadlifts, 31x1 tempo

2: :45 double unders or single unders


12 minute amrap 

6 dumbbell hang power cleans

6 dumbbell shoulder to overhead

3 pull ups or ring rows

5 box jumps or 10 step ups to taller box 


2-3 rounds NFT:

20 windshield wipers 

:20 hollow hold

Wednesday February 5 CrossFit 

Warm up ( 10 pvc pass through, 10 ring rows, 10 one leg squats off of a box) 


2 minutes to complete (6 rounds) 

6 strict db press 

40 m oh db walk 

:20 plank 


15 min emom 

1: 7 burpees

2: 14 calories or :45 working time 

3: 21 kb swings 


:30 star plank per side

:30 adductor plank 


Warm up ( 10 pvc pass through, 10 ring rows, 10 one leg squats off of a box) 


Every 2:00 for 6 sets:

6 strict db press 

40 m oh db walk 

:20 plank 


15 min emom 

1: 7 burpees

2: 14 calories or :45 working time 

3: 21 kb swings 


2-3 rounds NFT:

12-15 banded lat pull downs

:30 adductor plank 

Thursday February 6 CrossFit 

Warm up ( 150 m ski, 20 band pull apart, 10 oh squat with pvc or barbell) 


14 minutes moving at your own pace (focus on form and perfect reps) 

5 push ups

10 strict toes to bar or knee raises

15 air squats focus on depth

20 m bear crawl 


4 rounds for time 15 min cap 

20 dB thrusters 

20 box step overs with dB 


40 m sandbag carry or heavy wall ball 

:30 sorenson


Warm up ( 150 m ski, 20 band pull apart, 10 oh squat with pvc or barbell) 


14 minutes moving at your own pace (focus on form and perfect reps) 

5 push ups, do these on your knees if necessary to ensure chest touches the ground

10 strict toes to bar or knee raises

15 air squats focus on depth, squat to bench if you struggle with this

20 m bear crawl 


4 rounds for time 15 min cap 

20 dB thrusters

20 box step overs with dB 


2-3 rounds NFT:

40m carry of choice (farmers, sandbag, etc)

:30 sorenson hold

Friday February 7 CrossFit

Warm up ( 5 inchworms, 10 banded good mornings, 20 m skip for height, 20 m high knees) 


14 minutes to build to a max bench press

(Once you find your max drop 20% off the bar and do 3x2)


For time. One partner working at a time


Bike calories

Power cleans, 65/95

Pull ups 


4 rounds

10 ghd sit ups 

:20 hollow hold 


Warm up ( 5 inchworms, 10 banded good mornings, 20 m skip for height, 20 m high knees) 


14:00@easy pace

500m row or ski

15 sit ups

50 single unders


For time. One partner working at a time


Bike calories

Dumbbell cleans

Pull ups or ring rows


2-3 rounds NFT:

12 alternating 1-arm DB frontal raises

10 windshield wipers

January 27 Bootcamp and CF

Monday January 27-CrossFit

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [5 kang squats + 12 banded pass throughs + 20m quad stretch]


Every 2:30 for 5 sets:

2 back squats, 22x1

3-5 strict pull ups, :15-:30 chin over the bar hold on final rep


4 sets for total wall balls:

2:00 to complete 300/250m row + max wall balls in remaining time

2:00 rest


2-3 rounds not for time:

10-15 banded curls

2-3 dragon flags 

Monday January 27-Bootcamp 

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [5 kang squats + 12 banded pass throughs + 20m quad stretch]


Every 2:30 for 5 sets:

6 ring rows, :15-:30 hold on last one 

9 v-ups 

12 kettlebell swings 


4 sets for total wall balls:

2:00 to complete 300/250m row + max wall balls in remaining time

2:00 rest


Not for time: 

Accumulate 150 mountain climbers 

Tuesday January 28-CrossFit

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [10 prisoner good mornings + :30 jumping jacks + 20m high knees + 20m jog]


Every :90 for 5 sets:

1st: 6 snatch-grip romanian deadlifts, 31x1 tempo, stay moderate with perfect form/tempo

2nd: :45 double under practice


AMRAP in 9:00

12 dumbbell box step overs, 35/50 per hand to 20”/24”

10 burpees

8 toes to bar


4 sets:

:20 row/bike/ski, all out

1:40 walk rest

Tuesday January 28-Bootcamp 

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [10 prisoner good mornings + :30 jumping jacks + 20m high knees + 20m jog]


Every :90 for 5 sets:

1st: 8 sumo kettlebell deadlifts, 31x1 tempo 

2nd: :45 jump rope (singles or doubles) 


AMRAP in 9:00

12 dumbbell box step overs

10 burpees

8 toes to bar or knees to elbow 


4 sets:

:20 row/bike/ski, all out

1:40 walk rest

Wednesday January 29-CrossFit

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [10 banded overhead squats + 5 inch worms + 10m bear crawl + 10m crab walk]


Every :60 for 12:00

1st: 1 power snatch + 2 overhead squats, light/moderate 

2nd: 12-15 light banded pull aparts 

3rd: :30 top of ring dip support hold


For total time (including rest) (17:00 cap)


Row calories

Alternating dumbbell snatches, 35/50

3:00 rest


Hand-release push ups

Goblet squats w/DB


2-3 rounds not for time:

10/side 1-arm banded lat pull downs

10 alternating 1-leg V-ups

Wednesday January 29-Bootcamp 

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [10 banded overhead squats + 5 inch worms + 10m bear crawl + 10m crab walk]


Every :60 for 12:00

1st: 8-10 single leg RDL, right foot grounded (KB or DB in left hand) 

2nd: 8-10 single leg RDL, left foot grounded (KB or DB in right hand) 

3rd: 12-15 light banded pull apart 


For total time (including rest) (17:00 cap)


Row calories

Alternating dumbbell snatches, 35/50

3:00 rest


Hand-release push ups

Goblet squats w/DB


2-3 rounds not for time:

10/side 1-arm banded lat pull downs

10 alternating 1-leg V-ups

Thursday January 30-CrossFit

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 plank + :30 wrist stretch + 20m quad stretch + 20m penguin walk]


For 12:00

Build to a heavy power clean single or use time to work on technique work, get in some handstand/handstand walk/handstand push up practice during rest


AMRAP in 13:00

50 double unders or 100 single unders

10 power cleans, up to 185/125

12 bar-facing burpees

14 sit ups


Not for time:

Accumulate 2:00 dual KB front rack hold

Thursday January 30-Bootcamp 

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 plank + :30 wrist stretch + 20m quad stretch + 20m penguin walk]


For 12:00, steady pace: 

20 alternating 1-arm DB cleans and press

15 banded tricep pulls 

10 renegade rows 


AMRAP in 13:00

50 double unders or 100 single unders

10 DB power cleans 

12 DB facing burpees

14 sit ups


Not for time:

Accumulate 2:00 dual KB front rack hold

Friday January 31-CrossFit and Bootcamp 

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [20m walking lunges + 20m high knees + :15/side pec stretch + :30 hang from bar]


Every :90 for 4 sets:

1st: 12 alternating reverse DB lunges w/DBs at shoulders, tough

2nd: 6-8 tempo push ups, 2021 (2 seconds on the way down, 0 seconds at the bottom, 2 seconds on the way up, 1 second pause at the top. Chest MUST touch the ground, do these on your knees if you need to)


AMRAP in 18:00 with a partner, one person working at a time:

60 calories on machine of your choice

40 thrusters, 65/95 or dumbbell thrusters 

20 pull ups or ring rows 


Not for time:

Accumulate 2:00/side plank, star plank if you want to get fancy

January 20 Bootcamp and CF

Monday January 20-CrossFit

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 hand-release push ups + :15/side pec stretch + 20m/side 1-arm DB overhead carry]


Every 3:00 for 5 sets:

5 bench press, 30x1 tempo

40m moderate/tough farmers carry


3 rounds for time (16:00 cap)

16 alternating DB snatches

22 box jumps

28 calories


2-3 rounds NFT:

10 alternating KB halos

:45 lemon squeezers 

Monday January 20-Bootcamp 

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 hand-release push ups + :15/side pec stretch + 20m/side 1-arm DB overhead carry]


Every 3:00 for 5 sets:

10 dumbbell bench press with glute bridge hold from floor 

20 glute bridges 

:30 mountain climbers 

40 m Farmers carry 


3 rounds for time (16:00 cap)

16 alternating DB snatches

22 box jumps or step ups 

28 calories


2-3 rounds NFT:

10 alternating KB halos

:45 lemon squeezers 

Tuesday January 21-CrossFit

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 air squats + :30 hang from bar + 15 banded pull aparts + 10 banded pass throughs]


Every :60 for 12:00

1st: 1 hang squat clean + 3 front squats 

2nd: :15/side plank

3rd: 6-10 pull ups, use band if necessary


4 sets for total reps:

:60 wall balls

:60 double unders (if you can do double unders, then DO THEM, even if you can only get a few each time) 

:60 toes to bar

:60 rest


2-3 sets NFT:

:15-:30/side adductor plank

15-20 banded lat pull downs 

Tuesday January 21-Bootcamp 

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 air squats + :30 hang from bar + 15 banded pull aparts + 10 banded pass throughs]


Every :60 for 12:00

1st: 3 DB hang cleans + 3 DB hang squat cleans + 3 DB squats 

2nd: :15/side plank

3rd: 8-10 ring rows 


4 sets for total reps:

:60 wall balls

:60 jump rope 

:60 knees to elbow 

:60 rest


2-3 sets NFT:

15 banded lat pull downs 

20 alternating v-ups 

Wednesday January 22-CrossFit

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [15 light kettlebell swings + :30 jumping jacks + 20m hamstring stretch]


For 12:00

Build to a tough power snatch single or use time to work on light technique work


For time (17:00 cap)

750m row


Deadlifts, up to 125/185


750m row


Hand-release push ups

Weighted sit ups


2-3 rounds NFT:

8/side banded internal rotations

:30 flutter kicks 

Wednesday January 22-Bootcamp 

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [15 light kettlebell swings + :30 jumping jacks + 20m hamstring stretch]


For 12:00, steady pace: 

20 m 1-arm DB overhead walking lunges, switch arms as necessary 

15 calorie bike 

10 renegade rows 


For time (17:00 cap)

750m row


Double KB or DB Deadlifts


750m row


Hand-release push ups

Weighted sit ups


2-3 rounds NFT:

8/side banded internal rotations

:30 flutter kicks 

Thursday January 23-CrossFit

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 bottom of squat hold + :10/side 1-arm hang from bar + 20m walking lunges]


Every 2:00 for 6 sets:

3 back squats, 22x1 tempo, build so last set is moderate/tough


AMRAP in 10:00

8 R side 1-arm DB thrusters, moderate/tough

10 pull ups

8 L side 1-arm DB thrusters, moderate/tough

10/15 calories


2-3 rounds not for time:

15 unweighted hip extensions w/:02 pause at top

Accumulate :60 dual KB front rack hold 

Thursday January 23-Bootcamp 

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [ :30 bottom of squat hold + :10/side 1-arm top of ring row hold + 20m walking lunges]


Every 2:00 for 6 sets:

9 goblet squats, 22x1 tempo 

12 KB swings 


AMRAP in 10:00

8 R side 1-arm DB thrusters, moderate/tough

10 ring rows

8 L side 1-arm DB thrusters, moderate/tough

10/15 calories


2-3 rounds not for time:

15 unweighted hip extensions w/:02 pause at top

Accumulate :60 dual KB front rack hold 

Friday January 24-CrossFit

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [20m bear crawl + 20m penguin walk + :30 hollow hold + :30 wrist stretch]


Every :60 for 14:00

1st: 1 power clean and split jerk, build to moderate/tough final single or use time for light technique work

2nd: :30 plank w/hands on bar


For time

30 ground to overhead, up to 95/135

45 bar-facing burpees

60 calories


3 rounds for time

10 ground to overhead, up to 95/135

15 bar-facing burpees

20 calories


Not for time:

Accumulate 2:00 superman hold

Friday January 24-Bootcamp 

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike/ski@easy pace

2 rounds of [20m bear crawl + 20m penguin walk + :30 hollow hold + :30 wrist stretch]


Every :60 for 14:00

1st: :30 alternating 1-arm DB clean and jerk

2nd: :30 plank march 


For time

30 ground to overhead with plate, 25/45 (lighter if necessary) 

45 DB facing burpees

60 calories


3 rounds for time

10 ground to overhead with plate, 25/45

15 DB facing burpees

20 calories


Not for time:

Accumulate 2:00 superman hold

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